Chapter 944

“Leader Ying, the National Railway Administration just sent you a message.”

Ying Ziyue turned on her communication device and directly transferred several pictures from it.

These pictures are undoubtedly some broken railroad tracks, some are caused by huge cracks caused by earthquakes, and some are broken because of volcanic eruption and fusing them.

In general, almost all ground equipment has been paralyzed after the huge catastrophe of Earth Mutation.

Including the railway, even the Snow Country Train they first built is now torn apart.

But then the last picture made his brows slightly frowned, because there was a paragraph attached to the last picture.

“This is a broken railroad track found in Xishan. The fracture of this railroad track does not appear to be caused by a natural disaster, it looks like a trace bitten by a giant creature.”

After seeing this sentence, Ying Ziyue couldn’t help but frowned. He had previously anticipated that the earth’s ecology had undergone tremendous changes. Will it cause the mutation of earth’s creatures?(Read more @

When this picture appeared in front of his eyes, he couldn’t help but frown, and it seemed that his prediction was likely to become a reality.

“Immediately let the Yanjing Military Base send a certain amount of armed personnel, accompanied by researchers from the National Bureau of Biology, to investigate this railway break, and we must find out which kind of giant creature can bite the railroad tracks forcibly. .”

Now that the earth has just changed, the earth is now in a state of wasteful development, and a large number of engineers and explorers are exploring new terrain near the city.

If there are giant creatures, then they must immediately summon engineering personnel and explorers outside. In addition, today’s cities have almost no other means of defense except for the outermost cold-resistant city wall.

If there are mutant creatures that they don’t know about, how can humans resist when they invade the city?

Thinking of this, Ying Ziyue couldn’t help but frown. The secretary on the side comforted him after seeing this, “Leader Ying, don’t worry about it. It’s been less than a year since the earth’s abnormal changes have just passed. Change, there won’t be too many giant creatures.”

“hope so.”

In this way, with the appearance of the first picture of the traces of giant creatures, a large number of traces of giant creatures have been found successively in the wild areas of various cities in the next few days.

Immediately afterwards, someone witnessed the figure of a giant creature, and then people began to disappear. Some explorers and engineers were attacked by unknown creatures and are now in an unknown state.

“No, today’s earth is simply a guardian for us. We immediately summoned all the engineers and explorers to return to the city. We are not allowed to go to the wild to explore until we get further information.”

Ying Ziyue immediately issued an order, and a large number of engineers and explorers returned to their nearby cities. Nowadays, a large number of cases of missing persons have appeared in the wild, making citizens in major cities panic.

Subsequently, Ying Ziyue made the person in charge of the major cities ready to activate the city fortresses again. If there are a large number of these giant creatures, they must formulate detailed defensive measures to survive on this new earth. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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