At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 104 Are you so strong? !

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!After hanging up the phone, Song Qian stayed alone in the small garden of the villa, and she saw Xia Erlan enjoying the flowers there.

Xia Erlan also happened to see Song Qian, and the corner of her mouth hooked upwards.

Song Qian stood there and didn't move. She didn't think she had anything to say to Xia Erlan, and there was no need to leave here because of Xia Erlan's existence.

Song Qian was still thinking about things, and Xia Erlan walked towards her, with a provocative meaning.

"There are so many women in the villa that have not been able to stay with President Pei for a long time. You are the only one." Xia Erlan whispered, "But I really want to know how long you can stay."

Song Qian didn't reply, her own affairs were almost exhausted, and she was not in the mood to take care of Xia Erlan.

"But... if you are carrying President Pei and are ambiguous with Kang Lu, aren't you afraid to cause trouble to Kang Lu?" Xia Erlan asked, with a jealous odor that she couldn't even notice.

"It won't be me who will trouble Kang Lu." Song Qian said coldly, "it's you."

Xia Erlan's eyes dimmed, only to hear Song Qian continue to say: "The matter between you and Kang Lu, that is your relationship problem, but if you have ulterior motives..." Song Qian did not finish.

Xia Erlan chuckled, "But you didn't inform, did you?"

Xia Erlan raised her brows suddenly and asked, "In your heart, you have feelings for Kang Lu."

Song Qian couldn't help but laughed, if Xia Erlan was really the ghost in the villa, she wouldn't worry.

Because... Charlan fell in love with Kang Road.

Once a woman falls in love, she will lose a lot, and in the end, she will sacrifice everything for her lover.

Song Qian was in a good mood and looked at Xia Erlan.

Xia Erlan looked at Song Qian dissatisfiedly, she just wanted to know whether Song Qian and Kang Lu had a relationship, but Song Qian looked at her with a guilty conscience.

"Forget it." Xia Erlan sighed, "I still have a lot to do."

With that, Xia Erlan turned and left.

The smile on the corner of Song Qian's mouth became brighter and brighter. Pei Yilin refused to allow her to go out, so she wanted to go out.

Song Qian ran away alone. She had a way. The bodyguards in the villa couldn't guard against it.

Leaving the villa, Song Qian lazily sent a text message to Pei Yilin: It has nothing to do with them, don't punish people blindly.

Pei Yilin was furious and mobilized everyone to find Song Qian. He even dared not listen to his orders and stay in the villa. When he found her, she would be dead!

Song Qian walked very concealed. She didn't go to the Red Lotus Vendetta Team to snare herself and wander around the street.

By the calculation, Song Qian hasn't been shopping for a long time. Recently, she has been wandering around Pei Yilin blindly, passing by almost losing herself.

"Qian Qian?" Yin Baoer appeared in Song Qian's sight.

Seeing Yin Bao'er's face full of surprise, Song Qian was sure that Yin Bao'er was not the informant who came to her.

"Are you here to go shopping? Alone?" Yin Baoer asked.

Song Qian nodded and smiled: "Isn't there more you now?"

Yin Bao'er smiled very softly, she was also bored, so she didn't know what to do, so she just walked around. Unexpectedly, she met Song Qian.

Song Qian saw that Yin Bao'er didn't wear a ring on her hand, but Pei Yilin said that Yin Bao'er was about to get married, and the schedule was rushed, just this month.

"Qian Qian, can you accompany me to a place?" Yin Baoer asked.

Song Qian nodded, and then said, "However, in order to ensure that we are not arrested, you have to listen to me."

Yin Bao'er opened her mouth in surprise, only to hear Song Qian explain: "I sneaked out."

After listening, Yin Bao'er's mouth opened wider.

Song Qian just wanted to laugh, murmured, "I am the only one who would challenge Pei Yilin so clearly, right?"

"But..." Yin Baoer was puzzled, "Why did Brother Yilin want to put you under house arrest?"

Yin Bao'er mentioned Song Qian's sadness. Song Qian didn't know why, but she knew that Pei Yilin definitely had a big thing related to her hiding from her.

"Otherwise you go ask him?" Song Qian suggested.

Yin Baoer shook her head quickly, she didn't dare to find someone Pei Yilin!

Song Qian and Yin Baoer looked at each other and smiled, and they walked to the old house where Yin Baoer used to live, arm in arm.

Song Qian touched the mottled wall, then looked at Yin Bao'er, and asked, "You and Fang Zikang lived here before?"

"Yeah!" Yin Baoer smiled brightly, "At that time, I lived in the same room with Brother Mad! We were still in the same bed!"

Song Qian looked around. Although this house was dilapidated, it gave people a very warm feeling. I want to come, Yin Baoer will have many happy memories here before!

"It's a pity, Brother Kuang now..." Yin Bao'er's brows dimmed.

"Boer." Song Qian didn't know how to comfort him, "Everything will be fine."

"Qian Qian, I just feel so pitiful." Yin Baoer sat down and hugged himself, "I have always regarded myself as the wife of Brother Crazy. This idea has never wavered, but he..."

