Truly a gentle man.

Kurosaki Masaki smiled, but when he heard Matsumoto Ranki, especially when he mentioned a certain man, there was a trace of disgust in his eyes: "So that perverted guy is your captain..."

"Changing... perverted?"

Matsumoto Ranju was stunned.

"I'm obviously getting old, and I'm still chasing a teenage girl all day long. He's not a pervert, who is a pervert?"

"Please tell him not to pester me again."

Kurosaki Masaki's little face was full of seriousness. It didn't look like the usual friendly look, but it seemed that he really resisted and resented Shiba Isshin.


Shinji touched his nose.

It seems... Kurosaki Masaki, because of him, looks down on the old man Shiba Isshin?

So, what about Kurosaki Ichigo, who is a coward?

Shinji looked weird.

In the strange atmosphere, the three people's expressions changed at the same time, and they stood up and looked out the window.

In Kakuza-cho, an unprecedented terrifying Reiatsu suddenly erupted.

That is, even surpassing Neutra's terrifying Reiatsu!

PS: Today's first update, the office will have a power outage to repair things in the afternoon. I will find a chance to secretly code when I call~~~*

Chapter 031: Learn to be proactive with girls

Soul World, an underground base in Seorei Garden.

Under the surveillance screen, two men in white captain's haori coats were standing in front, staring at the screen in front of them.

"Yeah, ah, worthy of being Wang Xu, the faceless Wang Xu of the Wastodd-class, this kind of monster-like spiritual pressure, even through the screen, you can feel a sense of despair, it's terrible."

Ichimaru Gin smiled and looked sideways at the man beside him.

"Silver, don't worry, even if it's not a perfect virtual white, it will not have the slightest impact on our plan."

Aizen pushed his glasses, showing a good old smile: "For a long time, the eyes of the corpse soul world will be transferred to the world. In the next period of time, we have enough space to do a lot of things."

"They trust their eyes too much, but sometimes they have to close their eyes to see the essence of things."

Blue dye's tone is very flat.

"It's scary, Captain Aizen."

Ichimaru Gin praised.

"Compared to this, I am even more curious, to what extent Kuchiki God can do."

The pupils under the blue dye glasses did not waver at all, but the horns raised a slight arc.


"This level of Reiatsu... what kind of monster is that..."

Matsumoto Ranju's forehead kept dripping with cold sweat, and his body was shaking.

inside the mall,

A steady stream of pedestrians, like statues, suddenly kept standing still, their eyes were empty, and then fell to the ground one by one.

Then, a blue-purple Reiatsu erupted, covering the entire Kuzacho.

Soon, the Reiatsu, which exuded the breath of despair, suffocation and destruction, was completely blocked.

Matsumoto Ranju's hand covered his chest, as if he had been suffocated for a while, panting heavily.

"well enough?"

Kamiji, who had left the righteous skeleton, held her shoulders and asked a question.

Among the three people present, Matsumoto Ranju had the lowest spiritual pressure.

Even if they are far apart, at this level of Reiatsu, the oppression alone can make Matsumoto Ranku fall into a state of extreme weakness.

If it is in this state for a long time, Matsumoto Ranju may even die directly.

As for those ordinary people, they can't bear such exaggerated spiritual pressure at all. If the gods hadn't launched the spiritual pressure immediately, in just a few seconds, there would have been a large number of casualties in Kakuza-cho.

"What kind of monster is this, this kind of Reiatsu is more terrifying than the last broken face called Neutra!"

Masaki Kurosaki had a serious expression, and with his short orange hair fluttering, he rushed to the window and looked outside.

However, his vision was blocked by a layer of misty white mist.

I don't know when, it's foggy.

"The big Xu that appeared this time is likely to be the Wang Xu who broke the face of the Vastord class. He is much stronger than the one named Neutra."

Shinji's expression was serious.

With this level of spiritual pressure, coupled with the fact that this is the place of heavy spirituality in Kuza-cho, and the calculation of the time, I am afraid it is time for "Xu Bai" to appear.


Why should he appear now, can't he wait until he returns to the Soul Realm before appearing?

Shinji's eyes were full of helplessness.

If "Xu Bai" has reason, then he and Neutra are not on the same level at all.

Even Ulquiorra, who broke the face of the Vastord-class king, was powerless in the face of "Void", not to mention the Achucas-class such as Neutra. Broken face.

To be honest, it was a bit of a fluke that Kurosaki Masaki could win "Xu Bai".

If you have reason, with Kurosaki Masaki's combat experience, you will never be able to suppress "Xu Shiro".

Several people rushed towards the location where the spiritual pressure erupted, but they were all empty.

By the time they arrived, the spiritual pressure of "Xubai" had completely disappeared, leaving only a deep pit on the ground.

"Void" is as if it never appeared.


Matsumoto Ranju sensed it, but couldn't catch Reiatsu, and asked in astonishment.

"I'm afraid the Reiatsu is hidden."

Shinji narrowed his eyes.

At this stage, "Xu Bai" is not fully "mature", so it will show a state of irrational fury. "Xu Bai" will attack everything in front of him, and instinctively seek out powerful enemies of Reiatsu.

Then, eat him!

The current "virtual white" may have been hidden somewhere and fell into a dormant state.

"I want to immediately send a message to the Soul Society of what happened here."

Matsumoto Ranju scratched his head, suddenly a little crazy.

Obviously I want to come on vacation, but why does this happen?

Moreover, will the frequency of accidents in the city of Kuza-cho be too high?

Really evil.

Shaking his head, Matsumoto Ranju nodded to Shinji, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"I will also tell the people what happened here, Renji-kun, please remember to invite me next time."

Kurosaki Masaki stepped back and walked towards him, blinking at Kamiji: "Also, learn to be proactive with girls."

After speaking, she smiled coquettishly and disappeared into the fog.

"Is this... asking me out?"

Shinji touched his nose with a weird expression.

Co-author, is this the real reason why Kurosaki Masaki hates Shiba Isshin?

Because he saved Masaki Kurosaki twice, but Masaki Kurosaki has a good impression of himself?

Shinji walked down the street in thought.

Suddenly, a small figure passed through the thick fog, slammed into Shinji's body, fell to the ground with a clatter, and burst into tears.

"Huh? Human child?"

Shinji was stunned.

It was a little loli with green hair and golden-green eyes. She was wearing a shabby cyan long coat covering her entire body, and there were rose-colored horizontal facial lines on her face.

Maybe it was because of the pain, so I was crying.

"Are you OK."

Shinji stretched out his hand, and then suddenly remembered that ordinary people can't see the god of death.

Then, under the surprised eyes of Shinji, the little green-haired Loli in front of her raised her head crying, as if she heard Shinji's words and saw him.

"Is that... a mask?"

PS: Today's second update, please feed. *

Chapter 032 This empty seat is probably poisonous, isn't it?

The green-haired little loli in front of her has a scar on her forehead that extends to the right side of her nose, and a mask like a skull mask covers her head.

"That's... broken face?"

An illusion, it must be an illusion, no matter how you walk, you can hit a broken face.

Kami looked up at the sky expressionlessly, although there was a fog above his head and he couldn't see anything.

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