Chapter 848

The earth at this time has completely changed. Except for the dark environment, there are no so-called human traces on the surface of the earth.

Looking at whether the ice is removed or not, along with the whereabouts of the first Sky City, the workers immediately began to build a cold-resistant fence around it.

With the blessing of various resources and technologies, it is extremely difficult for them to build the first city in this icy world.

Along with the rise of the artificial sun, in this dim earth environment, a beacon was finally lit, which is a beacon for human civilization to conquer the ground again.

“I’ll just say that even in any harsh environment, the East can overcome difficulties in the first place and establish the traces of human civilization on the earth.”

“Now that the first land city has been established, other land cities will be established one after another.”

“I just don’t know how long will it take for us to return to the city before us in such a dim and dark environment?”

Just after the introduction of the first land city, all the departments living in the sea and the sky cheered. This means that human technology, now in the glacier, has been able to fully adapt.(Read more @

The establishment of the first land city seemed to sound the horn of human beings against nature, and a large amount of materials were transported from the city in the sky.

A large number of workers from the Ministry of Engineering of the People’s Republic of China also wear cold-resistant suits and devote themselves to the first-line construction.

In a blink of an eye, many more cities have been built around the first land city.

Of course, in addition to the engineering and construction teams of these countries, there are also a group of special occupations, that is, explorers. Their occupations generate demand to be able to find resources that were previously buried in the ground.

Nowadays, the huge floods and the melting of huge icebergs have caused them to set some coordinates before, which have been completely useless, so now they can only look for resources buried in the ground based on some data recorded before.

Of course, some resources have been washed out by the flood, and some resources have been washed away by the flood, and I don’t know where it was.

One after another, they discovered a large number of buried resources, which became an important basis for them to build cities.

In a blink of an eye, nearly half a year has passed, and the great eastern countries have also re-established human civilization on the earth at this time.

At this time, part of the victims also returned to the ground to live, the artificial sun continued to rise, and the originally dark earth now finally lit up in the east.

Human beings, a tenacious creature, have established their own human civilization on the surface of the earth despite being frozen for thousands of miles.

It’s just that what they are building now uses the resources from the previously closed village and some materials from the Sky City.

Nowadays, with a large number of cold waves, without the help of the icebreaker (Li’s), the ice on the sea has become very sharp.

So now the roads of the submarine cities have been completely closed, and they can only build based on the sky city and the sealed resources.

But today is different. They came to the Yellow Sea vessel manufacturing base and are preparing to restart the Yellow Sea vessel manufacturing base.

As long as this Yellow Sea vessel manufacturing base is activated, they will be able to re-establish control of the waters. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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