
On the other side, the roof of the hospital.

Kami sat cross-legged on the ground, staring at the girl on the ground.

"Can you still talk? Squeak if you can. I can't just leave you in the hospital just like you are now, right?"

Faced with Kami's question, the girl didn't say a word, and her eyes began to look a little dark.

"It's really troublesome, is this neurotoxin so powerful?"

Shensi scratched his head, although he did not fail to grasp the answer, but after checking the girl's physical condition, he still felt a bit of a headache.

After thinking for a few seconds, Shinji suggested: "How about I insert a catheter and a toilet bag for you? I'm afraid it won't take long for you to become incontinent..."

I have to say that the big virtual neurotoxin is still very fierce.

All the nerves of the Quincy girl in front of her have been completely paralyzed. In this case, don't expect to be able to control her body.

So, something very shameful will happen for a while.

"For the sake of cleanliness and for your own good, you should understand me, right?"

At some point in time, Shinji was holding a urine bag with a tube attached, as well as a poop bag.

The queer girl who was lying still, suddenly burst into a burst of light from her gloomy eyes.

It's just that Shinji didn't notice.

"Then, offended."

Shinji sighed and began to prepare.

The Quincy Girl's breathing suddenly increased a lot, and her eyes seemed to have recovered a little girl's agility.

Just when Shinji stretched out his hand.

The girl suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Kamiji's arm with a snap.

"I think...I can...save...don't give up on me..."

The girl's voice was hoarse, and after she said these words intermittently, there was no movement.


Shinji's eyes moved and he asked, "Can you actually move?"

But it was like a flash in the pan, the girl didn't make any movement anymore, and even kept this movement frozen, like a sculpture.

"Sure enough, give up the treatment, you have no rescue, you still have to continue, it's really troublesome..."

Kami sighed, broke the girl's hand, and picked up the catheter on the ground.

At this moment, the girl's body suddenly trembled.

Shinji's eyes narrowed and he took a few steps back.

in sight,

On the girl Bai Chuan's skin, a faint blood-colored pattern was spreading, and an almost perceptible huge spiritual pressure was flowing in the blood, swallowing the black-purple neurotoxin pattern.

Finally, a branch-like tattoo is formed, which is gorgeous and stunning.

"Is this... a still blood suit?"

"You are..."

Blood armor is an ability that only pure blood quenchers can possess.

Shensi's eyes narrowed, suddenly thinking of a woman.

It was a woman with orange hair, who was also a pure-blood quencher, and who was able to defeat Xubai, a physical plug-in.

Counting the time, the orange-haired woman is estimated to be the age of the girl in front of her.

This Quincy girl, shouldn't tm... be Kurosaki Masaki? !

PS1: Updates 2 and 6 have been completed. Thanks again to the readers for the reward, bang bang bang, kowtow, please feed.

PS2: This chapter has pictures. *

Chapter 012 The genius girl of the Quincy family


The whirlwind caused by the spiritual pressure dissipated, the dendritic lines gradually became transparent, and the skin returned to the healthy white temporary of a girl.

In just a few seconds, the neurotoxin that had left her helpless just now was completely eliminated.

"As expected of a blood suit."

Shinji sat on the spot and couldn't help but admire.

The blood suit is an exclusive skill only possessed by pure blood quenchers. It is divided into two forms: static blood suit and dynamic blood suit.

Still blood equipment, that is, a permanent passive skill.

It will form a layer of protection on the Quincy's body, including the body, immune to any attack.

As long as the strength of the attack does not exceed the Quincy's own spiritual pressure, the still blood suit will defend against all attacks.

And even if the defense is broken, the recovery speed of the static blood equipment is extremely fast.

And moving blood equipment, it is the ability to take the initiative.

Stimulate all the power of the blood suit to gain a huge increase in strength, speed, endurance and spiritual pressure in a short period of time, but at the same time lose the protective ability of the still blood suit.

The two forms cannot exist at the same time.

What has just eliminated those neurotoxins is the ability of the still blood suit.

Even if Kami hadn't killed the Achucas-level Daxu just now, I am afraid that Kurosaki Masaki would immediately awaken the blood suit and fight back strongly.

"You seem to know the Quincy well, Death God?"

Kurosaki Masaki also sat cross-legged opposite, she looked at the boy in front of her curiously, her hoarse voice quickly recovered with the awakening of the blood suit, and turned into a girl's soft voice.

"I just didn't expect to see this rare ability with my own eyes." Kami smiled and pointed to her skirt: "Besides, you're gone."


Kurosaki Masaki screamed, her face crimson pressing down on the skirt: "You are very strange, Death God, unlike other Death Gods, you don't seem to be hostile to me."

Kurosaki Masaki looked curious.

It's not that she hasn't seen the gods of death in the past, but those gods of death are often vigilant and disgusted with them, and the sight is far less clear than the young man in front of him.

It was as if... in the eyes of this god of death, she was just an ordinary human girl.

"It's as if you're not surprised, but the Quincy Master should also be very hostile to the God of Death, right?"

Shinji said slowly.

Immediately, the girl in front of her blushed even more.

She took the initiative to extend Bai Chuan's hand to Shinji: "Let's get to know him again, my name is Kurosaki Masaki, a Quincy."

After saying that, Kurosaki Masaki blinked playfully.

"My name... My name is Asanjing Renji. As you can see, I'm a god of death."

Kami couldn't help but smile, held her cold little hand, and took the initiative to report Renji's name.

What, why didn't you tell Kurosaki Masaki's real name?

What a joke.

Tell her her own name, and then be written down by the Quincy tribe?

Who knows if the Quincy Exterminator is in this ethnic group in this world, there are people with invisible empires hidden in it.

So sorry Renji.

With a righteous look on his face, Shinji once again gave the name Renji some prestige.

Renji World Popularity +1.

"Asanjing Renji?"

Kurosaki Masaki tilted his head and thought for a while, then said with a smile: "Then I'll call you Rinji. Thank you very much this time. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'd be dead today."

Shinji shook his head: "Even without me, you will be fine today."

Without the Awakening Blood Suit, that Achucas would not be Kurosaki Masaki's opponent. After awakening the Blood Suit, that Achucas would have no chance of winning.

"You can't say that. If it weren't for you, I might have died at that time. Who would have guessed whether I would have awakened the blood suit at that time?"

Kurosaki Masaki has a good mentality, is also very talkative, and has a very outgoing and sunny personality.

"up to you."

Shinji patted his butt, ready to leave.

"I'm going to leave now? I'm going to invite you to dinner."

Kurosaki Masaki pouted and muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Have you ever seen a god of death eat human food?"

Shensi complained, jumped down from the tall building, and disappeared.

"Let's just go..."

Kurosaki Masaki stood on the rooftop for a long time, and suddenly covered a smug smile: "Do you think I can't find you, I am Kurosaki Masaki, a genius girl from the Quincy Clan, you can't avoid me."

With a triumphant snort, Masaki Kurosaki glanced at the hospital at his feet and disappeared as well.

A few seconds later, a cool breeze blows.

A young man with glasses, dark blue eyes, side-parted short hair and pale skin stood on the edge of the rooftop and looked at the back of the girl who was sneaking away from the hospital.

"Grim Reaper...?"


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