Chapter 928

One after another, the construction of urban bunkers across the country has been completed, and all cities are shrouded in a black bunkers.

The cities under the sea also adopted emergency evacuation measures, but their measures were relatively simple. They only needed to cover the outer layer of protective cover with magnetic current graphite. This kind of protective ability is similar to that of urban bunker.

The Sky City also began to enter at this time, the landing area that had been prepared for a long time, and then when they entered the landing area, they automatically became a land city, and then were protected in the city bunker.

In a blink of an eye, all cities have taken disaster-resistant and protective measures. At this time, the Universe Observatory also sent a message that finally the earth’s mutation has reached a peak, and a global disaster is about to begin to erupt.

For a while, the world fell into a state of disaster alert, and all cities were tightly hiding in the black bunker, waiting for the disaster to come.

At this time, the official also issued an important notice. Please note, everyone, that the earth’s mutation has reached its peak and global disasters are about to occur one after another. Please enter the city and the bunkers immediately if you have not yet hid in the city. Evacuate.

At this time everyone was staying in their homes, looking at the dark sky, only the artificial sun illuminated them, and they couldn’t help but talk.

“It’s been a day, why is there no movement outside?”(Read more @

“It is estimated that various disasters have already occurred outside, but we hid in the city bunker and didn’t feel it.”

“How long do we have to hide in this city bunker? Do we have to hide for a lifetime?”

At this moment, the staff of the Universe Observatory immediately notified Ying Ziyue, because they observed a strong meteor shower that was about to hit the entire earth.

Ying Ziyue couldn’t help frowning after receiving this news. Didn’t they have a sky thunder system to protect the earth? How could this meteor shower cause any harm to them?

When he contacted the Universe Observatory, the staff of the Universe Observatory immediately began to report back to him: “Leader Ying, it’s not that we can’t intercept it with the Sky Lei satellite, but the Sky Lei satellite can’t intercept it at all. This meteor shower.”

Ying Ziyue frowned slightly: “If it doesn’t work, start Tiangang mode. After all, our current resource reserves are enough to start the consumption of Tiangang mode. We can’t stop what kind of meteor shower there are.”

“` ¨ But the composition of this meteor shower is composed of a large number of golden empty stones!”

Golden sky stone! After hearing this vocabulary, You Ziye couldn’t help but froze slightly, knowing this golden empty stone, but the highest-strength cosmic ore they have known so far.

The golden air alloy they used was made by mixing the powder after grinding this cosmic ore, and now so many golden air stones are actually going to strike the earth with meteors!

“It seems (good) this time is really giving us a slap in the face.”

Never imagined that the universe would take the lead in launching an attack on mankind before the earth’s mutation began. Once these golden empty stones were allowed to fall on the earth, it would surely cause huge damage to the earth’s urban bunker.

“Since the landing of these offensives cannot be prevented, use Sky Thunder satellites to interfere with their orbits, and try not to let them fall in the urban area and cause damage to the urban bunker!”.

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