Song Qian sighed secretly, it would be a big blow for Yin Baoer to choose to marry someone else!

"I saw Brother Kuang kiss Peipei." Yin Baoer whispered, and then cried. "Brother Kuang never kisses a woman. He said that the woman he kissed is his true love."

"Brother Kuang has found true love, so how can I bother him?" Yin Baoer choked, "All I can do is solve his worries and let him and Peipei... fall in love without burden."

"Boa." Song Qian said softly, "Actually..."

"Actually, there are a lot of things that we strive for by ourselves, but the results we strive for are not necessarily good. I believe that you and Shang Yu, you will be happy." Song Qian persuaded.

"Yes!" Yin Baoer curled her lips reluctantly, "He treats me very well."

"Maybe, Shang Yu is your real son!" Song Qian hoped.

A deep sadness flashed in Yin Bao'er's eyes. She took Song Qian's hand and burst into tears in her arms.

Song Qian stroked Yin Bao'er's head. She was not good at comforting people. The only thing she could do was to wish Yin Bao'er a good life.

After all, the marriage was decided by Yin Baoer himself.

Everyone is responsible for their own choices, whether right or wrong, or without experience, how can they understand and grow?

After Yin Bao'er cried enough, she looked at Song Qian with embarrassment.

"Qianqian, I always lose face in front of you." Yin Baoer wiped away her tears, "It's really bad like this! I don't like myself like this!"

"I also think you look better when you smile." Song Qian said softly.

Yin Bao'er worked hard to bloom a smiling face, and suddenly remembered to ask: "However, Qian Qian, you ran out alone. It must be Brother Yilin who is in conflict?"

Song Qian shrugged.

"It's fate for two people to be together. I want to be with Brother Kuang, but he doesn't even give me a chance to fight." Yin Baoer smiled bitterly, "I envy you very much, really! Brother Yilin never did it. A woman has lived like this."

"Really?" Song Qian looked down at the ground.

She wanted to say that Pei Yilin should be very good to Qin Xirong too!

"Qian Qian, don't you believe Brother Yilin?" Yin Baoer asked.

Song Qian was taken aback. She and Pei Yilin should not trust each other.

"Why?" Yin Bao'er was puzzled, "Brother Yilin loves you so much, but you don't believe him?"

"Boer, do you think... I love him?" Song Qian asked.

"I don't know." Yin Baoer is not so sure, "As far as I can see, he is definitely more invested than you."

"Really?" Song Qian was surprised, she thought she already loved Pei Yilin very much, OK!

"Just because Brother Yilin kills everyone in Xiang's family for you, it is enough to prove how much he likes you." Yin Baoer said.

"He just did something earth-shattering, so let you have an illusion." Song Qian said softly.

"Look, you are so suspicious of Brother Yilin!" Yin Baoer yelled. "Big Brother Yilin has done so clearly. Can't you really see how much he loves you?"

Song Qian blinked, thinking hard about Yin Baoer's words.

"Also, Qian Qian, the most important thing for two people to be together is trust and communication. If you have anything you want to ask or say, you must communicate with Brother Yilin in time. I don't want you to fight, I want to see you well. Yes." Yin Baoer said.

"Communication?" Song Qian was vague about this term.

At this age, the only thing Song Qian can do is to communicate with Qian Mengmeng. In the face of other people, she adheres to the attitude of being able to do everything where she can, and letting it go.

What's more, communicating with Pei Yilin?

Will he listen again?

He is so stubborn and domineering, once he encounters something he doesn't like, he will definitely deny her directly.

"Don't guess in your heart, and don't think about what he will be like. Many times you have to talk about it and you will find that everything is more tangled by yourself." Yin Baoer said.

Song Qian smiled and said, "You are young, so you can summarize the truth quite brilliantly!"

"I have liked Brother Mad for so many years, and I have become an expert in feelings." Yin Baoer said.

Song Qian hugged Yin Baoer and said, "Boer, you will be happy."

"Yeah." Yin Baoer chuckled, "I am already very happy to have the life with Brother Crazy."

After chatting for a while, Song Qian and Yin Baoer left the old house, and they separated in the urban area.

When Song Qian returned to the villa, Pei Yilin was already waiting for her in the study, and found out that she was with Yin Baoer, so he didn't let his hands disturb them.

"Do you still know to come back?" Pei Yilin's voice was cold.

Song Qian rolled her eyes, "I have a sense of measure."

Pei Yilin walked to Song Qian and covered her with a powerful aura, "If you don't listen to me, run out with an injured body, are you ashamed to say you have a sense of measure?"

"I am a person." Song Qian frowned, "not a pet you raised."

"You know what I didn't mean." Pei Yilin said coldly.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin and said, "Anyway, you did this."

"It seems that you are very interested in quarreling with me?" Pei Yilin's black eyebrow raised, "Since you are so interested, it is better to satisfy me first."

"Hey!" Song Qian ran away quickly, but Pei Yilin's wrist was strangled, "We only last night..."

"Your husband, I have always had great physical strength, did you know it today?" When the voice fell, Pei Yilin kissed Song Qian's soft lips.

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