At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

The eleventh chapter break!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"No!" Pei Yilin refused without even thinking about it.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin secretly, and when she saw his iron complexion, a sorrow suddenly appeared in her heart.

"But..." Conlu paused, and continued: "The Yuchi family and the elders are here, if you don't see..."

Pei Yilin's eyebrows twisted, and he was obsessed with preventing Yu Chi Haolan and Song Qian from meeting, but he also knew that he could stop it for a while and could not stop it for a lifetime.

"No!" Pei Yilin still refused.

What are his Yuchi family's things, do he have to see them when they come?

Pei Yilin suddenly looked at Song Qian and found that she was looking at him, his eyes flashed with deep anxiety.

"You go out first." Pei Yilin said to Song Qian, "I have something to discuss with Kang Lu."

Song Qian was taken aback for a moment, never expected that Pei Yilin would take her away.

Pei Yilin lowered his head silently. He didn't want to look at Song Qian's eyes. He was worried about what she would find, but he suddenly thought that his performance might be too obvious. Song Qian would definitely think of something.

"Don't think too much." Pei Yilin whispered, "It's just that...some things you know, it's not good for you."

"Yeah." Song Qian did not expose Pei Yilin's lies, "Then I will go back to the bedroom first."

Pei Yilin nodded, looked at Song Qian's back, and sighed in his heart.

He really envied Yuchi Haolan, who actually possessed Song Qian's most innocent age, and still had a seat in her heart.

After leaving the study, Song Qian looked at the thick study door. She was really curious about what Pei Yilin had concealed from her. Perhaps, it was time for the truth to be revealed.

Song Qian hesitated, made up her mind in her heart, and then secretly walked towards the front entrance of the villa.

Song Qian saw Yuchi Haolan from afar, and the two of them hadn't been in contact for a long time.

When Yu Chi Haolan saw Song Qian, her eyes lit up, she adjusted her suit, and waited for her to come out.

"Bodyguard Song." The bodyguard at the door stopped Song Qian, "President Pei told me that you can't go out."

"President Pei asked me to meet Master Yuchi and let them go back." Song Qian said softly.


Song Qian asked with a stern look, "What? Do you think I will lie to you?"

"Subordinates dare not!"

"That's not letting go?"

The bodyguard paused, thinking that Pei Yilin was in the villa. Song Qian was definitely not leaving secretly, so he didn't have much defense and let her go out.

"Shallow!" Yuchi Haolan greeted excitedly, "I finally saw you!"

Song Qian chuckled. In order to prevent her from going out, Pei Yilin even temporarily prevented her from working as a company secretary.

"Where is Pei Yilin? Is he willing to let you out?" Yuchi Haolan asked.

"Are you looking for something to do with him?" Song Qian asked softly, "He is not in the villa at the moment, he is busy going out, you may not come by coincidence."

Song Qian saw that the heavyweight figure of the Yuchi family should have not come out in the car.

"It's okay." Yu Chi Haolan looked at Song Qian idiotically, "Anyway, I'm not here today looking for him, but for you."

"Look for me?" Song Qian was puzzled. He didn't think there was a big deal. He needed Yuchi Haolan to invite everyone in his family as a reason, just to see her.

"I have something to tell you! I should have told you long ago! No, in fact, I told you a long time ago, but Pei Yilin answered the phone at the time. I asked him to tell you, but he started to think Do everything possible to prevent us from meeting." Yuchi Haolan said.

Song Qian's heart rate suddenly became very slow and slow. At the moment when she was about to get in touch with the truth, she somewhat wanted to return to Pei Yilin.

A woman's sixth sense is very accurate. Song Qian intuitively felt that Pei Yilin must have concealed something very important from her.

"Qianqian, whether you remember me or not, I want to tell you that I am actually yours..."

"Qianer!" Pei Yilin's voice sounded furiously.

Song Qian and Yuchi Haolan turned their heads at the same time, Pei Yilin rushed over, hugged Song Qian, and pulled her into the villa.

"You let her go!" Yu Chi Haolan grabbed Song Qian's hand at the same time.

"Yuchi Haolan!" Pei Yilin's voice squeezed from the gap between her teeth, protecting Song Qian behind her, "If you disappear quietly and disturbedly within 30 seconds, I will kill you!"

"I can do the same!" Yu Chi Haolan said coldly.

Pei Yilin immediately took out his gun and pointed it directly at Yuchi Haolan's head, as did Yuchi Haolan.

At this moment of tension, Song Qian stood there blankly. She just heard the words behind Yuchi Haolan blurted out: "Brother Duoduo".

It turns out that Yuchi Haolan is her Toto brother back then!

Pei Yilin deliberately kept it from her because he knew this in advance!

Song Qian's mood was very complicated. She knew that Pei Yilin did this because she was worried that she would lose her, but to her, it was a kind of mistrust and a deception.

And it just so happened that the thing Song Qian hated most in her life was that someone lied to her.

"Put down the gun." Song Qian's voice floated out very softly.



"lay down!"

Yuchi Haolan put down the gun first, Song Qian turned to look at Pei Yilin, he still stubbornly charged Yuchi Haolan and said, "Go away!"

