With him around...

Before Kira Izuru could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw Hisagi Shubei, whom he regarded as his savior, was hit by a false flash from Achukas and disappeared from their sight.

Kira Izuru: "..."

Rukia: "..."

Renji Asanjing: "..."

What to do if the savior is knocked out, wait online, urgent!

next second.

Carol's scarlet eyes suddenly looked in their direction, and the crimson light condensed in his open eyes:

"I found you, brats..."*

Chapter 005 Haven't you heard, Rai Ji's whisper

"Void flash, that's virtual flash, here we come!"

"Stop screaming, bastard Renji, I heard it!"

"What should I do, it's too late to run?"

"Then stop it together!"

"O King's Lander! The mask of flesh and blood, the omnipresent, the thing that flutters high, and bears the name of human beings! Burning heat and strife, rolling back south across the sea, and marching forward!"

"The Thirty-One Scarlet Artillery!" X4.

Several people stood up and stood up with their hands aligned in the direction where the virtual flash was flying.

Along with the chant, the spirits quickly gathered in the palm of the hand, and finally turned into flames and flew out.


There was a roar, and then the walls and the ground began to vibrate, and several alternate Shinigami who didn't have much Reiatsu collapsed to the ground.

"Block... block?"

"Damn, the gap between us and him is really too big."

Renji observed it, and found in despair that the scarlet virtual flash was flying towards them unabated.

That speed, so fast that you can almost see a flash of light.


Rukia sat on the ground in despair,

this moment,

She suddenly thought,

It would have been great if the conversation with Kamiji the other day had not been suddenly interrupted by an idiot like Renji.


I don't know if it's a hallucination.

Rukia saw that Shinji appeared in front of her like a teleportation, and slashed at the virtual flash with a knife.


The virtual flash was divided into two halves, and the shock wave generated by the explosion blew them all out.

Not a hallucination? !


Rukia got up and stared at the center of the explosion with red eyes. A terrifying black twisted line appeared beside her, and even frost white crystals began to appear on the ground.

The temperature started to drop.

"It hurts enough... asshole."

In the gradually dissipating smoke, Shensi's voice came. He walked out of the smoke and stared blankly at Daxu in the street ahead.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

Hearing the voice of Shinji, the low temperature began to disappear, as if it had never appeared.

Rukia rushed over with concern, and was completely relieved when she saw that the clothes on Kamujima's arm were torn.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Shinji glanced at Dumaojing, his expression a little gloomy.

If Shinji was a second late just now,

Then there is no need for him to be discovered by Aizen and then Rukia will incense him, and next year Shinji will be able to incense Rukia.

in a hurry,

Shinji only had time to slash down with his knife, and caught the fictitious flash head-on.

"Broken jade..."

His palms caressed his chest, and Shinji's eyes moved.

Just now, his arm was obviously injured a little by the explosion, but it recovered in an instant.

This is probably the protection of Bengyu.

That is, the first fusion stage with Bengyu!

in the plot.

After Aizen got the perfect Bengyu, he embedded the Bengyu in his chest, and he was able to use his own power and Bengyu's power to fight at the same time.

This is the first fusion stage.

Aizen in the first fusion stage, although he still maintains the appearance of the god of death, he is already in the fusion form of collapsing jade, stronger than before the betrayal.

Its maximum slashing power is enhanced enough to knock down the "Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King Ming" with one blow.

Its maximum defense has been strengthened to the point that even a zero-distance one-knife cremation and a crescent moon can only cause him minor injuries.

Its maximum recovery power is enhanced to the point that even wounds that penetrate deep into the body will recover instantly.

And because Honyu will instinctively protect the host, Kisuke believes that "killing Aizen is almost impossible" from this stage.

Aizen said to himself that at this stage, he was stronger than the combined strength of the Ten Blades.

Shinji doesn't think that he is as powerful as Aizen at that time, and Bengyu's improvement of the host's strength also depends on the strength of the host's own spiritual pressure.


At this moment, it is enough to hack this dummy to death!

"I didn't die when I received my virtual flash? What are you?"

In the distance, Carol walked over through the smoke, staring at Shinji in confusion.

This kind of defensive power, he believes that it is the steel skin of the big virtual.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, it's just a few little devils who are about to be killed soon."

As if thinking of something ridiculous, Carol sneered and locked his gaze forward.


This time,

It was still aimed at Rukia behind Kami!

He likes to kill gods like this, and enjoy the process of death god's despair.

This makes Carroll very fulfilling.

"Stop being smug there, trash!"

"Broken Dao No. [-]: Bai Lei!"

In the shouts of Asanjing Renji, "I'm going to die", "You idiot, don't use this low-sequence break to resist Daxu's virtual flash".

Shinji raised his finger, his eyes calmly pointed forward.

Bai Lei is only the fourth way to break the road, and his power is limited.


It also depends on who is using it!


Like thunder, the mighty phantom flash failed to block the white electric light for a second. Almost instantly, it was penetrated and torn apart by the white thunder, hitting Carroll's chest, whose pupils suddenly enlarged.

boom! ! !

The ground was plowed in a straight line, and hit the concrete wall after a distance of hundreds of meters.

"It turned out to be blocked by Bai Lei?"

Asanjing Renji's eyes widened with a question mark on his face.

you m,

Why is Bai Lei so powerful? !

Are you sure this is Bai Lei, not a laser cannon?

"No, not only blocked, but even killed that Achucas."

Kira Izuru stared ahead in amazement,

Achukas, who was still powerful before, was playing with them, and was lying on the ground breathlessly.

A plume of white smoke and electric arcs rose from his chest.

Rukia and Hina Moritao were also unbelievable.

"Damn death!"

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