At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 120 Hi to be a father!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!When Pei Yilin arrived in a hurry, Song Qianzheng and Cheng Wenfeng stayed alone in the ward.

Pei Yilin almost kicked open the door of the ward. Although it was written that Feng could not do anything excessive to Song Qian at all, but just thinking that they were alone together, Pei Yilin was jealous.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin coldly. Seeing him coming, she got up, turned and left.

"Where are you going?" Pei Yilin roared.

Song Qian ignored him and continued to walk.

Pei Yilin turned her head and shouted in a letter: "Song Qian is my woman! Don't make any more ideas!"

"What!" Written anxiously, "Brother Pei, what do you mean? You just gave her to me, and now you say that she is your woman, are you fooling me?"

"If you dare to touch her, you don't even want to see the sun tomorrow!" Pei Yilin said ruthlessly, chasing Song Qian out.

Cheng Wenfeng is completely dumbfounded, what is the rhythm of this suddenly...

Pei Yilin caught up with Song Qian, grabbed her wrist, and shouted, "Why are you running!"

"Let go of me." Song Qian's voice was cold.

"You are my woman!" Pei Yilin roared, "Why should I let you go!"

Song Qian was angry, "Are you shameless?"

Pei Yilin glared at Song Qian, his wife was almost running away with other men, why did he have to face?

"Let's make up." Pei Yilin's voice contained commands.

Song Qian was taken aback, then sneered.


These two words are easy to say, but so easy to do?

"Reconciliation is fine." Song Qian said coldly, "You return Mengmeng to me first."

Pei Yilin's brows wrinkled, Qian Mengmeng's body was getting worse and worse, and now he couldn't return to Song Qian at all. He didn't want her to know his daughter's condition, he was worried that she would cry to death.

"Mengmeng is safe now." Pei Yilin lowered her voice, "Don't worry."

"If you want to reconcile with me, don't you want to live with her before?" Song Qian asked, "Or, while you are thinking about reconciliation, you still wonder in your heart what our purpose is to approach you? "

"Can you not be so extreme?" Pei Yilin was unhappy, "I have evidence that you are sneaky, can't you even ask? What's more, if I really doubt you, you can still stand intact now In front of me?"

"Then you return Mengmeng to me." Song Qian admitted to death. "Otherwise, what kind of sincerity do you show that you want to make peace with me?"

"Mengmeng will come back to you." Pei Yilin promised, "but not now."

Song Qian stared at Pei Yilin, "What did you do to her?"

"Not what you think." Pei Yilin explained.

"Pei Yilin!" Song Qian also began to roar, "If something happens to Mengmeng, I will kill you!"

After speaking, Song Qian left Pei Yilin and ran away quickly.

Pei Yilin stood in embarrassment. He knew that the only possibility to reconcile with Song Qian was to make Qian Mengmeng appear, but Qian Mengmeng himself did not want to let Song Qian know about his illness.

Pei Yilin had no choice but to go to Qian Mengmeng to see if she was getting better.

"Daddy!" Qian Mengmeng was as happy as ever, even though his face was too pale, he still ran into Pei Yilin's arms.

Pei Yilin quickened his pace, picked up Qian Mengmeng, and asked, "Isn't it for you to be quiet? What if your condition gets worse if you run like this?"

"No! Doctor Hao was too careful!" Qian Mengmeng said in a relaxed tone.

"What? Daddy, you still haven't made up with Mommy? Your efficiency is also a bit...too...low!" Qian Mengmeng was dissatisfied.

"If I can't see you, she won't forgive me." Pei Yilin said.

Qian Mengmeng also knew that his disappearance was the crux of the quarrel between Mommy and Daddy.

"Actually...I miss Mommy a lot too!" Qian Mengmeng said softly, "This is the longest time I have left Mommy."

Pei Yilin gently patted Qian Mengmeng's back, comfortingly said: "Don't worry, you will get better."

Qian Mengmeng’s eyes are dim. She knows that she will not be good, she is not afraid of death, she is just sad, leaving Mommy in this world, what should Mommy do?

Qian Mengmeng suddenly said: "Daddy, let's do this. Let's play a play. You pretend that Cheng Xian and I have escaped. Then, let me call Mommy, and I will let Mommy be you!"

"No." Pei Yilin shook his head, "As soon as you call, your mommy can find you."

"Moreover..." Pei Yilin added, "What if she knows that you are running, and doesn't forgive me, and runs with you?"

Qian Mengmeng shrugged helplessly. The possibility Pei Yilin said was not impossible.

"Daddy, I have persuaded you a long time ago that the trick of making Mommy jealous doesn't work at all. It will only make Mommy hate you more and more!" Qian Mengmeng whispered, "But you want to..."

Pei Yilin also regretted it now. He originally thought that as long as Qin Xirong kept Song Qian's eyes in the villa and aroused Song Qian's competitive heart, she would definitely come back to him obediently.

But... Unexpectedly, things are going in a worse direction.

Pei Yilin gently shook his head, the matter had already reached this point, he could only bite the bullet and continue.

Sending Qian Mengmeng back to the bedroom, Pei Yilin went to Dr. Hao on purpose.

