Chapter 960

After saying this, Ying Ziyue looked at the news reporters in the audience, as long as they stayed there, there was no response for a long time.

Finally the first news reporter reacted and hurriedly stepped forward to conduct a series of interviews: “Leader Ying, what do you mean by the universe age?”

“What I mean is already very clear. The earth is no longer satisfied with our human beings. What we have to face next is an endless universe!”

The second reporter came over and said, “Leader Ying, are you sure that we humans can carry out a series of exploration work in space with the current level of science and technology? After all, space is a very dangerous space, no less than a glacier. The Earth of the Century~.”

“I can be sure that our humanity’s current level of science and technology is sufficient to roam freely in space, and we have already begun to establish outer space. In this upcoming outer space war, the equipment and materials will be enough to supply 100,000 astronauts. , To explore the outer space of the earth!”

“It is important to know that so far the only equipment that can transport humans to space is the space manned rocket. Even the space elevator can only transport some materials. The means for us to enter space are too scarce. How can we do this? Freedom-what about space exploration?”(Read more @

“Don’t worry about this, do you remember the Galaxy Warship? We have already started a series of studies on the Galaxy Warship. Our country has already had a precedent for the construction of the Galaxy Warship, which can be used to shuttle people back and forth between the earth and space. Galaxy, the battleship is not a problem for us.”

Subsequently, Ying Ziyue added: “So far, our national engineering department has announced that it will dismantle the old space elevator and build a new space elevator. This new space elevator can not only transport materials, but also transport humans to space. Above.”

“Then I would like to ask, if human beings arrive in outer space and wear such a clumsy spacesuit, will it affect their work?”

Regarding this question, Ying Ziyue only smiled and then said: “We have also considered a brand new ultra-thin close-fitting spacesuit for this issue, which is already in our research plan and I believe we will meet with you soon.”

0 ··Find flowers············

Suddenly, all western journalists couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing these words. It seemed that the East’s implementation of the space program was not a whim, but a series of questions that they had already prepared.

“Next, you can continue to ask me any questions. We have also invited relevant personnel from the national department. You can ask them carefully to get more detailed plan content.”

.. …… …….

After that, Ying Ziyue left the platform. Although he left the platform, his words were like flames, and quickly swept the entire world.

The entry of the Cosmos Project press conference quickly appeared on the hot search. All the people clicked on the entry and saw the content of the press conference at that time.

Immediately all the people of the world began to go crazy and start a new era of the universe. This is a brand new era. This is an era in which mankind explores new fields. There is no one before and no one after. The great eastern powers officially announced that the world has now entered the era of universe development. . Door.

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