At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"After watching the movie, Mengmeng will call you and personally tell you what she is doing." Pei Yilin said softly, "So, whether to go to the movie or not, you choose."

When the voice fell, Pei Yilin left first.

"I'll go!" Song Qian hurriedly followed, and whispered: "Little calf! Doesn't she miss me at all? Does she have to force me to watch a movie with you before calling me? It exploded!"

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian's chest and stared at Song Qian for a long time before saying: "Lying. Most of them are not bigger!"

Song Qian glared at Pei Yilin, his cheeks blushing inexplicably, and one kick at him, the two left the hotel noisily.

When he came to the movie theater, Song Qian looked at a long list of movies that were being released, and muttered, "Which movie is shorter?"

Pei Yilin felt a pain in his heart. He knew that Song Qian really really missed Qian Mengmeng, and why didn't Qian Mengmeng?

Several times Pei Yilin went to see Qian Mengmeng and found her staring at Song Qian's photos.

Pei Yilin is so weak, he must save Qian Mengmeng's life, and he will not hesitate to do anything, even if it is a crooked way!

"Look at what you want to see." Pei Yilin whispered, "It's all here."

"After watching the movie, I have to call Mengmeng!" Song Qian mumbled, "What's so fun about watching a movie?"

Pei Yilin's lips gently curled up, Yuchi Haolan stood there as far as he could see, looking at Song Qian and Pei Yilin sadly.

Song Qian turned his head and saw Yuchi Haolan, and her hand was still in Pei Yilin's palm.

"Shallow." Yuchi Haolan walked over to say hello, "Want to watch the movie?"

"Yeah." Song Qian said softly, "Are you here too?"

Yuchi Haolan did not nod or shook his head.

"Can we talk?" Yuchi Haolan's expression was full of sadness.

Pei Yilin was not in a hurry to refuse Song Qian, Qian Mengmeng told him to trust Song Qian, otherwise, it is very likely to push her outside.

Song Qian was waiting for the storm to come, but found that Pei Yilin had no signs of anger at all. She looked intently again, and there was indeed no sign of anger.

Song Qian's eyes widened in surprise. Has that big jealousy changed?

On the contrary, Pei Yilin smiled slightly at Song, and then said: "I'm going to buy popcorn and coke, don't take too long, the movie is about to begin."

Looking at Pei Yilin's back, Song Qian was completely stunned.

"Qian Qian." Yuchi Haolan said softly, pulling Song Qian's attention back.


"You..." Yu Chi Haolan paused, then asked, "Are you reconciled?"

Song Qian was silent, she didn't know if it was a reconciliation.

"He really doesn't suit you." Yu Chi Haolan repeated these words stubbornly, "have you made up your mind to leave him?"

"Yuchi." Song Qian sighed, "I know what I'm doing, don't worry."

"You don't know." Yuchi Haolan's tone was stern, "You are stuck in your self-righteous emotions, and you are not rational at all. When the problem really comes, what will you do?"

Song Qian twisted her eyebrows. Although she knew that Yuchi Haolan was right, she didn't want to admit it.

"What's the problem?" Song Qian said dissatisfied.

"If there is really no problem between you, why didn't he put Mengmeng back with you? What is he defending?" Yuchi Haolan asked.


Yuchi Haolan continued: "He didn't believe you at all, so he hid Mengmeng. If he really loves you so much, how about Mengmeng? Knowing that you want Mengmeng, why not take you to see her? "

"Don't say it." Song Qian said coldly, "I can handle my own affairs."

"Shallow!" Yuchi Haolan was anxious, "If you continue like this, you will be ruined, and Mengmeng will be ruined too!"

Song Qian tightened her eyebrows impatiently. She didn't want to think about anything else for the time being. She just hoped to finish watching the movie with Pei Yilin soon, and then she could talk to Qian Mengmeng on the phone.

"Yuchi." Song Qian looked at Yuchi Haolan, "I just hope to find Mengmeng soon, and everything else can be slowed down first."

As he said, Song Qian smiled slightly at Yuchi Haolan, and then said: "He is still waiting for me, I'll pass first."

"Qianqian!" Yuchi Haolan called to Song Qian again, and asked, "If there was no Mengmeng, would you fall in love with Pei Yilin?"

Song Qian was startled. At the moment when she was so chaotic, Yu Chi Haolan unexpectedly presented her with another problem?

"Think about this question carefully." Yuchi Haolan whispered, "by the way, think about it again, whether you compromised so much in front of him, is it because you love him or love you cute."

Song Qian was stunned, and did not answer Yu Chi Haolan's words, but went to Pei Yilin's place.

When he was far away, Song Qian couldn't help turning his head and saw a girl around Yuchi Haolan, who was about the same age as her, with an innocent face, smiling happily around Yuchi Haolan.

"It's over?" Pei Yilin asked Song Qian, "He must have said that I'm all bad again, right?"

Song Qian rolled his eyes, "Do you have anything good for others to say?"

"I'm a lot better!" Pei Yilin emphasized deliberately, "Just dump him a lot!"

Song Qianpi smiled and said, "Come in! Otherwise, it's already started!"

Pei Yilin smiled softly, this is the first time he went to the cinema to watch a movie!

