At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 100 Daughter and Husband, only one can be chosen!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!The dinner for the four was a good time. Xia Erlan watched this scene on the second floor, especially when she saw the gentle expression on Kang Lu's face, she clenched her fists in resentment.

Xia Erlan originally approached Kang Lu just to get the secret of Pei's family crest, but she did not expect that she would fall into this game.

In the process of contacting Kang Lu, she unexpectedly developed a feeling for him that she shouldn't have.

Xia Erlan didn't allow herself to be sentimental to an enemy, but she couldn't control her heart.

Now seeing the harmonious and warm scene of Kang Lu and Song Qian, Xia Erlan did what almost every woman would do: be jealous!

Xia Erlan didn't understand why Pei Yilin liked Song Qian, Yu Chi Haolan liked Song Qian, and even Kang Lu liked Song Qian!

What is so good about Song Qian?

Thinking, Xia Erlan's mouth evoked a cold smile, she said in her heart: "Song Qian, after tonight, I see how you can laugh out loud!"

Song Qian's Yu Guang lifted upwards, looking at Xia Erlan's back in the bedroom, she continued to eat calmly, pretending that nothing happened.

At night, Song Qian was reading a business book in his bedroom. Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian were in the children’s bedroom. The two discussed about sneaking into the villa’s dungeon to have a look—I received news that there was a secret in the dungeon. aisle.

"Aunt Song Xiao won't come out?" Cheng Xian asked worriedly.

"Mommy was very focused when she was reading. As long as we came back within an hour, she would never find out." Qian Mengmeng said softly.

Seeing Chengxian's uneasy eyes, Qian Mengmeng continued: "If we find out, we will say we went to the amusement park to play, and she will not check it."

Cheng Xian nodded, this time the task, the two of them really dragged on for a while.

Song Qian in the bedroom, after receiving a text message, learned that the dungeon was strange, she decided to go to the dungeon to catch the ghost lurking in the villa.

If it really is Charlan...

Song Qian clenched her fists, she could only be sorry for Kang Lu.

She also believes that Kang Lu is not a person who abuses feelings, and she is absolutely sincere to Pei Yilin. If Xia Erlan approached Kang Lu for impure purposes, he would definitely let go!

Song Qian put on his night clothes, slid down the window, and entered the dungeon through the back door.

Xia Erlan was looking for a secret passage door in the dungeon, but the dungeon was very long. All she inquired was that there was a secret door in the dungeon, and Pei Yilin had many important things inside.

But she stubbornly believed that the family crest must be in it!

Xia Erlan was looking for a secret doorway, and suddenly heard a few footsteps, she held her breath and quickly climbed to the top of the dungeon to stick to it.

She heard clearly, it was indeed footsteps.

not good!

Someone is here!

Xia Erlan quickly climbed to more secret places, wanting to know who came.

It turned out to be Cheng Xian and Qian Mengmeng!

Xia Erlan's eyes widened. She had always had a hunch that there was something wrong with these two little ghosts, but she couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.

Today, seeing the two of them here, one can guess: Their purpose is not simple!

Didn't they come to find Pei's family crest too?

Xia Erlan's lips curled up, and it seemed that Song Qian approached Pei Yilin for the family crest!

"You be careful." Cheng Xian whispered Qian Mengmeng.

There are many institutions in the dungeon, and if you encounter them, it will be difficult for people to escape.

Qian Mengmeng nodded, and Cheng Xian started looking for the secret door of the dungeon.

Xia Erlan held her breath. She didn't know the true origins of Cheng Xian and Qian Mengmeng, nor was she sure what they were thinking about. In short, if there was a head-on conflict, it would not be good for her.

Therefore, Xia Erlan can only continue to hide herself.

During this moment, Qian Mengmeng heard something. She looked back and Cheng Xian hadn't noticed it yet.

Qian Mengmeng's hearing is better than ordinary people. She listened carefully. It was a very small breathing, mixed with caution, but it did not come from the direction of constitution.

There are others here!

Qian Mengmeng's heart is shocked-isn't the identity of her and Cheng Xian exposed?

Qian Mengmeng was not alarmed and became a constitution. She had to listen carefully, and then found the person hiding in the dungeon.

But before Qian Mengmeng had time, a man in black suddenly came to her.

Qian Mengmeng couldn't be more familiar with this figure: Mommy!

Song Qian was shocked when she saw Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian here. She came to the undercover, how could she see Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian?

The two of them can't be undercover!

Song Qian suddenly remembered that Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian were Interpol. Is it possible...

"Mommy." Qian Mengmeng's voice was very small, and he glanced at Cheng Xian, and the guilty conscience flashed through his eyes.

"Follow me back." Song Qian said coldly.

No matter what happened, Song Qian knew this was not a good place to talk.

Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian could only do the same. Before they could find anything, they were caught by Song Qian!

It's really bad luck!

It was not until Song Qian and the others walked away that Xia Erlan appeared and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

However, what she saw tonight was enough to squeeze Song Qian out!

