In a short period of time, the two top ten broken faces were killed.

Peixue stood up and sighed.

As such.

Lord Nilu's revenge, even if it was avenged by Lord Kami.

The two culprits who once caused Lord Nilu's mask to shatter, lost spiritual pressure, and dropped her rank, both died in the hands of Lord Shinji.

"Peixue, Sar Apollo is not dead."

Shinji shook his head and corrected.


Hearing this, Peixue's pupils shrank, and he looked at Sar Apollo's corpse as if facing a great enemy.

The spiritual pressure has completely disappeared, and it has been chopped up like this, is it not dead?

"He's dead, it doesn't have to be."

Then, in Peixue's blank eyes, Shensi said something that Peixue couldn't understand.

"Then... is he dead or not?"

The corpses are obviously dead here.

But why does Lord God say that Saar Apollo is not dead yet?

Peixue scratched his head in confusion, unable to figure it out.

"Because the Saar Apollo here is not his body at all. This is just his clone, or a split part, or even a clone."

In Peixue's shocked eyes, Shinji said slowly.

Saar Apollo, among the Ten Blades, is a very special existence.

in the Ten Blades.

At present, there are five Wang-level Daxu who are known to have broken faces in the Vastord-level.

Broken Face No.1 Koyatai Stark.

Broken Face No.2 Balegang Ruizumbang.

Broken Face No.3 Tia Halibel.

Broken Face No.3 Nelly Elle du Odysseofank.

Broken Face No.4 Ulquiorra Cifer.

And in addition to the five King-level Daxu with broken faces of the Vashtod level, there is also a hidden deepest tile-level Daxu!

That is, Saar Apollo, who is currently only an Achucas-class broken face!

During his lifetime, Sar Apollo was an alchemist when he was still a human being. Since his brother, who was a human general during his lifetime, often brought the defeated to Sar Apollo as an experiment, he began to use humans for various experiments.

It was also from that time that Saar Apollo became a scientist.

Later, the two brothers died violently for some reason and became virtual, and Saar Apollo swallowed the souls of his brother and other experimental subjects together. The strength of the big virtual.

During this period, Saar Apollo had already evolved to the Vastord class.

Since Sal Apollo often needed living material for research, he was accustomed to limiting his power in battle.

After being recruited by Balegang and becoming a researcher of the virtual circle, he replaced Aizen, who ruled the entire virtual night palace in Balegang, and compiled Saar Apollo as the original Ten Blades NO.0.

That is, the strongest among the ten blades!

However, in order to study the perfect life to complete the power of "conception notification", Sal Apollo divided his body into two parts (the separated part is his brother, NO.15 Ilford Gurantz) .

The power thus degenerated into Achukas' great void and was excluded from the Ten Blades.

It was not until Xi Cheng's "conception notification" that he successfully returned to the ten-blade ranking and became the No. 8 ten-blade.

It was during this period that Saar Apollo used his own device to help Neutra attack Nilu, causing Nilu to be seriously injured and falling to the Achucas class.

"It turns out that Saar Apollo is also a King-level Daxu of the Vastord-level..."

After listening to Shensi's words, Peixue muttered to himself.

No wonder.

There is a 3 ranking difference between Sal Apollo and Neutra, but the way they get along is very strange.

Even Sar Apollo had no respect for Neutra's tone of voice, and Neutra didn't mind.

This is because Sar Apollo used to be the No. 0 Ten Blades!

"His body didn't come over at all. This is probably just a clone or clone he split."

Shinji pondered for a few seconds.

He waved his hand and cut out a thunderbolt, and the accompanying high temperature instantly crystallized the sand, solidifying the body of Sar Apollo.

"Master Shinji, are you...?"

Peixue asked suspiciously.

"Take it back, maybe it has high research value."

Although it is a splinter or a clone, the main body was once a King-level Void of the Vastord-class.

This corpse should still have a high utilization value.

It's just that Nie Yuli was hacked to death by himself, which is a bit of a pity.

However, it might also be a good idea to leave it to Uno Hana Lie for research.

"Let's go, Peixue."

Looking at Dondchaka who took the initiative to carry the solidified stone, Kamiji smiled slowly.

Since there is Peixue and Dondchaka in such a black tune, Nilu, who is in the form of a child, can retire.

"Yes, Lord Shinji."

Peixue nodded.

A black cavity, rapid prototyping in front of your eyes.


It has been a few hours since I returned to the Soul Realm again.

Through the portal, Shinji returned directly to Kuchiki's house.

Then head-on, he bumped into the scumbag who was squatting outside the portal.

"That's... Daxu?!!!"

The dumb hair on Rukia's head suddenly stood up, and she pointed at the two strange humanoid creatures behind Shinji.

Rukia wiped her eyes and raised her head again.

Daxu, right?

That's really a big deal, right?

Why is there a big void in Kuchiki's house!

Then, she drew a knife and rushed straight up.


Kami directly locked his throat and suppressed Rukia, who looked very petite in comparison with his own size.

"Let go of me, Shinji, that's a void, an Achucas-level great void!"

"Not sure, they may still be broken!"

Rukia struggled constantly, and a cold Reiki flowed on the Zanpakutō in her hand.

After joining the thirteenth division, Rukia quickly grasped her own beginnings.

That is, known as the most beautiful Zanpakutō in the Soul Society, sleeve Baixue.

"The two of them are Nilu's subordinate officers, not enemies. I will go to see the commander-in-chief later and incorporate them into the tenth division."

Hearing Shinji's explanation,

Rukia's struggle was reduced a lot, and the icy freezing air quickly dissipated.

First, he jumped out of Shinji's arms with a blushing face.

Rukia's blushing face closed her head indifferently: "So, they are not enemies."

The girl's voice was soft.

Coupled with that coquettish expression, it seemed as if he was urging Shinji to lick her.

So, Shinji made a decisive move.

"of course not."

While licking Rukia's hair, Kami looked out the door.

Over there, the blond royal sister Matsumoto Ranju pouted as if sulking.

"Captain God."

First made a coquettish accusation, Matsumoto Ranju jumped over, and directly held the head of the god in his arms.

"You are really going too far! You ran into this world alone for so long, and left all the team work of the tenth division to me, this poor woman!"

"Crazy... random chrysanthemum... suffocated... suffocated to death!"

"No conscience, absolutely unforgivable. I'm just an old woman with a dusty womb. You treat me like this."

"Crazy...random chrysanthemum...really...can't work..."

"Still stubborn? Can't even listen to me vent?"


Rukia was covered in cold sweat, and gently tugged at the sleeves of Luanju: "Lan... Madam Luanju, he seems to be suffocated to death."

I don't know if it's an illusion.

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