Chapter 953

“This is the Longteng transportation team. It has encountered a huge disaster. Although our personnel did not cause casualties, the material losses were serious.”

“This is the prairie transportation team. We were attacked by the glacial behemoth. Fortunately, the material damage was not particularly serious, but there was a wounded on our side.”

“This is the Green Snake Transport Team. We have encountered a natural disaster caused by the collapse of an iceberg. There have been a lot of casualties among our personnel, but the mission is fulfilled and the supplies are well preserved.”

Heartbreaking news came from one transportation team after another. A large number of helicopter gunships also went to the nearby ice sheet for search and rescue work.

Most of the transportation teams that fired distress signals were almost due to the attacks of the glacial behemoths, which caused a large number of casualties and material losses.

Ying Ziyue frowned slightly after receiving the news. These glacial behemoths really have endless troubles.

At this moment, the air corridor system once again issued a warning that a strong storm is about to sweep the entire eastern power.

After hearing this news, everyone’s heart was instantly awkward. You must know that so far, there are still a large number of transportation teams working outside the transportation of materials.(Read more @

If this stormy weather landed on the great eastern countries, it would be a huge disaster for the entire material transportation team.

“Immediately contact the staff of the National Meteorological Administration and ask them if there is any way to end this stormy weather.”

After receiving the news, the secretary immediately contacted the staff of the National Weather Service, but the news was.

So far, the storm system produced in our country is only aimed at the topography of the previous ice age. Now most of the topography in the ice age is plain.

If they start the storm at the same time to deal with the upcoming storm, then the two huge storms will be swept together, and an even bigger storm will be produced. Without other terrain weakening, these hurricanes will be unobstructed. Encountered the entire eastern power.

In other words, their previous plan to use the storm to fight the storm is now impossible to work on the continent of the great eastern country.

Ying Ziyue couldn’t help but rubbed her eyebrows. She did not expect that the impact of a global change would make the technological level of the great eastern countries almost return to the beginning of the ice age.

The storm gradually swept across the entire eastern country and rolled up the ice and snow on the ice sheet, forming a blizzard that cannot be ignored.

At this time, under the influence of the blizzard, the communication system became extremely unstable, and it was difficult for them to contact those transportation teams in the blizzard.

At this time, on the city wall of Dongshan City, a guard was patrolling. At this moment, he seemed to see something slowly moving in the blizzard.

The thing gradually approached the city wall. It was actually a transport team. They went through the entire snowstorm and came to Zhongshan City. They were covered by a lot of wind and snow. Even so, they were still determined. The destination to which the materials will be transported.

“` ¨This is the Qinghe Transport Team. We have fulfilled our mission. We have successfully transported the materials to the designated location.”

Looking at the frozen limbs of these transportation personnel, the guards of Dongshan City couldn’t help but offer them a lofty salute! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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