Chapter 815

The time has come. The month of January in the 32nd year of the Ice Age is unusual. This year is the most panic year for all the people on the earth. The things that have been done in the East this year are unprecedented.

Just after the beginning of the year, Ying Ziyue was immediately called to the Bureau of Space Observation.

It stands to reason that in the Universe Observatory just after the new year, there should still be some old-time flavors of the year, but in the Universe Observation Mechanism at this time, everyone’s faces are very solemn, and the new year has not been over at all. The color of joy.

Even Ying Ziyue frowned, and quickly came to the control center of the Universe Observatory.

The first time I arrived at the Space Observatory, Win Midnight asked the staff on the side: “How is the situation now?”

“We may have to prepare for the worst.”

“how so?”

“It is imperative that we still have some time to make some plans to deal with what will happen next.”(Read more @

Yes, just after the new year, everyone is immersed in the joy of this year, but the Universe Observatory has ushered in a news comparable to the end of the day~.

At the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, a planet is coming towards the earth. This planet is not affected by any gravitational force, just like the comet before, it collided with the earth.

That’s right, you heard it right, it’s not a comet or a meteorite, but a real planet, the size of this planet is even larger than the earth-sphere!

Maybe someone will say at this time, isn’t there a space-based cannon? Use space-based cannons to break this planet directly, that’s not enough.

If they have this strength, they really want to directly crush the planet in front of them, so that the safety of the earth can also be guaranteed.

But the current situation is that if space-based cannons are really used to give opportunities to the planet in front of them, then the energy accumulated by mankind for ten years will be squandered at this moment, and the whole world will fall into a state of no energy.

The most important thing is the existence of geocentric energy inside the planet, which means that if the planet explodes, it is likely to trigger the existence of geocentric energy and cause it to collapse and form a sun.

0 ··Find flowers············

If there were two suns in the solar system, then this would be a very scary thing.

It can be said that this is the most terrifying disaster that mankind has encountered since the ice age. They have no way to deal with it. What they have to face is a planet of the same magnitude as the earth, not the kind of extra-space comet.

Ying Ziyue scratched his head. He never thought that after he signed the Nuwa Project, the threat from the universe was so fast.

… …….

Now they are not ready to deal with such a behemoth, the fact is so absurd, and now they must complete the prevention of this planet within one year of the planet’s arrival in the solar system!

This is probably the most terrifying event in the history of mankind. There is no one before and no one after, and an extra planet comes out in the sky. They probably never even thought about such a thing.

[Ice Age 32, January, the beginning of the New Year, but the great eastern countries did not cheer because of the arrival of the New Year, because a huge planet is approaching the earth, which is a huge disaster that has never been seen before in the history of the earth! 】Door.

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