Chapter 935

The earthquake caused a huge tsunami, and the scale of this tsunami was no less than the tsunami changes caused by the moon phenomenon in that site.

It’s just that no one stopped the tsunami. The huge iceberg was carried by the tsunami and hit the wall of life.

Time after time the tsunami brought countless icebergs to the wall of life in front of me, but this time the wall of life could only fight alone.

It is firmly fixed on its post, even if it has no materials to supplement this time, there is no giant giant soldier to help him remove the huge iceberg.

But this time the disaster is too huge. Global earthquakes hit its foundation time and time again, and the tsunami also carried huge icebergs and launched attacks against it time and time again.

There was a loud noise after another, resistance after another, and finally the wall of life could not be resisted and collapsed. This scene was seen by all the live broadcasters, and they couldn’t help but shed tears.

We must know that this wall of life was built by them with great pains, and it is also the most loyal guard of their coastal areas. He has blocked countless tsunamis under the cold currents for the people in the coastal areas.

The reason why coastal areas can have such a peaceful environment is because there is a wall of life that can withstand the wind and frost on the front line for them.(Read more @

Now their guardian god has fallen, endless tsunamis spread like wild beasts to coastal cities. The people in the bunker can feel the tsunami carrying a large number of icebergs, hitting their cities one after another. Above the bunker.

There was a muffled noise after another, like a sledgehammer, hitting the hearts of the people in the coastal areas, and it was so frightened. After a day and a night, the tsunami seemed to finally be known, and the tiredness gradually ceased. Come down.

The staff of the Universe Observatory finally opened their brows at this time, because their data showed that the changes in the earth’s mantle were decreasing, which meant that the global earthquake would finally come to an end.

But this does not mean that the global change is coming to an end. This time it is just an earthquake, followed by a series of natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions. Their suffering has never stopped, and all they can rely on is their city fortress.

The earthquake began to cease, the tsunami began to subside, and there was already a mess on the ground at this time.

0 ··Find flowers············

All the citizens watched the live broadcast, the dilapidated and messy land of the earth, and their hearts couldn’t help but feel a little tight.

This has just begun, how long will their suffering days end? When will they be able to return to that piece of earth?

.. …. 0

At this time, the staff of the Universe Observatory also collapsed on their seats. At this time they could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but they knew that there were more severe tests waiting for them.

One of the staff of the Universe Observatory couldn’t help rubbing his face: “At least after the global earthquake, similar disasters will not happen again in a short time.”

“The next disaster, if our data is correct, it should be a volcanic eruption.”

[In April of the 35th year of the Ice Age, this is a day that all the people of the earth cannot forget. This day they finally saw the most terrifying side of nature. The continuous outbreak of global earthquakes made them only silently pray in the city bunker. . 】Door.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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