Chapter 856

“What’s the matter? Aren’t they trying to drain the internal flood? Why these floods spewed out automatically, did they fail the drainage?”

“Originally, there was a lot of floods inside this ice sheet, making the entire ice sheet form a whole, but once these floods are pumped out, these ice sheets will become a fragile shell.”

“It can be said that the unscathed “One-Five-Three” to drain the floods inside these ice sheets is an event with a very small success rate. It is not surprising that such a thing can happen.”

“Look at the workers of the Ministry of Engineering, they have already built flood control bridges in the downstream area. This situation is also in their expectations, so there is no need to worry that the flood control can stop the ravages of these floods!”

In the flood control bridge at this time, many workers watched the flood that pours like a huge wave in front of them, and they couldn’t help but beat the drum. Can they really withstand such a huge flood?

At this moment, the first wave of floods struck them, with a loud bang, and the flood control bridge under their feet was constantly trembling. The flood was wrapped in a lot of ice and possessed incomparably powerful power.(Read more @

The workers of the National Engineering Department who were on the flood control bridge couldn’t help but tremble slightly, and then these floods were mixed in the valves below.

Waves of turbulent floods hit the top of the flood control bridge. The flood control bridge just trembled, but it did not fall. After rounds of attacks, the workers from the Ministry of Engineering couldn’t help but relax. In a sigh of relief.

“It seems that the flood control bridge we built is really very strong, and it can withstand such turbulent floods.”

“Now we can’t be idle. We need to break some of the ice blocks that are stuck near the valve, or they will stay stuck here, and sooner or later the valve will be damaged by them.”

The flood is mixed with a large number of ice blocks. These ice blocks are very large, so they will get stuck in the valve under the flood control bridge, blocking the entry of other floods.

Although they are stuck there will cause a certain obstacle to the flood and reduce its kinetic energy, but at the same time this also increases the capacity of the flood control bridge..

Therefore, they must crush these ice blocks, otherwise, if this continues, the flood control bridge cannot support such a large number of ice blocks and is constantly suppressed.

The method they adopted was also very simple. They called a large number of cranes on the upper platform of the flood control bridge, and then used these cranes to lift the huge ice blocks stuck in the middle.

Then after these huge ice cubes were lifted up, the flood continued forward, and then brought new huge ice cubes. Then the crane lowered the huge ice cubes, and the two huge ice cubes collided together and destroyed at the same time.

Such a continuous cycle, soon, the huge ice block near the flood control bridge was crushed by them.

And the flood prevention big Qiao also played its due role, after a large number of floods passed through him, it will become a gentle river.

Then it merges into the reservoir below, and after being bred by the reservoir, it turns into a continuous stream of water into the river and flows into the sea.

The flood lasted for three days and three nights before it ceased, and the ice sheet returned to its previous appearance. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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