Song Qian wrinkled her brows, and her gaze at Pei Yilin became more complicated.

Pei Yilin's heart became even more flustered. Just now, when he heard that Song Qian came to the door of the villa, he was worried about her meeting Yuchi Haolan. Now, he was still worried and wanted to hide Song Qian immediately so that she could not hear or see.

"Shallow, I..."

"Yuchi Haolan!" Pei Yilin quickly pulled the trigger.

"You put down your gun!" Song Qian was anxious.

Pei Yilin said quickly: "You go in first!"

Song Qian's eyes were even more angry. She clenched her fists and said coldly, "I already know."

Seeing Pei Yilin stunned obviously, Song Qian looked away and continued: "I already know the things you don't want me to know."

"You..." Pei Yilin was in a mess, "You..."

Song Qian asked loudly, "He was my playmate when I was a kid. He has a lot of money. When will you keep it from me!"

Yu Chi Hao's blue heart was overjoyed, while Pei Yilin had a gray face, and the two of them felt completely opposite.

"Qianer!" Pei Yilin's heart seemed to be caught by something.

Song Qian continued to ask: "You have kept the secret from telling me and forbidden me to travel. Do you think you can keep it for a lifetime?"

Seeing Song Qian's expression, Pei Yilin felt very bottomless. He chose to hide from Song Qian because he was worried that she would go to Yuchi Haolan in the end.

But now...

Yuchi Haolan also followed out: "Pei Yilin, I reminded you at that time to tell Qian Qian that you didn't say anything selfishly, and you were too much to tie her to the villa. Do you want to keep her forever?"

Song Qian's eyes dimmed as she looked at Yuchi Haolan. The old friend from many years ago appeared in front of her again, still giving her a familiar feeling.

However, Yuchi Haolan and Pei Yilin were superimposed on each other, making Song Qian uneasy.

Pei Yilin's heart was filled with a strong sense of loss and a panic about losing Song Qian. Looking at her expression, he could not figure out her choice, but at the moment, she was looking at Yuchi Haolan.

How can Pei Yilin tolerate Song Qian's departure? This woman has already been taken by him. He will not give her other options, even if it is tied, he will tie her to his side!

"Wei..." Song Qian said, but didn't know what to say.

"Qian'er." Pei Yilin said quickly, "I just want to find a suitable opportunity to tell you."

"Really?" Song Qian didn't believe it at all.

Song Qian understands Pei Yilin. According to his personality, he will definitely prevent him from meeting Yu Chi Haolan for the rest of his life, hoping to keep this matter secret for a lifetime.

Thinking, Song Qian shook his head depressed.

Pei Yilin's black eyes suddenly fell cold. He looked at Song Qian's attitude as if he was disappointed in him.

"So?" Pei Yilin said coldly, but his heart was too anxious.

Song Qian squeezed her hand tightly, a little surprise flashed in her eyes.

She didn't expect Pei Yilin to have this attitude. At any rate, he had concealed this matter from her. It was his fault. If he could have a better attitude...

Song Qian smiled faintly. That's how the Pei Yilin she knew was. He would think he was right no matter what happened. He never thought about the feelings of others. She even wanted to tell him about her and Qian Mengmeng. I'm afraid, the end will be a dead end!

At this moment, Song Qian's heart suddenly died.

Song Qian asked: "So what do you want?"

"Do you want to go with him?" Pei Yilin's voice squeezed through the teeth, "Want to leave here?"

The smile on Song Qian's lips was deeper. She looked at Pei Yilin and looked at it very seriously. From beginning to end, she did not speak, but silently looked at him.

"You thought you could go!" Pei Yilin roared.

"Pei Yilin." Yuchi Haolan guarded Song Qian, "Are you loudly useful? I found out that Qian Qian doesn't love you at all, and Qian Mengmeng is not your daughter!"

"Mengmeng's surname is Qian!" Yuchi Haolan seemed to have discovered something suddenly, "Her surname is Qian? Qianqian, Mengmeng has the same surname as me!"

Pei Yilin was still breathing, he stared at Song Qian, and the guilty expression on Song Qian's face made him frantic and angry.

Qian Mengmeng!

A lot of money!

Pei Yilin clenched his fists, why has he never drew an equal sign between this?

In just an instant, the warmth remaining in Pei Yilin's eyes also disappeared.

He glanced at Yuchi Haolan, then at Song Qian, as if he was looking at a pair of adulterers.

How could Song Qian stand the look of Pei Yilin's eyes? It was clear that she hadn't done anything. He kept hiding a lot of things from her. Moreover, he and Qin Xirong were still ambiguous. What qualifications did he have to question her?

"It's a coincidence?" Pei Yilin was full of anger, "Song Qian, answer me!"

Song Qian met Pei Yilin's eyes and did not speak, but the expression in his eyes was not gentle.

Pei Yilin felt more anger in his heart, "Answer me!"

"No." Song Qian said outrageously. Since Pei Yilin wanted this answer, "It's not a coincidence! Are you satisfied?"

Pei Yilin's black eyes darkened, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, staring at Song Qian's back and his hair was horrified.

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