Chapter 962

The construction of the surface space base was on schedule. When this surface space base was being constructed, almost all the media rushed to report. When I saw the huge foundation in front of me, I couldn’t help but be shocked.

Because of the construction of this surface universe base, the size of the foundation is almost more than enough compared to a huge city.

This made the media couldn’t help but sigh as to how far this so-called surface universe base has been built.

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet about the construction of this surface space base.

“With such a large foundation, if you want to build a space base, the materials consumed are no less than the materials used to build a city.”

“Although docking with the universe is very important, 02 is such a huge foundation to build a surface universe base, isn’t it a bit wasteful?”(Read more @

“The key is that I am more curious about so many construction materials. If they have to use transport troops to transport them step by step, it is estimated that they will have to be transported until the year of the monkey to build the foundation.”

It is true that the surface of this cosmic base is very large. If only the most basic transportation forces are used to transport the materials that fill the foundation, it will really take decades of work to completely complete the construction of this cosmic base.

But then the technology displayed by the Great Eastern Powers left them stunned. Workers from the Ministry of Engineering of these countries quickly used materials to build a simple station next to the space base, and yes, it was the station.

When they just built the station, one floating track after another came from afar, just connecting to the station.

In order to be able to quickly transport materials for the construction of the space base, they actually built a train station next to it.

Next, trains transporting a large amount of construction materials came from a distance. It should be known that the floating track combines the principle of magnetic levitation and the floating stone. After the combination of the two, the friction generated by the train on the track is almost Zero, which allows the train to obtain a large amount of acceleration in a short period of time.

It only takes less than three seconds for such a floating train to accelerate to a speed of one kilometer, and a large amount of materials have been transported to the construction site of the space base in just one day.

This terrifying speed shocked the whole world. When they used a large number of transport vehicles and transport helicopters to transport engineering materials, the eastern powers had already used trains to carry out a series of material transportation. The gap is too big.

“My God, why haven’t the floating track been laid on our side? We also need the floating track to transport a lot of materials.”

“Why don’t we in the West have such a powerful railway system? We are also a member of the earth. We request the great eastern countries to establish a floating railway in our country as soon as possible.”

“I request that the eastern powers can build a railway system near our city as soon as possible. If possible, please help us build a space base. Thank you very much.”

Western cities are very envious of watching the floating train in the live broadcast. Such a railway system is really enviable. It is fast and safe, and can even be used to transport all kinds of materials.

A railway system is the blood of the country, and the emergence of floating tracks has greatly improved the transportation efficiency in the East. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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