At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 116 You killed her?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian was waking up, and suddenly felt that the bedroom door was opened. She opened her eyes subconsciously, sat up, and when she saw that it was Pei Yilin, her eyes tightened, and her heart beat faster.

It was clearly only a few hours away, but Pei Yilin at this moment had a sense of depression, as if frustrated.

Song Qian wondered how hard he had been.

Is it a shame for him to touch Qin Xirong?

"What are you doing?" Song Qian sternly said, "It's silent, do you want to kill me?"

"Song Qian." Pei Yilin looked up, her black eyes sharp, "If I want to kill you, a hundred lives will not be enough for you to die!"

Song Qianbai took a look at Pei Yilin. He who was "cheating" last night and saw her so confidently now, he was really embarrassed!

Pei Yilin clenched his fists, "What's your expression?"

"If I remember correctly, are we still arguing?" Song Qian reminded, "President Pei is really a noble person to forget about things! Could it be that being with Qin Xirong is too happy, so I was dazzled by love Right?"

Pei Yilin's fists rattled, "Of course!" He just didn't want to be softened in front of her.

Song Qian's eyes were complicated, and her brows were twisted, and she continued to ask, "Since you love so deeply, why are you coming back so early?"

"I..." Pei Yilin said poorly, "I'm happy!"

Song Qian was not happy anymore, "This is my room, you can leave if there is nothing wrong, don't bother me to sleep."

"Are you naive?" Pei Yilin didn't have a good tone. "Every time I quarrel with me, I move to the cabin to sleep!"

"Where am I going to sleep? The master bedroom?" Song Qian said coldly, "I can't afford to sleep! If you bring Qin Xirong back in the middle of the night, don't I have to be woken up and put in bed?"

"You have Qin Xirong on the left and Qin Xirong on the right. Why, are you jealous?" Pei Yilin asked.

"Jealous?" Song Qian replied, "You can put gold on your own face too much! I eat rice, oil and salt, but I'm not jealous!"

"You hateful woman!" Pei Yilin walked over in anger, picked Song Qian up and resisted on his shoulders, "You are not jealous! If you don't eat, I will go to the kitchen to find rough food for you!"

"Pei Yilin, let me down!" Song Qian shouted, "You let me go!"

"Bring me the vinegar in the room, a whole bottle!" Pei Yilin shouted, and then took Song Qian back to the master bedroom in public.

Poor Song Qian is still wearing pajamas, she can only cover her face, which is really shameful!

"Pei Yilin, you lunatic!" Song Qian was angry, "You are so strong!"

"You have the ability to resist me!" Pei Yilin said coldly.

Song Qian was so angry that he couldn't wait to slap Pei Yilin again. He had seen someone shameless, but he had never seen someone as shameless as him!

Pei Yilin suddenly asked: "Why are you blushing?"

"Blushing?" Song Qian sneered, "Why should I blush? As for? I didn't see anything that I shouldn't see!"

Pei Yilin noticed something was wrong, and it seemed to be particularly hot when he touched Song Qian's temperature just now.

Only when Pei Yilin walked over, stretched out his hand, Song Qian opened it.

"Don't move!" Pei Yilin let out a cold voice, then shot, Song Qian hit again, his other hand was already touching her forehead.


Song Qian suddenly realized that she was alive. It rained a lot last night. In the small room of the office and the air conditioner was not turned on, she stayed without shelter for several hours.

Although she was doing full-body exercise, her body still caught a cold.

"Did you not cover the quilt last night?" Pei Yilin shouted angrily. Why did her body get a little sick when he was not by Song Qian?

But even so, she still didn't learn to behave, so she didn't want to stay by his side.

This woman, who is usually so smart, can't think through such a simple question?

Pei Yilin looked around, picked up the cup and walked over, preparing to feed Song Qian with water.

"It's cold!" Pei Yilin muttered, and then took a big sip.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin with a full black thread. He just thought he was caring about her and helped her get water to drink. How did he suddenly drink it himself?

Damn stinky man!

Song Qiangang was angry and wanted to get out of bed, Pei Yilin's lips suddenly pressed against her lips accurately, and then gave her all the water.

"Hmm—" Song Qian kept resisting, but was swallowed by the water.

"Pei Yilin, you perverted scumbag, you..."

Pei Yilin was cold-eyed, "I'm giving you warm water with my mouth!" But his face flushed slightly.

Song Qian took a breath and tried to hold back Pei Yilin's head to see if his structure was different from that of normal people.

"Are you sick? Are you dirty? If you want to drink hot water, you will not pour it for me?" Song Qian roared.

"What is dirty!" Pei Yilin blocked Song Qian with a fierce look, "Have you never eaten my saliva?"


"What kind of hypocrisy!"


"You get sick at every turn, are you a pig? Can't take care of yourself? Pigs also know that they will save fat when they are cold!"

Song Qian was sulking, and turned around to ignore Pei Yilin.

He said so arrogantly that he was the one who made her catch a cold!

