Chapter 966

“Let me go, the transportation efficiency of this space elevator is too fast, I haven’t seen it yet, the material disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.”

“Is it sure that the materials in such a fast speed won’t be damaged?”

“The space elevator has a self-made speed control system and an anti-gravity system. The combination of the two will control the speed of the material at an appropriate speed.”

“However, once the space elevator “270” enters the formal operation, it will invest a lot of manpower and material resources into space. I don’t know if we have the opportunity to enter space for development plans.”

Sure enough, after the official test of the space elevator, a large amount of materials were generally transported to the glacier star orbit via the space elevator like flowing water.

All these materials were transported into space, and the entire glacier star track was piled up with various materials.(Read more @

After transporting almost the supplies, the space elevator started, officially transporting manpower to space.

Before entering the space elevator, these people must wear the portable space protective suit they developed. This portable space protective suit is manufactured using nanotechnology and has a film on it to protect against the effects of solar radiation and cosmic radiation.

But if they want to swim in space, they also need to carry a heavy oxygen tank, otherwise there is no oxygen in space, and they will soon suffocate.

So far, the National Space Research Department has been studying how to make oxygen more portable, and I believe the improvement of space protective suits will follow soon.

I saw these people wearing space protection and carrying two tanks of oxygen on their backs into the space elevator. They were standing on the space elevator platform. As the space elevator started, their bodies began to float in the air gradually, and then the speed increased. The faster it disappeared into the sky.

At this time, the staff of some space stations above the glacier star track have already established storage points one after another for the use of materials.

With the continuous advancement of space development, the Eastern Powers first screened some personnel in the workstations to form a new type of Eastern Space Force, which is mainly used to respond to the space development program.

And these staff members stationed in the space station in outer space all the year round will become the first members of the Eastern Space Force..

At this moment, a few figures appeared on the transportation track. They were the workers who were transported up by the space elevator, and they were standing on the transportation track. Obviously, they were not suitable for the gravity-free environment of space.

And the staff of the Eastern Space Forces who took over them also took their hands to help them gradually adapt to the gravity-free environment of space.

With the successful login of the first batch of transport personnel, other personnel have also entered space one after another. The number of transporters this time is about 500 people. These five hundred people will be stationed in outer space all year round. , Used to carry out the space development plan.

The space development plan is a very long-term plan. They are not the first batch of staff to be released into the universe, nor the last batch. Later, there will be successive staff members joining the Eastern Space Force to help mankind develop the universe. Make a huge contribution.

“Next will begin to officially enter the prelude of the universe age.”.

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