Thinking about it, Xia Erlan smiled weirdly and called Qin Xirong to report the situation just now.

Song Qian walked in front, Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian walked behind, and the two exchanged eyes.

"What to do? Mommy found out!"

"Don't tell Aunt Song the truth!"

"But I never lie to Mommy!"

"This matter is not trivial!"

"Why did Mommy come?"

"Looking for the inner ghost!"

Song Qian stopped abruptly, turned her head, looked at the panic expressions of the two little babies, her serious eyes were quiet.

It is rare for Qian Mengmeng to see Song Qian's expression. She knew it would only happen when Mommy was very angry.

"Mengmeng, I hope you can take the initiative to speak, don't let Mommy investigate." Song Qian's voice is not warm.

Qian Mengmeng looked at Cheng Xian and didn't know what to do.

"Aunt Song, actually..."

Song Qian interrupted Cheng Xian and said coldly, "I want to listen to Mengmeng."

Qian Mengmeng looked around. It was an empty backyard. There were not many people coming, and the voice was a little bit small, basically no one could hear it.

It is indeed a good place to confess.

"Mommy, don't be angry first." Qian Mengmeng said quietly, "Neither I nor Cheng Xian have any malicious intentions."

Song Qian twisted her eyebrows, "Then what?"

Qian Mengmeng approached Song Qian and whispered: "We are definitely not the inner ghost you are looking for!"

"Then what are you going to do?" Song Qian asked.

"We..." Qian Mengmeng's small hands clenched into fists, "Mummy, you believe us, we really have no malice, I want to help Daddy secretly! But I can't tell you what it is."

Song Qian was upset and asked, "Can't even Mommy tell?"

Qian Mengmeng lowered her head, her expression was very depressed, and she felt guilty in her heart, but she really couldn't say anything about the organization, otherwise it would hurt Mommy.

"Mummy..." Qian Mengmeng bit her lip, "I really have no intentions!"

"Really, can't you tell Mommy?" Song Qian asked again.

Qian Mengmeng didn't know if Mommy would die of sadness if he said "really can't" at this time.

Song Qian didn't know what was going on, but she knew that Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian were Interpol. They sneaked into Pei Yilin's dungeon, it must be because Pei Yilin committed the crime.

The daughter is going to check Daddy's land, and then, maybe she will catch Daddy's land and bring him to justice...

Song Qian couldn't calm down when he thought of this possibility.

"You really have grown up." Song Qian was a little disappointed, more heartbroken, "With what you want to do, Mommy can't control you."

"That's not the case!" Qian Mengmeng's big eyes flashed with anxiety, "Mummy, I didn't deliberately conceal you!"

"You can figure it out by yourself." Song Qian said softly, "in the future... don't be so bold."

Song Qian didn't dare to think about what would happen if Pei Yilin knew about Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian stealing into the dungeon.

However, things have really become more and more complicated!

"Mummy!" Qian Mengmeng quickly held Song Qian's hand.

Song Qian shook his head and let go of Qian Mengmeng's hand.

She doesn't know what to do. She is a daughter on one side and a sweetheart on the other. If there is an irreconcilable conflict between them...

Song Qian walked back to the bedroom and found that she had done something wrong from the beginning.

Qian Mengmeng is the Interpol, and Pei Yilin is the boss of the Dark Night Empire. Although the two of them have blood thicker than water, they are like water and fire. How can they live in the same room?

Song Qian suddenly discovered that she had to make a choice between Qian Mengmeng and Pei Yilin, and her choice was obvious: Qian Mengmeng!

At the thought of leaving Pei Yilin, Song Qian couldn't help covering her heart.

But this time, she had no choice.

Not to mention the contradiction between Qian Mengmeng and Pei Yilin, the resurrection of the ghost king was enough for Song Qian to be bothered and troublesome for a while.

On Pei Yilin's side, it didn't go well either.

He came to Joyce's banquet alone. Without a dancing partner, he missed Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng in his heart. He imagined that they were enjoying their food in the villa and wanted to go back and participate.

But he has his own things to do, tonight, I'm afraid it will be very late!

Qin Xirong saw Pei Yilin in the crowd. He was sitting in the corner with a melancholy icy expression. He held a goblet in his hand and did not drink a sip for a long time. He was also very indifferent to those who greeted him in the past. .

Qin Xirong sighed, looking at Pei Yilin's absent-minded appearance, her heart was full of hatred.

When she was driven out of the country by Pei's family, Pei Yilin did not make any move to help, and the seeds of hatred were already planted in her heart.

They left her abroad and didn't give her any chance to have a better life, so she hated it even more!

Had she not met a mysterious person, helped her through the difficulties, and helped her get to Joyce as a secretary, she might have been tortured crazy by the strange life now!

Not long ago, the mysterious man gave her a task: returning home to steal Pei Yilin's family crest.

She hadn't seen the family crest in those years when she was with Pei Yilin, but she knew the importance of the family crest.

For the hatred and unwillingness in her heart, she is back!

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of Qin Xirong's lips. What she lost back then, now she must get it back!

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