At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred and Nine

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!A white fish belly appeared on the horizon, and Fang Zi Kuang woke up with him alone in the bed.

There was a wave of memories about last night in his mind. He asked Yin Baoer. He was addicted to her body and couldn't help himself...

Fang Zi frantically rubbed his temples, he no longer had the energy to blame himself, right now, all he wanted to do was to take Yin Baoer back to him.

Fuck a shit promise!

If separation makes two people suffer, why not be together!

"Boer!" Fang Zikuang shouted, "Boer, where are you?" one, no one in the whole room.

Fang Zikuang's eyes glanced, and he just saw two letters on the dressing table, one for Shang Yu, with the proposal ring on it, and one for Fang Zikuang.

Fang Zi Kuang quickly opened the letter to himself, and his heart suddenly became cold.

Brother Zikuang, when you see the letter, maybe I am no longer in this world.It's too tired to leave you, the meaning of my life is you, without you, even if I force myself, I can't continue to live.I know you don't love me, I selfishly only asked for one night for myself, don't blame me.I love you.Now, I'm looking for mom and dad. In the world without you, maybe, I can adapt to myself without you.

Fang Zi madly took a big step back, sat staggered on the ground, and suddenly took out his cell phone to call Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin, who had been lingering with Song Qian all night, was still sleeping, and was suddenly awakened by the sound of the phone, of course he was not happy.

Song Qian moved in her arms. In order not to disturb her, Pei Yilin could only get up to answer the phone.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin didn't have a good tone.

"Boer! Where is Boer! Help me find her! Quickly help me find her!" Fang Zi roared wildly.

Pei Yilin had never heard Fangzi crying wildly, but when Fangzi finished roaring wildly, he cried like a child and howled.

Pei Yilin intuitively felt something was wrong, and when he turned on the tracker, he was surprised when he saw the seat Yin Baoer was in.

Song Qian squinted his eyes slightly, and saw Pei Yilin's bad face, and his heart tightened.

"The cliff of Blue Mountain, she is there." Pei Yilin said.

Fang Zi Kuang immediately hung up the phone and hurried to the cliff.

Song Qian quickly asked: "What's the matter?"

"Bao'er is gone." Pei Yilin said while putting on his clothes, "maybe... suicide."

Song Qian trembled all over, and quickly got up to put on clothes.

Ever since Yin Baoer said that she would agree to marry Shang Yu, Song Qian has always had a bad premonition. Yin Baoer said several times that she would be relieved by waiting until the day of the wedding. Is it possible that the relief she said was suicide?

Pei Yilin and Song Qian drove directly to the cliff, and happened to meet Fang Zikuang on the road.

Song Qian frowned when he saw Fang Zimad.

On Fang Zikuan's face, there were two lines of undried tears clearly hanging on him. He, who had always been very energetic, was so depressed at the moment, as if there was no hope in life.

The cliffs of the Blue Mountains are a tourist attraction. The cliffs are very high and there is a deep river under the cliffs. Because they are still under development, there is dust everywhere.

"Boer!" Fang Zikuang shouted, "Boer! Don't do stupid things! Let me explain! Let me explain!"

"Boer!" Song Qian also shouted, "Where are you?"

Fang Zi Kuang looked at Pei Yilin and asked, "Where is she? Where is she?"

"The signal is very weak, but the display is near here." Pei Yilin said.

Fang Zikuang's back was cold. What he feared most was that Yin Baoer had left this world.

When I came to the edge of the cliff, there was a small rock with Yin Baoer's handwriting: I wish you happiness.

"Boer!" Fang Zi roared wildly, "Boer!"

Pei Yilin looked at the tracker again, showing that Yin Baoer was there.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin, and neither of them had the heart to tell Fang Zikuang that Yin Baoer had already jumped off.

Song Qian's nose was uncomfortable. She and Yin Bao'er had a very good relationship. Now, Yin Bao'er was dead, and she couldn't accept it for a while.

Pei Yilin hugged Song Qian in her arms and comforted softly: "It's okay."

"She's not dead!" Fang Zi glared at Pei Yilin and Song Qian, "Bao'er was not dead! She was joking with me. She punished me deliberately. She must be alive, I know, she must be alive!"

"Zi mad..."

"I don't want to listen to you!" Fang Zikuang interrupted Pei Yilin's words, "I tell you, Baoer is not dead, she will not die!"

Song Qian cried more loudly, Fang Zi madly strangled her wrist, and asked in a low voice, "What are you crying? Who allowed you to cry? My Baoer is not dead! I haven't told her yet, I'm willing to marry She, I can't ask for it, I love her more than she loves me, how could she be willing to leave me! She won't die, won't!"

"Children!" Pei Yilin shot, "Let go!"

"Bao'er won't die." Fang Zi Kuang shook his head constantly, his world was spinning, "No! She won't leave me! No...Woo..."

Fang Zikuang just stood there helplessly crying, he was holding the stone left by Yin Baoer, how could he be happy without her?

