At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 123: The Hero Saves the Beauty...

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!There was a strong anger surge in Pei Yilin's body, Song Qian looked at him lazily, anyway, her original purpose was to provoke him.

But, strangely, Pei Yilin was not angry.

That hot-tempered Pei Yilin was not angry!

Song Qian was really surprised.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian coldly, without a good tone, "Do you think you will leave if you make me angry? You stupid woman!"

Song Qian was stunned. Is this the rhythm she is seeing through?

"I won't be angry." Pei Yilin gritted her teeth, "Song Qian, I know, you love me!"

"That was once." Song Qian rolled his eyes, "Don't feel good about yourself."

"Just now, I saw Zi Kuang cry again." Pei Yilin said softly, "So a strong man who can handle everything he encounters, but because of Bao'er's death, he has completely changed."

Song Qian's eyes dimmed, and Yin Bao'er's death remained in her heart. She tried very hard to forget, but could not.

"I finally understand that in fact, being able to live with each other is the greatest happiness, and other things can be solved." Pei Yilin said.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin and found that what he said was more like human words.

Pei Yilin smiled softly at Song Qian, and then said: "Fortunately you are still alive. Fortunately, I still have a chance. Even if I quarrel with you, it is better than facing your cold body."

Song Qian rolled his eyes, "Are you cursing me to die?"

"Of course not." Pei Yilin said, "just suddenly... I feel... it's nice to have you by my side."

Song Qian's heart warmed, thinking of the child in Qin Xirong's belly, she quickly lost the mood.

"Leave Qin Xirong with your love words." Song Qian said in an angry voice, "She is the mistress of this villa and the mother of your child!"

When the voice fell, Song Qian stopped talking to Pei Yilin and turned to sleep.

Pei Yilin smiled. He took off his jacket and climbed onto Song Qian's bed consciously.

Song Qian reacted greatly and sat up, looked at Pei Yilin, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Pei Yilin smiled and asked, "Do you still need a reason to sleep with my wife?"

"Who is your wife?" Song Qian angrily, "Don't be so shameless!"

"What you said just now meant a rhetorical question." Pei Yilin said sensibly. "The answer to a rhetorical question is often hidden in the sentence, that is, you are my wife.

Song Qian was ashamed, "What are you talking about..."

"I don't know." Pei Yilin said happily, "Anyway, you are my wife!"

As he said, Pei Yilin lay down holding Song Qian and held her in his arms.

"You let me go!" Song Qian frowned, "Go and hug your child's mommy!"

"You are too jealous." Pei Yilin smiled, "If you love me so much, why do you drive me away?"

"Pei Yilin!" Song Qian gritted his teeth, "Do you think you are pregnant with another woman, will I still be with you?"

"You should give me some time to solve it." Pei Yilin whispered, "give us a chance together."

"Don't bother you, it's more reliable for me to find a man again." Song Qian said bitterly.

"Can't you be so hard-tempered? You have to break up, and then you are happy?" Pei Yilin was dissatisfied.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin, angry and wronged.

"You should be struck by lightning when you say this!" Song Qian yelled, "Who caused the breakup between us? Is it me? Who messed up outside and got the kids out? You? With such a big movement every night with her, we should know that it is impossible for the two of us!"


"It's clearly your fault, and it's an unforgivable mistake. Are you still complaining about me now?" Song Qian really didn't know how embarrassed Pei Yilin was. "Are you so embarrassed to come to me and pretend that nothing happened? ?"

Seeing the tears in Song Qian's eyes, Pei Yilin felt distressed.

He clearly loves her so much, why does he make her cry every time?

"I'm not good." Pei Yilin kissed Song Qian's forehead, "I shouldn't be angry with you, but I swear, these days, every night is very moving, but I didn't touch her, and stayed with her. For the distance above meters, I just got her back to make you jealous!"

Song Qian asked, "Why did that child have?" Tears followed.

Pei Yilin's eyebrows are full of melancholy, "The child's affairs are really an accident. On that day, I drank too much alcohol and when I was in the office... I mistakenly recognized her as you..."

Song Qian blinked. Why did Pei Yilin couldn't understand what Pei Yilin said?

It was her that he touched that night, but he didn't remember it.

If Pei Yilin said so, then, the child in Qin Xirong's belly is not his at all?


Qin Xirong's courage is really a bit too big!

Song Qian sniffed, "If you lie, you can get pregnant with a child only once?"

Pei Yilin was helpless, "But he was pregnant."

Song Qian is now 100% sure that the child in Qin Xirong's belly is indeed not Pei Yilin's.

With that counted, Song Qian felt better in his heart.

However, Song Qian didn't plan to tell Pei Yilin about this now, she didn't think it was a good time now.

"Stay away from me!" Song Qian pushed Pei Yilin, but her tone changed strangely, "Anyway, she has children, you have to be responsible! I first declare that I will not be your junior!"

