Ranju Matsumoto stuck his head out wet, and asked with a smile, "What, Captain Shinji said that he was not interested at all, but didn't he find him anyway?"

"How did I know you would have a swimming party here!" Shinji covered his head and complained: "And I took out such a space directly under my house and built a bath, aren't you too outrageous!"

Good guy, Shinji just glanced at it, and a group of female death gods were bathing in swimsuits.

No one else mentioned it first, but Kamiji noticed Unoohana Lie at a glance.

Not to mention that, the lake is really white... Really big.

To be able to quietly build such a lake under the dead wood's house, these female gods of death's ability, it's not enough to refuse to accept it.

"Ah, is Captain Shinji even interested in the gathering of our female death gods?"

At this time, Uzhihualie, who was wiping his hair, pushed open the door and walked out, and said with a gentle smile, "Is Captain Shinji coming with us? The lake here is very big, and there are so many female gods of death. Rare."

Saying that, she shook her hair and twisted it up elegantly.

Then, one after another, heads poked out from behind the door.

Rukia, Ise Nanao, Kusaka Yachiryu, Toru Yume Toru, Neine Dream and other female death gods are all included.

Even Broken Bee, the captain of the second division, looked over curiously with a foam on his head.

When he saw Shinji, he snorted coldly and shrank back.

"Forget it...forget it."

Shensi smiled shyly, but it was natural to take a few more glances.

One thing to say, really eye-catching.

Participating in it may also be a good choice.

But the consequences could be severe.

and so.

Shinji waved his hand: "Forget it, I have other things to do, so I will leave first."

After saying that, without giving Uzhihualie a chance to keep it, Kamiji disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"What a pity."

Uzhihua smiled softly, but she didn't know what she was pity for.


Back at the tenth division's station, Kami wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Seductive is quite seductive, but scary is also really scary.

Other female gods of death also said that although Broken Bee was very hostile to him and Niyinmeng's "father" was buried by him, most of the remaining female gods of death still had a good relationship with him.

It's just that there is a Maozhihualie among them.

If this woman becomes black, there will be no one in the entire Guardian Team Thirteen who she dares not toss with.

Lying on the sofa behind him, Shinji picked up the paper on the table.

The above is the current data and learning process of Hitsugaya Toshiro.

"As expected of a genius, in just a few days, I can already enter the sword meditation. It seems that it won't take long before I can master the first solution."

Shinji looked at it for a while and said with a smile.

The stronger the talent Hitsugaya Toshiro showed, the happier the Shinji would be.

Isn't that part of the plan.

Hitsugaya Toshiro masters the solution as soon as possible, then he can retire earlier, and live a leisurely life of catching fish and looking at the eyes of female death.

"Kami... I'm hungry again."

At this time, Nilu, who had just woken up, rubbed her eyes, walked in a daze in front of Shinji, climbed onto Shinji's body, and said pitifully.

For Nilu, the king-level Daxu with a broken face at the Vastord level, the spiritual pressure that needs to be supplemented is too huge.

If you want to fully restore the Vastord class, and stabilize it without deteriorating, the Reiatsu required is simply astronomical.

With other people, there is no ability to "nurture" Nilu at all, and only Shinji, whose current spiritual pressure recovery speed is completely inhuman, can withstand Nilu's "squeezing".

"Come on, suck as much as you can."

Shinji held Nilu and poured Reiatsu into her body continuously.

In the process of absorbing spiritual pressure, there is another problem that is inevitable, and that is the consumption and absorption of spiritual pressure.

The spiritual pressure released by Shinji, Nilu cannot achieve [-]% absorption, her digestion and absorption conversion rate is a problem.

And in the process, a lot of spiritual pressure will be wasted.

This phenomenon is inevitable.

"Do you want to join the power of Bengyu..."

After a brief hesitation.

Shinji still chose to use the power of Bengyu to mix into his own spiritual pressure, so that Nilu could absorb it.

Nilu's power is unquestionable.

But it is also an indisputable fact that the mask is broken.

Collapsing Jade will repair Nilu's injuries and speed up Nilu's evolution.

Bengyu, as a gem that has the power to achieve what you want, and the power to portray the soul, as long as the host has the strength to realize this wish, Bengyu can fulfill the wish.

And precisely, the spiritual pressure of the gods at the moment is completely enough.

Considering Nilu's physical condition, Shinji hugged Nilu, lay on the sofa, and gradually fell asleep.

Time, unknowingly came late at night.

"Um... did you actually fall asleep?"

Shinji glanced at the dark room, rubbed his eyes, and suddenly felt a little heavy.

Looking down at it, Shinji was stunned.

This is...

"Very sleepy..."

At this moment, Nilu yawned and opened her eyes. When she found out about the gods, she immediately jumped up with bright eyes: "Gods!!!"

"Hey... Nilu, let go, let go, it's too big, I'm going to die!"

"Nilu likes Shinji the most!"

"Whether you like it or not, let go first, I can't stand it anymore!"


Nilu's eyes were puzzled, but she obediently released her hand that could easily break the steel bars, and knelt down in front of Shinji.

"This is... reverted to the Vastord class?"

After taking a breath.

Shinji looked at Nilu in front of him and asked curiously.

That's right.

During this time of falling asleep, Nilu unexpectedly changed back to her adult state, that is, the state of the King-level Daxu with a broken face of the Vastord level.

"Hmm, in the afternoon, I've recovered to the Warstow level."

Nilu kept nodding her head, her eyes shining brightly on Shinji's face: "Then Shinji's embrace was so comfortable, I couldn't help but fall asleep with Shinji."

Hear this.

Shinji scratched his head, looked at Nilu, and was stunned for a moment.

"Nilu, it's time for you to change your clothes."

Touching his nose without a trace, Kami looked at Nilu and said.

That cyan coat was fine when Nilu was still in the form of Achukas, but it would be unreliable when it changed back to its original form.

The flat belly with the vest line and the long legs, who can stand it.

Coupled with Nilu's intimate attitude towards herself, Shinji had to consider Nilu even more.

Other people's girls, that's fine.

But if it's your own, like Nilu.

Clothes have to be changed, they have to be changed!

Thinking of this, Shinji handed over his captain Yuori's coat and the spare death tyrant outfit: "You take this general first, and I will give you new clothes tomorrow."


Nilu nodded obediently, then got up from Shinji, and changed her clothes directly in front of Shinji.

Seeing this, Shinji touched his nose again.

Soon, Nilu's image and temperament changed drastically in her death tyrant outfit and captain's Yuori coat.

If you ignore the helmet on her forehead, then with this aura, aura, and suppressing power, it's no problem to call her a captain-level reaper.

However, when looking at Shinji.

Nilu, who had the expression of a queen, suddenly smiled and rushed up again.

A powerful collision.

Shinji sat back directly on the sofa.

"Nilu, how do you feel now? Can you only return to the Vastord class for a short time? Or have you fully recovered the Vastord class?"

Holding Nilu, Kami asked.

Shinji is very curious about Nilu's current state,

"Well, I seem to have fully recovered." Nilu rubbed against the gods, raised her head and said softly: "In the afternoon, there was something in the spiritual pressure that the gods gave me that made me very comfortable."

"After absorbing those things, my injuries have recovered a lot."

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