Pei Yilin's brows tightened, went to the drawer to get the anti-fever medicine, and poured a cup of warm water to Song Qian.

Song Qian simply continued to turn around, really didn't want to talk to Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin patiently said, "Drink medicine."

"Don't worry about it, I will find medicine to drink myself." Song Qian said coldly.

"Are you tired of living?"


"what the hell do you want?"

Song Qian just sat up, looked at Pei Yilin, and replied: "I want to be cute, you give her back to me!"

Pei Yilin looked away and didn't reply.

"What the hell did you do to her!" Song Qian yelled, "Did you kill her? Or, what secret did you tie her to steal? Or, what do you use her for?"

"Stealing secrets?" Pei Yilin is particularly sensitive to these four words.

Some guilty conscience flashed in Song Qian's eyes. Just now, when she was excited, she said she had missed her mouth.

"You, Mengmeng, and constitution, plus Xia Erlan, are the inner ghosts of this villa!" Pei Yilin is almost certain, "I never knew, it turns out that the inner ghosts in my villa are two groups of people. ."

"Inner ghost." Song Qian lowered his head sadly, "You always designate me as the inner ghost, and you never believed me..."

"Why didn't I believe you?" Pei Yilin was not convinced.

If he didn't believe her, did she think she was still alive?

"Trust me?" Song Qian sighed and laughed. "Your belief is really cheap! This is the first time you have been so sure? Have you ever counted it?"

"Isn't it?" Pei Yilin asked, "Then why did Mengmeng and Chengxian throw into the dungeon?"

Song Qian trembled slightly, thinking about it, Pei Yilin will investigate many things next.


Is Qian Mengmeng really safe in Pei Yilin's hands?

"Don't hurt her!" Song Qian panicked, "You can do anything to me, don't hurt her!"

"I want you to tell me in person if you are a ghost." Pei Yilin paused.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin blankly.

is it?

She didn't know it herself.

Logically speaking, they may be, after all, Qian Mengmeng is indeed the Interpol, investigating Pei Yilin.

It can also be said that it is not. The narrow definition of the inner ghost is to do bad things, and it has nothing to do with them!

Seeing Song Qian didn't speak, Pei Yilin's eyes were full of sadness.

In the end, the two people he trusted most united and betrayed him.

"Why?" Pei Yilin grabbed Song Qian's shoulder, "Why? We could all have a good life, why do you have to disrupt?"

Song Qian didn't know what to say, just shook his head.

Pei Yilin continued to roar: "Am I not good to you? Ah! Song Qian, you can really pretend, since your approach was a lie to me from the beginning, why do you want to admit it now? Why don't you continue to lie? So rightly say that my trust is cheap?"

"It's not what you think!" Song Qian panicked, "No!"

"What is that!" Pei Yilin pushed Song Qian away fiercely, "Say it!"

"Don't hurt her, it's all my fault, she is just a child." Song Qian cried and pleaded.

"Hurt her?" Pei Yilin smiled, "Song Qian, I really don't understand you. Since you care about her so much, why did you use her to approach me in the first place?"

Song Qian's fist tightened and everything was messed up, like a rope entangled together, unable to untie it at all.

She didn't know how she had to explain Pei Yilin in order to believe it, and to spare Qian Mengmeng, all things had coincidences and designs, but in the final analysis, she really didn't lie to him!

"I won't believe you anymore." Pei Yilin said coldly, "Song Qian, I won't believe you anymore!"

Looking at the back of Pei Yilin's absolute departure, Song Qian sat on the bed blankly, with the water he poured and the medicine he helped take, looking ironic.

"Mengmeng." Song Qianqiang cheered up, "Mommy won't let you go! You believe in Mommy, you wait for Mommy to rescue you!"


Song Qian didn't expect that the relationship between her and Pei Yilin would really end like this.

He no longer cares about her, no longer restrains her, and no longer sees her.

But she could only continue to live in the villa, looking for clues about Qian Mengmeng.

"No news yet?" Song Qian asked Xiao Honglian for the Nth time.

Xiao Honglian still shook her head, Qian Mengmeng had been missing for almost two months, as if she had disappeared from this world, she couldn't find it at all.

Song Qian's face was still pale, she closed her eyes and turned to leave.

"Why don't you consider talking to Pei Yilin about softening?" Xiao Honglian suggested, "Man! It's so coaxing! Actually, just add a bottle of red wine to a set of fun!"

"Continue to help me find Mengmeng." Song Qian said softly, "I'm leaving now."

A set of fun and a bottle of red wine?

Song Qian took a deep breath, and the cold air was sucked into his nose, so cold.

Song Qian raised her head and looked at the sky. It was dark and unknowingly, it was already winter!

"Shallow!" Yuchi Haolan's voice sounded.

Song Qian turned around, and Yuchi Haolan was getting out of the car.

"I've heard that Pei Yilin suddenly bought a set of medical equipment at a high price, and he didn't know where he went. I wondered if it had something to do with the place where Mengmeng was hiding?" Yuchi Haolan said.

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