He was obviously just a six-year-old without any fame, but he was powerful to such an outrageous level.

you tm, why!

Feeling the body that suddenly became heavy, how could Nie Yuli not understand that the current spiritual pressure of the gods has completely suppressed him, and the spiritual pressure alone can make him extremely heavy.

But, why are you so special? Even though you are only a sixth-generation reincarnation, Reiatsu can actually suppress a captain of the [-]th Team of the Guardian!

Nie Yuli's golden eyes stared at the depths of the poisonous mist with fear, as if looking at a newborn monster.

PS: The fourth update, please feed~~~*

Chapter 039 Million shields and sword pressure, completely collapsed!

Reiatsu continued to climb as if there was no limit, as if it had reached another dimension.

Unimaginable huge gains, different poured into the body.

For a long time, Shinji has been at the limit of death, and the spiritual pressure that cannot grow again seems to have broken the limit and increased wildly.

"Continuing to improve..."

Shensi moved his hands indifferently, his body trembled slightly, and a change that could not be observed with the naked eye was acting on his body under the power of Bengyu.

Genes seem to be disintegrating and recombining, and life forms seem to have undergone some changes.

Shinji's eyes suddenly lowered, looking at his chest.

There, a mysterious blue-purple pattern, like blood vessels, began to spread faintly, spreading all over the body.

What followed was an all-round improvement in strength, speed, defense, endurance, and Reiatsu.

"It seems to be a power that can destroy everything at your fingertips... Is this the collapsed fusion state, the pupation stage..."

Shinji slowly fell to the ground.

The blue-purple vein pattern gradually receded and re-condensed back into the collapsing jade.

Only in the most central position of the chest, there are those blood vessel-like lines, which are connected to the collapsed jade, like a heart.

"Fortunately, my evolutionary form is different from Aizen, and I continue to maintain a human form."

"It seems that compared with Aizen, I don't need to become that kind of "blind" alien form, until the "Broken Six Fusion State" can restore the form of the god of death."

After observing his current form for a while and confirming that he did not become inhuman, Kamuji breathed a sigh of relief.

Feeling the spiritual pressure that completely surpassed the limit of the God of Death, as well as the various explosively increased qualities, Shinji was sure that his current life level had completely surpassed that of the God of Death.

While silently familiarizing himself with his body, Shinji put on his clothes to cover his chest, and at the same time waved his hand to release a glass-like, completely transparent shield in front of him.

Single shield...?

Shensi squeezed his palm slightly, and the transparent shield collapsed.

Single Shield is a skill that can only be used after entering the fusion stage.

The spiritual pressure released on the body surface forms a glass-like transparent shield, which can be used at any time in battle.

Kamiji pointed his finger in front of him again.

This time, the transparent single shields were continuously superimposed, and in the blink of an eye, an uncountable amount was superimposed.

"Million Shields."

Seeing this, Shinji had a smile in his eyes.

The released 1000000 layers of spiritual pressure form a single shield that is continuously superimposed, eventually forming a huge shield, completely blocking any attack, and the defense is amazing.

With Shensi's current defense, even if there is an attack that can penetrate a million shields and hit Shensi, I am afraid that it will not be able to break the defense at all.

"It's just that there are still some flaws. The direction of defense needs to be set in advance, and some improvements need to be made."

Shinji tried to analyze the principle of one million shields and considered ways to optimize it.


Kamiji held the Zanpakutō slightly, and slashed at the purple poisonous mist in front of him that he couldn't even break the defense at the moment.


A sword of blue-purple rays of light, with an unimaginable shock wave, directly wiped out the poisonous fog, and hit the barrier with unabated force.


A deafening roar suddenly sounded, and the barrier was directly shattered without blocking it for a moment.

A terrifying explosion began to erupt, the ground was directly smashed, all the trees along the way collapsed, and even the entire mountain was slashed by the sword, and it was suddenly broken in the middle and divided into two parts.

All the animals on the mountain let out a whimper and fled from here in horror, and the partially awakened Quincy stared at this apocalyptic scene in horror.

Even the humans who were far away in the town of Kuza in the city center noticed the movement here, and looked at the clearly visible peak in their line of sight in horror, and suddenly broke.

Spectacular, yet depressing.

The shock after the sword pressure slash did not subside for a long time, and the whole sky was filled with a layer of dust and mist.

"Is this the sword pressure of the "Beng Er fusion state"?"

Shinji looked at this scene in surprise.

The sword just now was just cut off by him, without adding any spiritual pressure of his own, let alone using the power of collapsing jade.


It was all just the power he gave out by swinging the Zanpakutō once, and swaying the spiritual pressure on the Zanpakutō!

It's already so terrifying!

"Lianji, are you alright?"

At this time, Kurosaki Masaki's unbelievable voice sounded, and he was poisoned by the captain-level death god. Is "Renji" nothing at all?

how can that be!

You must know that Kurosaki Masaki still relies on the protection of the still blood suit to be immune to this toxin, and her clansmen have no ability to resist after being poisoned.

That "Renji" just gave up resistance completely, why is it okay now?

Kurosaki Masaki knelt on the ground, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise, her little face was full of surprise, but there was a hint of doubt.

Beside her, there are ruins.

That was the damage caused by the aftermath of the Shensi sword pressing slash.

"Hey, maybe the poisonous fog just now was just used by him to block his sight."

Shinji spread his hands and smiled.

"How is it possible, my still blood suit has just been activated, how can it be..."

Kurosaki Masaki still looked suspicious.

At this moment, a faint whisper sounded.

Seeing Renji's gaze, Kurosaki Masaki hurriedly shook his head: "It wasn't me, I didn't speak."

Shinji: "..."

"No, I know you didn't speak, but you did."

Glancing blankly at Masaki Kurosaki's open legs, Kamijou walked towards the collapsed stone.


Kurosaki Masaki looked blank and didn't speak for a long time.

"It was buried directly."

On the other side, Shinji silently covered his face with his hands, and then pulled out Nilu, who was buried in the soil.


The low moan just now belonged to Nilu.

"You... are you okay? Nilu thought you were going to die."

Just after being taken out, Nilu, like a koala, climbed up the body of Shinji, hugged his head and cried.

"Damn it, don't crawl on my face when you're all covered in dirt."

Shinji uttered a foul language, twitching his cheeks and holding Nilu's collar away, looking at the girl who was still wondering what Shinji said before.

"Where's the Nimori people?" Shinji looked around.

"I ran away." Kurosaki Masaki answered naturally.

Shinji: "???"

PS: Plus update, today's fifth update has been completed, please feed.jpg*

Chapter 040 I'll kill you in a while, cub

Wait until Kurosaki Masaki maintains the clansmen.

Shinji's face was full of question marks: "You just let him run away like that?"

If nothing else, just put the static blood on this piece, and Kurosaki Masaki, who has a captain-level Reiatsu, will give Neko Rick the death.

Chopping is immovable, poisonous and poisonous.

Meat is justice, meat is invincible, you beat me and I lock blood, are you angry?

As long as Kurosaki Masaki didn't give up the defense of the still-blood suit by himself, the brain haemorrhage that could sharpen Nirvana just by grinding.

At this stage, Nimori still does not have the superhuman potion to restrain the Quincy.

"Then how do you ask me to chase? He is like magic, and suddenly seeps into the soil and disappears. Can I lift the entire Kakuza Town to find him?"

"It's so scary, it's like a ghost..."

Kurosaki Masaki clutched her chest with lingering fears, as if she was really frightened by Nimori.

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