At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 118 I am Mr. Cheng's woman!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian's eyes dimmed. She looked at Liu Xuan and said with a chuckle: "You are now a wife, congratulations!"

"Thank you." Liu Xuan gritted her teeth back.

Liu Xuan has found someone to investigate why she went into the wrong room at the time. All of this was caused by Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian. Liu Xuan thought that what the two little kids could understand, it must be. Song Qian taught them.

Although Liu Xuan was not by Pei Yilin's side, she would still pay attention to Pei Yilin's recent events, knowing that Song Qian had once become Pei Yilin's lover, and Liu Xuan's heart seemed to be cut by a knife.

Although from the surface, Liu Xuan is doing very well now, but in fact, when the pervert is written in bed, she will use many tricks to abuse her, she can't bear it.

But in order to survive, to have a branch to rely on, Liu Xuan had to accept, and pretend to be enjoying herself, so that Cheng Wenfeng could not put it down with her, and then he came up with more unlimited ways to torture her.

All this, Liu Xuan thought that she could not have happened in the first place, she could have stayed by Pei Yilin's side, one day she would become his wife, but was taken away by Song Qian.

This hatred, Liu Xuan was counted on Song Qian's head.

Song Qian naturally knew that Liu Xuan was dissatisfied with her, but why the room number was changed that time? She really forgot to check it later. Now she wants to check it again, and she doesn't know if she can find it.

Cheng Wenfeng looked at Song Qian obsessively, he didn't even want to wait anymore.

"Brother Pei, you bodyguard not only looks good, but you also fight well. Why don't you give her to me!" Cheng Wenfeng asked Pei Yilin again for Song Qian.

"Ask her yourself." Pei Yilin finished speaking and looked at Song Qian.

"This time, you must go with me!" There was some dissatisfaction in the written tone, "either die or go!"

Song Qian's mouth hooked awkwardly, gritted her teeth, and said, "Go!"

Liu Xuan looked at Song Qian in surprise, is she crazy?Are you willing to go with the written letter?

Or, Song Qian was tempted to see her full of jewels?

Liu Xuan gave Song Qian a very complicated look. Liu Xuan was happy when she thought that Song Qian could be ill-treated by a written title, but if Song Qian was so tolerant, and instead sealed off the written document, what should I do? ?

Liu Xuan shook her head. She now has enough money, so she has also cultivated some of her own strength. After Song Qian has been abused for a period of time, she will quietly send someone to kill Song Qian. Revenge, are you happy again?

Thinking about it, Liu Xuan's mouth raised a brisk smile.

As soon as Cheng Wenfeng heard that Song Qian was willing to go with him, he was exasperated and wanted to ask for a kiss after hugging Song Qian.

Song Qian gently pushed open the written seal, and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Cheng, I'm shy. It's better not to be like this in the public! Wait until you return to the room, OK?"

"Good! Good! Of course good!" The beauty is in her arms, what's wrong?

Song Qian smiled lightly, but she smiled arrogantly, and proudly, she didn't see Pei Yilin's face that could not be darker.

Cheng Wenfeng was not willing to let go of Song Qian at all. In order to find her daughter, Song Qian gritted his teeth, so some small gains could only be preempted by Cheng Wenfeng.

Pei Yilin stared at Song Qian, but Song Qian completely ignored it.

He decided to give her away, so he must be able to withstand this result.

Pei Yilin was so angry that his breathing became thicker. Seeing Wenfeng's hand ring on Song Qian's waist, he wanted to chop off that hand.

In Pei Yilin's heart, there was a voice roaring: Song Qian can only be my woman!

"So your name is Song Qian?" Wen Feng squeezed Song Qian's little nose, "Little villain, you can lie to me! See how I can deal with you in a while!"

"Let's eat first." Pei Yilin's voice was cold, "Otherwise, I said that I came to my villa and I didn't have enough food."

Cheng Wenfeng couldn't hear the anger in Pei Yilin's tone at all. He doesn't want to eat now. He only needs a bed, so he can do something with Song Qian.

"Pretty." The written seal squinted, "Really beautiful!"

Song Qian was very skillful in avoiding the written salty pig hand, so that he could not see that he could not eat, but his heart was more itchy.

Pei Yilin's black eyes are deep, and he has become more and more suspicious that Song Qian will really succumb to the licentious power in order to find Qian Mengmeng.

This woman, she is simply challenging his limit!

"Let's eat!" Pei Yilin increased his tone.

Cheng Wenfeng only heard Pei Yilin's voice, and it sounded that he had already come to Pei Yilin's villa. It was really unreasonable to skip a meal, so he had to temporarily divert Song Qian's attention to Pei Yilin.

Seeing Song Qian and Cheng Wenfeng finally separated some distance, the anger in Pei Yilin's heart did not diminish at all. He could not bear it anymore. Song Qian, this woman, was simply his poison!

For this meal, Cheng Wenfeng and Pei Yilin both ate very absent-mindedly. From time to time, both of them looked at Song Qian, who was on the sidelines. On the contrary, Song Qian was okay, ignored anyone, just ate quietly, and then concentrated on thinking for a while How should we talk about constitutional things with written documents?

