Chapter 844

Ying Ziyue suddenly thought that their city is not only built on land, but also in the ocean and in the sky. They also live in their human cities!

“Now it is too late to build a defense project. We must transport all the only scientific research resources and population resources on land to the sea and the sky!”

That’s right, if the heat from the huge planets is enough to melt all the icebergs and ice sheets on the earth, then the continents will surely overflow.

The cities and science and technology that humans have built on land will be destroyed once, but now they have the ocean and the sky, and the existence of cities in the two fields, they can transfer all the remaining population and science and technology resources to it.

As long as there is a certain amount of population and resources, they can still establish their human civilization on land after the flood ends.

The director of the National Astronomical Administration suddenly realized that, yes, even if the iceberg melts and produces a lot of floods, these floods in the sky and deep in the ocean cannot affect them.

“Immediately notify all departments to start the key transfer of the only resources, and the transfer of resources must be completed before these asteroids reach the earth!”

The government issued an emergency notice for a while, and all people living on land will now go to the ocean city or the city in the sky for emergency evacuation according to the state’s dispatch.(Read more @

Because of the impact of huge planetary debris, in the next few days, the earth will be affected by the huge heat brought by huge planetary debris. Global icebergs melt, sea levels rise, and a large number of tsunamis and floods will sweep the entire continent!

This news was officially broadcasted to the whole world, and even the West received the news, and all Westerners began to panic for a while.

“Oh, my God, this is Genesis. God is about to cleanse the sins of mankind!”

“Isn’t the East God? Isn’t he able to stop these floods?”

“Oh, my God, I have so much love for this land, but now I want to leave my hometown to settle in the sky and the sea.”

Suddenly the West was plunged into chaos, while compared to the chaotic West, the East seemed extremely calm, because the people of the East saw the four words for emergency refuge.

What this shows is that after the disaster is over, they can still go back to live on land.

This is the gap between the East and the West. The people of the East believe in their country, so they can be so calm. The West is only sheltered by the East. They are not confident in the East, so they fall into the current state of chaos.

For a while, various departments of the country also began to conduct a series of specializations on their own resources, but unfortunately their resources are too much, so they can only seal up the resources that cannot be taken away.

In this way, although they will not be taken away, they will not be eroded by these floods. When the flood recedes, they can still come to land, unlock these sealed resources, and continue research.

The people of the East are well organized, and it is good for them to start living in the Sky City and the Ocean City. The resources of these cities are sufficient to accommodate these victims so that they can live unharmed in the new city.

The western side also began to gradually enter the ocean city and sky city for refuge! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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