"How could you be a junior?" Pei Yilin hugged Song Qian tightly, "You are my wife!"

A sweet smile appeared at the corner of Song Qian's mouth, and she quickly stopped and continued to push Pei Yilin away.

"Qin Xirong is the woman you love, and she is pregnant with your child. What are you doing in my room if you don't accompany her?" Song Qian was still jealous.

"Where do I love her?" Pei Yilin said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Really?" Song Qian snorted, "You hold her and cover her with a suit, with such a pity, you still say you don't love?"

"What suit?" Pei Yilin suddenly remembered something and asked, "How do you know?"

"You dare to do it, are you afraid I would know?" Song Qian sighed, "I never knew you were such a courageous person!"

Pei Yilin scraped Song Qian's small nose and smiled: "Since you knew it, why have you been boring in your heart, don't you ask me?"

Song Qian rolled his eyes, "Why should I ask you?"

"Because you misunderstood." Pei Yilin whispered, "I didn't take you to the banquet that day because I didn't want you to see Yuchi Haolan."

Song Qian didn't say anything, waiting for Pei Yilin to continue speaking.

"Later, Samuel intended to rape Xi Rong, I just saw it, so I saved her." Pei Yilin explained.

Song Qian rolled his eyes. If Samuel had the courage to rape Qin Xirong, he would be fine when he was in the United States?Why have to wait until you return home, when Pei Yilin happened to be there to rape?What's more, it just happened to be able to take a photo and pass it to her.

Think with your toes and know that there is a problem.

However, a shrewd person like Pei Yilin has become a fool when the hero saves the United States.

Song Qian was so angry that he pushed Pei Yilin away, and said annoyed: "In short, now Qin Xirong is pregnant with your child, and you haven't found a good solution, don't touch me!"

With that, Song Qian hugged the bedding on her body and slept in the corner of the bed.

Pei Yilin, who had no bedding cover, shrank from the cold, and quickly snatched the bedding back, holding the matter in his arms as a stove.

"Give me some time, I will definitely solve it." Pei Yilin promised, although he is now in a state of exhaustion.

Song Qian didn't bother to talk to Pei Yilin again, anyway, she could see everything clearly, so let Pei Yilin trouble herself!

When the right time comes, she will tell the truth.

Song Qian in her arms suddenly became well-behaved, and Pei Yilin was surprised.

However, anyhow he can finally sleep with her, this is his wish these days!

Pei Yilin kissed Song Qian's lips again, and whispered: "Wife, good night."

Song Qian closed his eyes and did not reply, nestled in Pei Yilin's arms, sleeping peacefully.

A white fish belly lit up on the horizon, Qin Xirong never thought that even if she lied to Pei Yilin that she was pregnant, Pei Yilin ran into Song Qian's room.

Can't go on like this!

What if Song Qian and Pei Yilin will misunderstand each other?

Qin Xirong had been anxious in her heart, and could not go to Pei Yilin unreasonably. She knew that doing so would only push him farther.

Right now, she can only act as a weak person, not to quarrel, not to make trouble, and then, silently pregnant with the child, let Pei Yilin see how weak she is, arousing his desire to protect.

The corner of Qin Xirong's mouth was hooked. She believed that her plan would not fail, and Song Qian could not beat her!

But Qin Xirong was wrong. No matter how she pretended to be weak, Pei Yilin never looked at her.

It is very strange that Pei Yilin did not dare to leave Qin Xirong, nor did she want her to kill the child, and still let her live in the master bedroom alone, completely unaware of his meaning.

Even Song Qian couldn't guess what Pei Yilin was thinking, but she vaguely felt that there was a big secret hidden in Pei Yilin's heart.

"Yilin." Qin Xirong finally came to Pei Yilin. She sniffed and asked in a low voice, "Don't you like the child in my stomach?"

Pei Yilin raised his eyes, "No."

Pei Yilin has no feelings for the child in Qin Xirong's belly. If it wasn't to save Mengmeng, he would even let her get rid of it.

But now, he has to let the child stay, and when the child is born, he calls him "Daddy". What should he do?

Pei Yilin was very annoying, he found that he had thrown himself into an abyss.

"But you... don't care about me." Qin Xirong's tears fell, "Yilin, he is your child! Even if you don't like me, don't you even want a child?"

"I didn't say no!" Pei Yilin was even more annoying.

Qin Xirong shrank back, her weak expression especially pitiful.

Pei Yilin tightened his eyebrows. Maybe he should have discussed with Song Qian about Qian Mengmeng's leukemia. He was about to fall ill if he held it against him.

"You just need to raise the fetus." Pei Yilin said coldly, "I will admit the child."

Qin Xirong looked at Pei Yilin in surprise, what did he mean?

Admit the child, don't you want the child's mummy?

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