Chapter 850

“So far, the land has recovered to 80% of the state before the disaster. Now refugees are returning to live on land. Except for the extreme cold brought by the eternal night, which has some impact on us, other aspects everything is normal.”

“This time, the state of eternal night is much shorter than before. Everyone just needs to hold on and it will pass immediately.”

“But although the state of Eternal Night has brought extreme cold, it also gives us a chance to breathe. Please look at this map, everyone.”

Now, with the ravages of the flood, the terrain of the entire earth has also begun to undergo tremendous changes, such as the terrain that was originally located in the plateau area~.

Originally, there were almost no mountains in the plateau area, and it was an endless plateau, but now everyone sees a large number of icebergs appearing in the plateau area. These icebergs have not only formed thousands of miles of ice-covered scenes.

These icebergs were probably brought by the flood from other places, and they stayed here after the flood subsided.

Not only that, these icebergs also left some floods in their crevices, and these floods became frozen again after passing through an extremely cold state.

So now the plateau area is no longer a plateau, it can be said to be an ice field area.(Read more @

“So what harm will these ice fields cause us? After the eternal night, what harm will they cause us?”

“This is a good question. We have just gone to the ice field to conduct surveys. These icebergs are in just right condition. Once the extreme cold is over, these icebergs are likely to change due to the rising climate.”

Yes, even these icebergs below zero will undergo some deformation due to climate change.

For example, if in the current extreme cold state, these icebergs will be as strong as steel, but if they are in an ordinary state, the hardness of these icebergs is no different from ordinary ice.

And with the gradual rise in temperature, these icebergs are likely to undergo a melting reaction, once they melt.

There are also a lot of floods inside these ice sheets, and these floods have not been frozen because of the extreme cold.

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On the contrary, they are protected by these ice blocks. Once the iceberg breaks when it returns to normal temperature, these floods will pour out.

Not only that, these floods will also pour out with broken ice, and when it comes down, its lethality is more than that of floods.

Therefore, before these floods are cleared, they must divert internal floods in the ice field or build flood control bridges.

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Ying Ziyue thought about it for a while, then said: “Whether it is to divert the flood in the ice sheet or to build a flood control bridge, it is necessary.”

“Draining the floods inside the ice sheet is likely to increase the internal pressure and cause the iceberg to break. At that time, it was almost the same as what you imagined.”

“It’s better to build a flood control bridge first, and then drain the internal floods in the Linbing Plain. This way, hidden dangers can be eliminated and the ability to protect itself when the drainage fails.”

Just do it, and the National Engineering Department immediately started the drawing and painting work on the flood control bridge. Door.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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