Chapter 869

On this day, the staff of the Yellow Sea Vessel Manufacturing Base saw a peculiar scene, realizing that all the icebreakers in the port of their Yellow Sea Vessel Manufacturing Base left the port.

At the beginning, they didn’t understand it, but later they learned that it turned out that there was news from above that they had to call all the icebreakers to go to the designated sea area for engineering construction tasks.

For a while, the staff of the Yellow Sea Ship Manufacturing Base was a little confused as to why icebreakers were used for these construction tasks, and there were still so many.

Soon, the state officials gave a clear answer, that is, they want to build the continent of the Sea Glacier Ark.

This time, the official did not provide live broadcast images, but instead gave the rights to these live broadcasts to those media, and then these media have the qualifications to conduct close-range interviews of the national project.

A large number of media travelled on ships to go to sea to visit the construction of this huge project in the sea area designated by their country.(Read more @

When some media came to the designated sea area, they couldn’t help but be shocked by the scenery in front of them, and saw a large number of icebreakers forming a wide circle.

In the encircling circle surrounded by these icebreakers, one transport ship after another is salvaging a large amount of metal scrap, and those icebreakers are responsible for alerting the surroundings to see if there is any danger that threatens the transport ship and the progress of the project.

Although the sea waves are undulating at this time, these icebreakers are like guards guarding the engineering areas. Once a large amount of floating ice approaches, they will immediately use their strengths and break them.

After seeing the scale of these icebreakers, the media couldn’t help but squeeze a cold sweat in their hearts. If they hadn’t obtained the shooting permit, they would have been bombed by those icebreakers.

When all the audience saw the scale of these icebreakers through the live broadcasts of major media, they couldn’t help but take a breath, because the scale of these icebreakers is too huge.

They can’t see the end of the guard circle around the city at a glance. It is really hard to imagine how big this project is going to be.

“Oh my god, the number of these icebreakers is too much, you can barely see the end, and I don’t know how big the security circle in this sea area is?”

“You didn’t listen carefully when the official introduction just now. They all said that they want to build a continent on the sea glacier ark. This is to build a continent. How big is a continent?”

“It seems that those artificial continents are no longer satisfied with the power of the East. Now what they have to challenge is to build an entire continent. This is not a small project.”

“I’m pretty sure this project must be the largest project ever seen by a major eastern country since the ice age!”

“You don’t know what happened yesterday. I clearly felt it when I was in a coastal city. The vibration was due to the fact that the eastern power country wanted to open up an engineering area in this sea area, so the heat wave plan was implemented.”

Speaking of the heat wave project, all viewers recalled the plan that was once officially released. This is a very huge bombing plan.

If the heat wave plan is implemented on land, that area will be razed to the ground, but this time it is on the sea surface in real time. Many people have not seen it and can only feel it in coastal areas. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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