"She won't die." Fangzi murmured wildly, and he looked down the cliff, "She is waiting for me there. She must be scared by herself. I can't let her alone, never again! "

With that said, Fang Zi Kuang was about to jump down.

Pei Yilin has quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly grabs Fang Zikuang, "You wake up! She doesn't want you to be like this!"

"I killed it." Fang Zi Kuang kept crying, "I shouldn't have forced her to marry and let her follow me? What's wrong with two people falling in love? I hurt her so much... She won't forgive me anymore. ..."

"Fang Zi mad!" Pei Yilin roared, "It has already happened, so calm down."

"Don't worry about standing and talking!" Fang Zi wanted to get rid of Pei Yilin, but couldn't get rid of it. "If Song Qian is dead, look at what you are now!"

Pei Yilin punched Fang Zikuan's face with a fist, and said coldly: "You should be responsible for your choice when you chose it yourself."

"I don't care about Laozi's business!" Fang Zikuang waved his fist towards Pei Yilin, "Boer, I was wrong, listen to me, I love you, you come back, you come back and I will compensate you well, don't you leave me!"

Seeing Fang Zikang's emotions were out of control, Song Qian didn't know what she could do. The only thing she could do was to take care of Fang Zikang for Yin Baoer, right?

Song Qian slashed Fang Zikang's neck with a palm, causing Fang Zikang to fall into a coma temporarily.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian, and Song Qian hurriedly said, "Send him away from here first, in case something unexpected happens..."

Pei Yilin nodded.

"Also, send someone to find Bao'er, even if it's... a corpse..." Song Qian covered her mouth and kept her eyes away.

After a pause, Song Qian continued: "Even if... it's a corpse, I hope she will be safe in the soil."

Pei Yilin was startled, took a deep breath, and then went down the mountain with Song Qian in a coma.

When Fang Zikuang woke up, he looked around but didn't see Yin Baoer.

He looked at Song Qian and asked softly, "Boer, you will find her, right?"

Song Qian didn't know whether to tell Fang Zikuang that the tracker on Yin Bao'er had been found, but the corpse was not found. The final result was: Yin Bao'er had no corpse.

But this result...

Song Qian knew that Fang Zi Kuang would not be able to bear it.

"We are looking for her." Song Qian said softly, "According to the tracker on Bao'er, she has been arrested."

Fang Zi frowned frantically, "caught it?"

"Yeah." Song Qian clenched her fists, "found the tracker, but she has already left Bao'er. The person who took her left a note saying that it was... when it was time to show up, Let Boa appear."

Fang Zikuang's eyes filled with light, and he asked, "Where's the note? I want to read the note!"

Pei Yilin looked at Kang Lu and instructed: "Go and get the note."

Kang Lu was startled, then nodded, and went out to forge a note.

"It's fine if you don't die!" Fangzi murmured wildly, "As long as she is not dead, everything is fine!"

"Bao'er won't die." Song Qian said, "So...our task now is to find her."

Fang Zikuang immediately sat up, Song Qian quickly held him down and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I will go find her now!"

"Don't worry!" Song Qian said, "Yilin has sent someone out to look for it. I believe it will be found soon."

Fang Zi Kuang looked at Pei Yilin again, his eyes were for verification.

Pei Yilin’s black eyes are unfathomable. As Fang Zikang’s good brother, he knows the meaning of Yin Bao’er to Fang Zikang best. If you tell him that Yin Bao’er is dead, then... Fang Zikang is afraid that he won’t survive anyway. Down.

"Trust me." Pei Yilin whispered, "I will find her."

"Will they bully her?" Fang Zi Kuang frowned, "They must have taken Bao'er to threaten me!"

"Bao'er will be fine." Song Qian comforted, "If they want to use Bo'er to threaten us, they will definitely not mess with her, don't worry about it."

Fang Zi Kuang raised his head and looked at the ceiling, trying to think about who would kidnap Yin Baoer.

Pei Peipei stood by, wanting to cry but couldn't cry, Yin Baoer died, but was always missed by Fang Zi Kuang, she was still alive, but Fang Zikang saw her and hid.

Song Qian and Pei Yilin looked at each other. The two quietly exited the room and sighed deeply.

"Doing this... okay?" Pei Yilin seemed to be asking Song Qian, as well as himself.

"I don't know." Song Qian shook his head slightly, "I only know that if Bo'er is still alive, she definitely doesn't want Fang Zikuang to get depressed or leave with her."

Pei Yilin nodded.

"If Bo'er knew Fang Zikuang loved her very much, she would be relieved." Song Qian's eyes were red again, and she couldn't help asking: "It was originally two people who were in love, and nothing would happen at all. Being able to be together happily, why suffer so much? In the end, it still..."

Pei Yilin hugged Song Qian in his arms and said softly: "It will be fine, everything will be fine."

Song Qian raised her head to look at Pei Yilin. After Yin Bao'er and Fang Zikang's affairs, she felt that it was not easy to be together.

Song Qian thought: Is there something, she can also try to talk to Pei Yilin?

Maybe the difficulty she thought was not difficult in his opinion; maybe, in his heart, she and Qian Mengmeng would be the most important...

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