Qin Xirong, who had just come out of the bedroom to eat, saw that Cheng Wenfeng was so persistent with Song Qian, and she also clearly saw Pei Yilin's care for Song Qian, and she had begun to figure out what to do next.

Liu Xuan looked at Song Qian and then at Qin Xirong. It seemed that for a lot of things, she only needed to stand still, and she could easily win this victory!

After eating, Pei Yilin still refused to let Chengwenfeng leave.

"Why don't you go and see some antiques in the villa?" Pei Yilin suggested.

"Someday!" All of Cheng Wenfeng's thoughts were on Song Qian, and the beauty was a few steps away from him. If it weren't for Pei Yilin's existence, he would definitely press Song Qian directly on the ground and start a battle. .

"Why? Does the adult dislike the antiques here? You haven't even looked at it, you know I don't have treasures worth visiting?" Pei Yilin's voice was close to freezing.

Cheng Wenfeng looked at Pei Yilin inexplicably, and he wished that something would happen with Song Qian right away, but Pei Yilin forbade him to leave, didn't he intentionally disrupt the situation?

"President Pei?" Cheng Wenfeng noticed something, "Song Qian...couldn't it be your woman?"

"No!" Pei Yilin denied in one go.

Then, he regretted that he wanted to take back what he had just said.

"Then I can rest assured!" Cheng Wenfeng patted his chest, looking particularly afraid that Song Qian would be snatched by Pei Yilin, "Brother Pei, let me tell you clearly, I don't want to see your antiques, but you understand I, in this world, my interest in women ranks first! So... your antiques, I can look at them anytime, but Song Qian, I can’t wait."

Pei Yilin's fist bursts with blue veins, and the damn written seal is so blatantly coveted that only belongs to his woman!

Cheng Wenfeng continued to speak without fear of death: "Brother Pei! Look at you, there is Liu Xuan and Song Qian next to you... But you don't even want it, tusk!"

Cheng Wenfeng glanced at Qin Xirong, the woman who belonged to Pei Yilin. Although she was also very beautiful, he felt that compared to his Liu Xuan, it was a little worse, and compared to his Song Qian, it was really much worse!

"Alright, alright! Then I'll go first, brother Pei, I will make a special trip to invite you to dinner to apologize for the night. Now, you should let me feed my other gluttons first!" Cheng Wenfeng said, picking up Song Shallow is leaving.

Pei Yilin loosened his fist, no one saw what he did, but Wen Feng fell to the ground before taking a few steps.

"Brother!" Pei Yilin walked over, "What's wrong with you? Walk well, why did you fall?"

"I..." I don't know what's wrong with the written letter, "Ouch! It hurts!"

Pei Yilin pulled at Wenfeng's arm and squeezed it with skill. Wenfeng hurriedly shouted: "Oh! I can't lift up, I can't lift up, my hand broke, I broke it!"

A trace of joy flashed in Pei Yilin's heart, and he hugged Song Qian's hand. Even if he didn't abolish it, even if he had written a way to survive, but even if it was not abolished, within this year, he would not heal completely.

Song Qian's mouth was hooked awkwardly. She was a gold medal killer, so she wouldn't fail to see what Pei Yilin did just now.

She can only sigh: It turns out that Pei Yilin's true strength, she really instructed to see more than half of it.

Just now Pei Yilin's movements can be described as super speed of light!

If she hadn't been by Cheng Wenfeng's side, she would never have seen Pei Yilin moved.

"Husband!" Liu Xuan hurriedly knelt on the ground, and didn't dare to touch the enactment, "husband, what's the matter with you? Don't move, lie down, don't hurt your shins!"

In Liu Xuan's heart, she laughed out loud.

Liu Xuan can't wait for the written word to be broken into a disability, and it would be better to break his life!

In that case, she would no longer be tortured by written letters.

"Send to the hospital." Pei Yilin looked at Kang Lu and ordered: "Be careful, don't hurt Mr. Cheng again."

"Yes!" Kang Lu nodded, then set up a letter of paper and rushed to the hospital immediately.

Liu Xuan hurriedly chased after the written letter, Qin Xirong stood there, her eyes full of anger.

Although Qin Xirong didn't know that Pei Yilin did the hands and feet, but it was written that he would fall when he fell, which is too illogical!

Qin Xirong couldn't help but look at Song Qian, thinking she did all this, because she definitely didn't want to really serve the letter.

"I'll go and have a look." Song Qian said and was about to leave.

"Stop!" Before Pei Yilin's voice came out, Qin Xirong spoke first.

"Song Qian, you are so courageous!" Qin Xirong said angrily, "You tripped Mr. Cheng on purpose, right?"

Song Qian looked at Qin Xirong coldly and asked, "Do you have any evidence?"

"At that time, you were the closest to Mr. Cheng, and this place is flat. How could Mr. Cheng suddenly fall?" Qin Xirong analyzed, "Song Qian, do you know that Mr. Cheng is a good partner of Yilin? You are offended He is just looking for trouble for Yilin!"

Song Qian cast her eyes, "Wait for you to come up with evidence and then talk to me. Now, I am Mr. Cheng's woman. He is injured. It is necessary for me to go to the hospital to see him!"

With that said, Song Qian was ready to leave, and an angry line of sight directly covered her, as if an ice wall was built invisibly, blocking her.

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