Chapter 822

“Don’t you think the temperature has increased recently?”

“No matter how much it grows, it will still be below zero. What’s the difference?”

“The increase in weather temperature is due to the fact that the major eastern countries are currently exploiting various iceberg resources on the earth.”

“However, those icebergs are also mined when they are left and used for the construction of ice river stars, which is considered to be the best use.”

“I don’t know, after all these iceberg resources are mined, the ice age will pass because of this.”

“Don’t even think about it. As long as 02 have dense galaxies exist for one day, the ice age on the earth will never pass.”

At this moment, everyone watched the live broadcast in front of them. At this moment, a live broadcast suddenly attracted them. It was on the sea that a huge iceberg continent on the sea was floating on the surface.

It is impossible for everyone to forget that this huge iceberg continent originally caused the coastal cities to fall into crisis because of the attack on the iceberg continent.

Fortunately, there were giant soldiers on the scene, which turned the iceberg continent into countless fragments and did not harm the coastal cities.

But at this moment, the sea surface next to the iceberg continent has changed again, and the sea has become extremely dark, as if a huge monster is rising rapidly.(Read more @

With a crash, I saw a large amount of sea water sliding down from the deep-sea ship of the Eastern Giant, and the Eastern Giant made its debut.

All the people of the East and even the people of the world were shocked for a while. This was the first time that the Oriental Giant was shown to the public.

“My God, what is this? Is it the latest type of deep-sea ship? It is a bit bigger than the previous Soldier!”

“I thought Dongfang had already stopped the research and development of deep-sea ships. I didn’t expect that they not only did not stop, but instead developed even larger deep-sea ships.”

“Oh my God, the Giant has been even more surprising, so what kind of surprises will this deep-sea ship in front of us bring to us?”

I saw the Eastern Giant deep-sea ship parked near the iceberg continent, and then a large amount of gunfire poured out from the Eastern Giant deep-sea ship.

At that moment, audiences in the East and even all over the world saw the huge amount of firepower covering the sky like a rain of fire.

With a crackling, a lot of fire rain fell on the iceberg continent, and then accompanied by a loud rumbling, a lot of fireworks bloomed on the iceberg continent, and the entire iceberg continent was covered by flames.

“My God, what the hell is this? It is so powerful that it can destroy an iceberg continent!”

“Iceberg Continent is a continent-level behemoth, so it was blasted to pieces?”

“The East is terrible. This new type of deep-sea ship today is far more terrifying than the previous Giant!”

“From this deep-sea ships guard the eastern seas of our country, what other dangers can threaten us?”

I saw the Eastern Giant deep-sea ship after bombing the iceberg continent, and then dived into the deep sea.

Next came all kinds of icebreakers, opening huge fishing nets, and gathering these floating ice scattered on the sea surface into the fishing nets.

The ice floes caused by such a huge iceberg continent took a full day and night to transport all of these ice floes to the port. The amount of ice floes is enough to promote the Glacier Star project a big step. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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