Chapter 948

“What you mean is that these small meteorites from outer space bring cosmic radiation and are the culprit responsible for the emergence of glacial behemoths.”

After hearing this sentence, the researchers from the National Center for Biological Research also nodded, and then said: “It is these cosmic radiations that have caused the body shapes of these creatures to change continuously. Otherwise, how could it be possible in just one year? The changes that violate the laws of nature within have grown into such a huge glacial behemoth.”

When they came to this laboratory, they couldn’t help being shocked by the scenery in front of them, because there was a huge glacier behemoth on the display stand in front of them, and this glacier behemoth looked like an enlarged version of a saber-toothed tiger. !

However, the Earth Overlord Sabretooth Tiger is just like a little mouse in front of him, and its size is even comparable to that of the prehistoric behemoth Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Researchers from that National Biological Research Center came to an instrument, and after a series of operations, they called up a large amount of data, and these data are the data of the glacier behemoth that has been known so far.

“After our investigation, we found that almost all of these glacial behemoths are very hostile to humans. So far, the glacial behemoths we have discovered are almost all carnivorous and omnivorous animals.”(Read more @

Also, there is only a piece of ice sheet herbivorous animals left on the earth, and there is no way to survive this ice age, so only these carnivorous and omnivorous animals survive.

At this time, a researcher suddenly ran in: “No, we just received the latest news.”

“In the Nanshan area, a group of glacial behemoths launched an attack on the city fortress near Nanshan. They are extremely destructive and caused huge losses to the city wall in the Nanshan area. Fortunately, they did not completely conquer the city wall.”

“However, the Internet is now based on these glacier behemoths, especially the citizens in the Nanshan area are very excited. These glacier behemoths are afraid that they can’t be concealed.”

Ying Ziyue frowned slightly after hearing the news, and then said: “If this is the case, let’s relax some unimportant news on the Internet, so that these people can also be clear about it.”

“However, the occurrence of the Nanshan incident also tells us that these glacial beasts have begun to invade our human living environment, so we must immediately establish a series of protective measures based on these glacial beasts.”

Later, Ying Ziyue was about to leave the National Biological Research Center. Before leaving, he said to the researchers: “` ¨Your research will also need to be progressed. As long as you know more about the soldiers and the behemoths, our chances of winning will be one more point. grasp.”

“Please rest assured, team leader Ying, we will definitely do our best to research out the weaknesses of these glacier behemoths.”

After leaving the National Center for Biological Research, Ying (Li Zhao)’s expression on Midnight became very solemn, and then said to the secretary on the side: “Immediately carry out an armed plan for all the cities. Once there is a glacier behemoth near the human city, the first A shot is fired into the sky as a trial warning. If these glacial beasts still want to continue to approach, they should be killed directly without any hesitation.”


The secretary on the side immediately wrote down his words, and then sent them to the armed departments of various cities. .

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