Chapter 907

With protective shields and other protections, 90% of the sun’s rays are blocked out of the protective shields, and the temperature irradiated on the earth can just reach the lowest temperature for maintaining the ice age.

The earth at this time has been shrouded in a black protective cover, standing on the earth and looking up to the sky, only the black sky can be seen.

Only through this black sky, a dazzling silhouette of the sun can be vaguely seen.

The staff of the Universe Observatory couldn’t help but frown slightly, because at this time, after the solar storm, the sun has not stopped again, and its temperature is still rising.

This is not a good omen. Once the sun continues to rise, the temperature means that its internal energy is constantly being consumed. Once its energy is completely consumed, the sun will go out and the entire solar system will fall into chaos.

Ying Ziyue frowned slightly, until now they have not figured out what the real reason for the sun’s abnormality is.

The abnormal temperature rise of the sun today is just one of the abnormal changes in the universe, but just this one is enough to make them feel at a loss.

At this moment, the staff of the Bureau of Space Observation frowned slightly and gave out a very pessimistic news.(Read more @

That is because the sun’s temperature continues to rise, causing the sun’s own gravity to change.

Now that the sun has deviated from its original orbit, with the eight planets, they don’t know where to go. Their satellites are no longer enough to predict the sun’s orbit.

This means that they will lose the exploration of the outer regions of the universe and solar system, which is tantamount to very bad news for them.

“If this is the case, immediately notify the space research and development department, so that they can hurry up and develop a large number of long-range satellites distributed around the earth. In any case, we must ensure the understanding of the universe.”

Ying Ziyue immediately ordered to go to the long range. Satellites are powerful satellites outside the solar system that can fly. They are equivalent to the eyes of the earth being able to receive various conditions outside the solar system.

At this moment, the staff of the Universe Observatory came again with bad news. A huge storm of cosmic dust has entered the solar system and is expected to cover the entire earth in a week.

“Cosmic dust storm, can our protective cover withstand this cosmic dust storm?”

“It can be resisted, but these cosmic dust storms will attach to our protective cover and cause a certain amount of erosion when facing our protective cover.”

Ying Ziyue frowned slightly, knowing that the protective cover around the earth is the most critical protective measure for the earth. Once something goes wrong, the entire earth will be destroyed by the abnormal phenomena of the universe, so they must protect the outer protective cover.

“Since it is cosmic dust, can we use the Fengshen bomb to blow away the cosmic dust close to the earth?”

“It is theoretically possible. These cosmic dust has almost no mass. In the absence of gravity in the universe, you only need to have a certain amount of propulsion ability to push the cosmic dust away.”

Immediately, Ying Ziyue had a plan in her mind, which was to build a Gale Cannon on the glacial star trails in outer space and use the Fengshen bomb to blow away the cosmic dust.

In this case, these cosmic dust will not affect the earth. .

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