Chapter 836

Soon, the huge ice balls and space junk above the glacier star track have all been adsorbed to the surface of the glacier star.

After absorbing all the huge ice balls and space junk, the ice star has become very large, even one point bigger than the moon.

Then the workers of the National Engineering Department stationed on the space station boarded the surface of the ice star. Because of the heavy “one, four, three” force, they stood steadily on the surface of the ice star.

“The gravity here is much greater than that of the moon, but much smaller than that of the earth, which is really amazing.”

“Unexpectedly, the guys from the National Investigation Bureau could actually develop such a magical device that can generate such a powerful gravitational force. If it weren’t for the device they developed, we might not be able to complete this glacier star. Construction.”

“Okay, don’t chat anymore. Hurry up and get ready to start the construction of the surface of the Glacier Star. Now the overall construction of the Glacier Star is only half completed, and the remaining half is the most important.”(Read more @

That’s right, the current Glacier Heart has only completed half of the project, and on the whole it is just a barren asteroid.

Only after it has completed all the surface construction, can it truly be regarded as the earth’s big killer against huge planets.

First of all, it is to build a planetary thruster on the surface of the heart of the ice river. Only after the planetary thruster is built, the star of the ice river can be considered to have its own mobility.

Because the huge planets will be blasted outside the solar system at that time, the glacial star must have an independent mode of operation and be able to push itself out of the solar system to attack the huge planets.

Then there is the hollow structure Glacier Star. At the beginning of the design, a hollow area was specially set up in the frame, that is, the center part, and this area is used to store the supernova bomb.

Workers from the Ministry of Engineering of these countries started construction on the surface of Binhe Star. First of all, they had to start building planetary engines.

For them, these planetary engines are already familiar. The most important thing is that they have to open a hole on the surface of the ice star, and this hole directly leads to the inside of the ice star 0 ..

Only through this void can they reach the center of the ice star, and then use the void area they have already set up.

Bury the prepared supernova bomb in this asteroid, so that the asteroid becomes a moving planetary bomb.

A large amount of materials on the ground were transported to the glacier star track via the space elevator, and then many workers were transporting these materials to various areas through the riverside star track.

But now there is a special item contained in the box, which is personally sent to the heart of the glacier via the universe-class glacier battleship. Yes, there are 100 supernova bombs stored in this box.

It can be said that once the box is detonated, the entire earth will be wiped out, so the staff who set up the space-class ice battleship are also under great pressure.

Fortunately, they successfully sent these supernova bombs to the surface of Glacier Star, and the workers of the Ministry of Engineering also placed these supernova bombs inside the Ice River Star for the first time. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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