Chapter 904

At the same time, the Tianlei satellite stopped operating, and some interested people discovered this and ran to the official for inquiries.

You must know that the Tianlei satellite has stopped operating, which means that the earth will be exposed to the threat of the earth. How can these people on earth not worry, they even thought that something happened to the earth, so they stopped the operation of the Tianlei satellite.

Soon, the official gave the answer. Don’t worry, people, the suspension of the Sky Thunder satellite is a comprehensive upgrade to better protect everyone.

Nowadays, with the continuous increase of global temperature, in order to cope with the impact of global high temperature, we have carried out a comprehensive upgrade of the Sky Thunder satellite. After the comprehensive upgrade, the Sky Thunder satellite can withstand the impact of sunlight on the earth.

So don’t worry. Soon, in about a week, the Sky Thunder satellite will be able to resume operation and have more powerful protection capabilities.

“It turns out that the Tianlei satellite is going to be fully upgraded, so I closed the protective cover. I thought something serious happened.”

“But so far, the global temperature is indeed increasing. I can already feel that the temperature in the city is rising. I don’t know when this situation can stop.”

“Yes, the buildings of our engineering department should be due to the increase in global temperature and the softening of the land. Construction has been completely stopped. If this continues, there is no way to carry out construction.”(Read more @

The global temperature at this time is already close to zero. If this continues, once the global temperature breaks above zero.

If this continues, it may cause a second extinction flood, so they must maintain the temperature below zero, and these glaciers cannot melt.

In the space at this time, workers from the National Engineering Department are beside the Tianlei satellite, opening the equipment in it, and performing a series of modifications and upgrades to it.

One after another, workers from the National Engineering Department were sweating on their foreheads in space suits. Even so, they had to work hard to modify the astronomical satellites in front of them.

There are a large number of glaciers and atmosphere on the earth, so the perception of temperature is not very fascinating, but the workers of these national engineering departments in space can most intuitively feel the temperature rise caused by the abnormal sun.

Now they are only wearing ordinary spacesuits. Even so, they can feel the effects of the sun’s rays behind them.

“My innocence is about to heat me to death. I never knew I would feel hot in space.”

“I feel as if I have returned to the summer before the ice age. Since the ice age came, I have never felt so hot.”

“Stop talking, finish work quickly and return to the space station. At that time we can still cool off for a while.”

For the workers of the National Engineering Department of the space station, the work these days is simply torturing a lot of sunlight to burn their backs.

Every time they work, they are like working in an oven. Every time they come back, all the workers of the National Engineering Department are sweating profusely.

This means that the influence of the sun’s temperature is becoming more and more serious, and they have to hurry up to upgrade the system of the Sky Thunder satellite, otherwise they will not be able to perform normal work when the sun’s temperature reaches its peak. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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