Chapter 846

In a blink of an eye, everyone saw a large number of meteor fire rain falling from the sky to the earth and the sky city opened the barrier mode.

Only in this way can it withstand the falling of those meteor showers, otherwise these meteor showers will be enough to make the city in the sky fall into chaos.

Some good people in the Sky City directly started the live broadcast, allowing them to feel the power of this meteor fire at close range.

I saw a large amount of “one to five zero” meteor fragments turned into countless rain of fire and fell on the barrier of the city of the sky.

It was crackling, and flames were splashing around like a torrential rain, and a large amount of fire rain turned into metal fragments.

No one dared to pick up these metal fragments. After all, these are metals from outer space, and it is not yet certain whether there is any substance harmful to the human body.

Compared with the people in the Sky City, the residents in the submarine city are much safer. They are all in the deep sea, and there is no way that the fire and rain can threaten them.

Everyone was watching the falling of the meteor shower, while Ying Ziyue on the other side quickly contacted the National Weather Service to let them observe global climate changes.(Read more @

Sure enough, with the rapid fall of the meteor shower, the earth’s temperature is also rising continuously, and in a blink of an eye, it has changed from below zero to above zero.

A large amount of fire rain exploded in the sky, emitting a huge amount of heat, and the residents of the entire Sky City felt the rapid rise in temperature.

Although the temperature rise caused by these fire rains will not have any impact on the earth in a short time, it is also fast.

Then the official directly started the global live broadcast and began to monitor global climate change. The first thing that was affected was Antarctica, where the icebergs in Antarctica melted drastically.

The ice sheet at the foot of the Antarctic scientific research station also began to gradually melt, turning into a mud puddle.

Immediately after the South Pole and the North Pole, the extreme icebergs began to melt, and even some glaciers on the sea began to melt gradually.

The sea level gradually rises, and the melting of these glaciers brings about a huge tsunami.

These tsunamis have struck major coastal cities and impacted on the wall of life. Unfortunately, the wall of life is too tenacious, making these tsunamis have little impact on coastal cities. ..

But this is not over yet, the glaciers on the land began to melt rapidly, and they collapsed, and a large amount of air currents raged wildly on the continent like wild beasts released.

Then these glaciers began to continuously melt the streams that were originally small streams, and in a blink of an eye they gathered into a huge river, and the river was also in a blink of an eye, clearing a large amount of river water.

These rivers turned into turbulent floods in a blink of an eye. Under the influence of those violent air currents, these floods were as clear as wild beasts, the entire continent.

All the viewers watched the raging floods on the mainland through the global live broadcast, and couldn’t help but breathe in air-conditioning.

This is not the most serious. Wait until these rivers accumulate next to certain mountains.

As these icebergs continue to melt, these mountains will eventually become unsupported and collapse, and the flood that poured down at that time will become a catastrophic disaster.

In less than a week, the entire continent has become a water world raged by floods!

But everyone knows that these flood disasters are just a prelude. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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