"Have you found a way to save Mengmeng?" Pei Yilin asked.

Dr. Hao shook his head, and then asked tentatively, "Have you not considered the method I told you last time?"

Last time, Dr. Hao told Pei Yilin that Song Qian could get pregnant again, and then use her umbilical cord blood to save Qian Mengmeng. However, Song Qian’s body is not suitable for pregnancy. death.

Pei Yilin's fist was just squeezed, is there no way to prevent Song Qian from taking risks?

Damn it!

"Mengmeng can't wait for a few months now. Song Qian is at least nine months old from pregnancy to having a baby. If you delay any longer, even..." Dr. Hao didn't finish the rest.

After hesitating for a long time, Pei Yilin asked, "Can the cord blood definitely save Mengmeng?"

"It's not 100% sure." Dr. Hao sighed, "I can only do my best."

"It's not certain, it's not certain, what can you be sure of!" Pei Yilin roared.

Even if Song Qian risked her life to become pregnant, she was still not sure that she could save Qian Mengmeng.

What Pei Yilin worries most is that Qian Mengmeng is gone, and Song Qian is also gone.

Dr. Hao did not speak, and he was also struggling.

Pei Yilin's brows were tightened tightly. He had secretly hired many doctors to diagnose and treat Qian Mengmeng, but none of them had any effect. Pei Yilin really couldn't do things that could rob people of death.

Pei Yilin returned to the villa very depressed. Qin Xirong sat on the sofa and waited for him, while Song Qian was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, with a smile that looked like a smile at the corner of his mouth, but it looked cold and hateful. meaning.

"Yilin!" Qin Xirong's voice was soft, "Sit down, I have a happy event to announce to you!"

"Happy event?" Pei Yilin intuitively said from Qin Xirong's mouth would not be happy event.

"Yeah! Sit down! It's really a big happy event!" Qin Xirong's face was red, and when she spoke, she looked at Song Qian specially.

Song Qian continued to drink tea indifferently, the smile on the corners of his mouth still hooked.

Pei Yilin sat opposite Song Qian, glanced at her, then looked at Qin Xirong.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin said coldly. He no longer wanted to pretend to treat Qin Xirong. Tonight, he was going to drive her away, and then explained clearly to Song Qian.

"I'm pregnant!" Qin Xirong said with joy, "Yilin, I'm pregnant!"

The corners of Song Qian's lips curled up with a deeper smile. When Qin Xirong told her about this just now, she decided to sit here, waiting to see how Pei Yilin would react.

As she expected, Pei Yilin's reaction was really dramatic.

He was shocked, then astonished, then he didn't believe it, and finally it was all anger.

"What did you say?" Pei Yilin asked again, "Are you pregnant?"

"I'm pregnant! Yilin! I'm pregnant! Pregnant with your baby!" Qin Xirong said excitedly.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian subconsciously, then pulled Qin Xirong back to the room.

Song Qian narrowed her mouth, she was very curious about how she would develop next, why did Pei Yilin not let her watch a good show?

Really unhappy!

This is, Xia Erlan came to pat Song Qian's shoulder, and said sarcastically: "You have been in President Pei's room before, why didn't you get pregnant?"

Song Qian couldn't help touching her stomach, and replied, "Because I don't want to be pregnant."

"Really?" Xia Erlan also glanced at Song Qian's stomach, "but what should I do? Now someone else has already taken the lead!"

"Yeah." Song Qian nodded, and then deliberately angered Xia Erlan, "President Pei can't work here, I can go and talk to other people! Right?"

With that said, Song Qian gave Kang Lu a meaningful look.

Xia Erlan's face was pale with anger, but Song Qian went into the room very proudly.

It was not until this time that Song Qian showed her bleak eyes, touched her belly with both hands, the corners of her mouth twitched, and some moisture gushing out of her eyes uncontrollably.

In the master bedroom, after Pei Yilin pulled Qin Xirong into the bedroom, he let go of her hand.

"Pregnant? How could you get pregnant? How could it be my child? I never touched you!" Pei Yilin said coldly.

"Yilin." Qin Xirong pouted aggrievedly, "Have you forgotten? That night, in the small room of your office, we..."

Pei Yilin was dumb, if there were children that night...

His child?

"Impossible!" Pei Yilin didn't believe it, "How can it be so accurate!"

"But they are pregnant!" Qin Xirong took Pei Yilin's hand, "Yilin, you have a baby!"

Pei Yilin couldn't react at all for a while, just once, the one he most wanted to hide from Song Qian, but Qin Xirong was pregnant?

Pei Yilin ignored Qin Xirong, he went out and found that Song Qian was no longer in the living room, and hurried to her bedroom.

Song Qian didn't lock the door, and when she saw Pei Yilin coming in, she didn't feel astonished, as if she was waiting for him.

"Have you had dinner?" Pei Yilin asked without words.

Song Qian nodded, "I have eaten it."

The calm between the two made Pei Yilin feel uneasy. He found that no matter what he did, he seemed to be unable to save Song Qian.

"Qianer." Pei Yilin whispered, "I..."

Song Qian did not speak, waiting for Pei Yilin to finish.

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