Chapter 956

“Based on our series of tests, we finally tested the ultrasonic frequency that can affect the glacier behemoth.”

Then the experimenters in this laboratory began to show him the power of the ultrasonic frequency. They turned on the instrument. In less than a minute, the behemoth of the glacier began to struggle, and in less than five minutes, this A giant glacier slumped on the ground.

At this time, the “two or sixty” researchers immediately turned off the ultrasound. If they really killed the glacial behemoth all at once, they would look for new glacial behemoths. After all, not every glacial behemoth Can fall into the crevices of the ice for them to pick up.

However, it can be seen from this experiment that this special frequency ultrasound does have an extremely restraining effect on the glacier behemoth.

“This kind of ultrasound cannot be heard by our human ears, and this kind of ultrasound is almost unaffected by our human body, but I don’t know why once these glacier beasts hear these ultrasounds, some of the physiological characteristics in their bodies It will start to decrease, which is an unsolved mystery in biology.”

Ying Ziyue doesn’t care why this special frequency ultrasonic wave can affect the glacier behemoths. What he needs is to use this ultrasonic wave to drive the glacier behemoths around the city.(Read more @

Immediately, he notified the research department of the Space Observatory to start building a surface ultrasonic satellite based on this ultrasonic wave.

Not only that, they are also building an ultrasonic release tower in the center of the city, which can release a super-strong ultrasonic wave from the center of the city when the glacial behemoth comes to resist those who want to attack the city fortress.

Soon, researchers from the Space Observation Agency built an ultrasonic surface satellite, which has been adjusted according to the special frequency provided by the National Bureau of Biology, and can emit ultrasonic waves of that special frequency.

After having the surface ultrasonic satellite, they immediately began to travel to other cities to prepare for the first ultrasonic satellite test.

At this time, on the city wall of Nanshan City, a large number of armed personnel used their weapons to attack the behemoths of the glacier below the wall. There were a large number of these behemoths this time, and their size was very large. It takes at least a dozen shots on them to completely kill them..

“Damn, these glacial behemoths have thick skins, and our bullets can hardly cause any damage to them.”

“Even if it can’t cause any fatal damage, we have to shoot out all our bullets. If there is more hope, there will be more hope.”

At this moment, the city wall under their feet trembled for a while, and a dozen glacial beasts had already hit the city wall under their feet.

At this moment, the captain of the armed team received the above news. After hearing the news, he couldn’t help but smiled, and then said to the other armed personnel: “Everyone insists on sending professional equipment to assist. We expect It will be there in five minutes, so hold on.”

After this news, those armed men were as crazy as smashing chicken blood and slammed their weapons against the behemoth under the city wall.

But for creatures with simple minds and well-developed limbs like the glacial behemoth, the pain will only make them crazier, and they once again slammed into the city wall in front of them. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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