On the way to watch the movie, Song Qian was completely absent-minded. She kept thinking about the question Yu Chi Haolan was talking about-is she so tolerant of Pei Yilin because of Qian Mengmeng or love?

Pei Yilin noticed Song Qian's inattentiveness. He could only hold her hand and accompany her until the film was over.

Feeling the temperature in his hands, Song Qian couldn't help but look at Pei Yilin and asked in a low voice, "Mengmeng will really call me later?"

"Yes." Pei Yilin assured, "She will definitely!"

Song Qian nodded, then let out a sigh of relief, naturally resting his head on Pei Yilin's shoulder.

"Call me when the movie is over." Song Qian was not in the mood to watch the movie at all, "I'll sleep for a while."

Pei Yilin's black eyes darkened, and Song Qian was simply ignoring him!

However, seeing her sleeping so peacefully and still leaning on his shoulder, he couldn't bear to refuse.

Pei Yilin could only hold Song Qian in his arms, lent him his shoulders, leaned on her head, and closed his eyes to rest.

The plot on the screen of the movie was so wonderful that Song Qian and Pei Yilin hugged them and fell asleep completely.

When the movie was over, the lights came on, and when everyone got up, the two of them were still sleeping.

Everyone looked at the two of them with a very strange vision. Is it true that a family can fall asleep watching a comedy without entering the house, and it is really a good match!

Song Qian wakes up first, seeing that everyone watching the movie is almost gone, she hurriedly pushed Pei Yilin.

"Didn't you call me? Why did you fall asleep?" Song Qian said dissatisfiedly.

"Yeah." Pei Yilin answered lazily, "Aren't you awake?"

Song Qian gave Pei Yilin a look of "fighting", and quickly took out his mobile phone, waiting for Qian Mengmeng to call her.

However, the phone did not ring.

"I've finished reading it, why she hasn't called yet!" Song Qian said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry." Pei Yilin whispered, "Are you hungry? Do you want to take you to supper?"

"No," Song Qian said faintly, "I would be very grateful if you would take me to Mengmeng."

Pei Yilin shrugged, "Not yet."

"I just don't understand, why you have to hide it from me." Song Qian's heart was always uneasy, "Did something happen to Mengmeng?"

"Don't guess." Pei Yilin supported Song Qian on the shoulder, "Mengmeng is not an ordinary child, she has her own ideas for everything, right?"

Song Qian is even more guilty. If Pei Yilin knew that Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian were actually Interpol and came to investigate him, would he still have such a loving tone?

"Leave the cinema first." Pei Yilin suggested. "It's not good to stay here, right?"

Song Qian hurriedly got up and muttered: "Maybe, the signal inside is not good, so Mengmeng can't get in."

Pei Yilin sighed secretly. He wished that he could cure Qian Mengmeng's disease as soon as possible, so that Song Qian and her mother and daughter could be reunited without thinking about each other in this way.

Qian Mengmeng still didn't get a call until he left the movie theater.

Pei Yilin couldn't help but look at the time. It was clear that he had secretly sent a message to Qian Mengmeng about the time of the movie just now. Why hasn't she called yet?

Pei Yilin could only find something to say: "Never watch the movie again next time! It's so boring! I slept with a crooked neck!"

"Why doesn't Mengmeng call me?" Song Qian asked Pei Yilin, "Are you lying to me to accompany you to the movie?"

Pei Yilin's face dimmed, isn't his character so bad?

"Could it be... something happened to her?" Song Qian continued to guess, her right eyelid suddenly jumped.

Pei Yilin also had a bad premonition, Qian Mengmeng also missed Song Qian very much. Logically speaking, she would call immediately after the movie was over. Why has it been so long and there is no movement?

Isn't it... Qian Mengmeng's body has a problem?

Seeing Pei Yilin's brows tightened, Song Qian felt even more hanging.

"What happened to Mengmeng?" Song Qian asked suspiciously, "What are you hiding from me?"

"Don't think about it." Pei Yilin chose to keep hiding, "Mengmeng is really doing something."

"What's the matter?" Song Qian asked, "If you don't tell me again, you will never see me again!"

Pei Yilin is in trouble. Qian Mengmeng's affairs have been stuck between him and Song Qian. If they don't solve it, they will definitely not reconcile.

But Pei Yilin promised Qian Mengmeng that she would never tell Song Qian about her illness. Even if she died, he would lie to Song Qian. She was kidnapped, and she wanted to give Song Qian something to look forward to.

Seeing Pei Yilin's embarrassed face, Song Qian was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She had a hunch that Qian Mengmeng was really in trouble!

"I can't tell you the specifics." Pei Yilin compromised, "Mengmeng is doing something that can save her life. Don't worry, I'm helping her and I won't let her have an accident."

"Saving her and her life?" Song Qian was puzzled by the meaning of this sentence, "What are you...what are you talking about?"

"There is only so much I can tell you. Mengmeng is a sensible child. You should trust her and give her room to grow up and let her handle her affairs by herself." Pei Yilin said.

Song Qian became more confused, and she asked tentatively, "Do you...know it?"

Pei Yilin asked: "Which aspect do you mean?"

Song Qian shook her head. She couldn't take any risks. In case Pei Yilin didn't know that Qian Mengmeng was a matter of Interpol, she leaked it out first, which would definitely cause trouble to Qian Mengmeng!

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