Chapter 829

At this time, Ying Ziyue was at the Ice Sea Energy Research Center. The staff of the Ice Sea Energy Research Center were sweating. Behind them was a small cart with a head-sized doll. Black ball.

That’s right, this small black ball is the legendary supernova bomb, which is why the staff are doing very easy guard tasks, but they are sweating profusely.

You know, if one accidentally triggers this black ball, let alone the entire Binhai Energy Research Center, even the entire earth will be severely impacted by the explosion.

It can be said that this is a very powerful killer, and then they began to escort the little black ball to the location where the space elevator was built, and launch it into space through the space elevator.

Ying Ziyue and others escorted this supernova bomb to the space elevator’s location, although various safety measures have been taken for this bomb.

As long as they don’t take the initiative to use the remote control to turn on the fuze of the supernova bomb, then even if they cut the supernova bomb open, there is no problem.(Read more @

But after all, it is a powerful bomb, and it may even threaten the entire earth, so even if they are safe, they can’t rest their minds.

Finally, the supernova bomb was transported to the space elevator, and it was launched into the universe with the space elevator.

“The supernova bomb has been successfully dropped into the space elevator and launched into space.”

“Wait until the supernova bomb reaches a certain safe position before it detonates.”

In the major cities at this time, those artificial suns that are operating at an overload are also beginning to be covered with a layer of frost. Super compound operation is always limited. Even if their energy can support these artificial suns, the internal The core is also difficult to support.

At this time, the Binghai Energy Center took a look at the staff, and the artificial sun in his city had begun to go out gradually. He gritted his teeth in his heart and directly pressed the button of the remote control.

In an instant, a brilliant firework bloomed in space, and all the people of the East could see a huge flame flower appearing in the sky.

I saw this flower of flame directly covering the entire sky, and then a large number of shock waves swept the entire earth accompanied by strong winds.

What is surprising is that this gust of wind actually carries a huge amount of heat, and everyone feels like they are in an oven. This is absolutely incredible in an age like the Ice Age.

The flame hurricane soon passed by, but shockingly, the originally cold weather returned to normal.

The National Bureau of Investigation and Surveying immediately began to collect samples in the air and found that the blue particles in the air had disappeared without a trace. They succeeded and successfully used the heat generated by the supernova to disperse the ice blue on the earth.色粒。 Color particles.

But at the same time they also saw the tremendous power of the supernova bomb, even in the environment outside the earth, it can explode huge energy.

But it also heralded the success of the research and development of the supernova bomb, which is powerful enough to destroy huge planets. Their blasting mission on huge planets is also one step closer, and then they will continue to carry out the sniper project of huge planets. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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