At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 132 Flattery in her arms

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Such Song Qian saw Pei Yilin's heartache. She got up and just took a step towards her, but then clenched her fists tightly, sat back in her seat, picked up the phone and dialed out.

"Xirong, do you want to come over? I'll let Kang Lu help you." The sweet voices of the two on the phone cut Song Qian's painful heart like a sharp knife, making her last hope for him, and finally quiet. To die quietly, Quan turned into confrontation and anger.

"Oh? Bodyguard Song, why are you here?" I don't know when, a soft voice passed by my ear.

Qin Xirong had come to Song Qian's side and handed Song Qian a note without any trace.

Slightly curling his sleeves invisibly, Song Qian completely ignored Qin Xirong's questioning.

Qin Xirong stepped to Pei Yilin's side, and he was swept into her arms, and her big palm fondly stroked her slightly protruding abdomen. When Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian, his eyes were full of disdain.

"Xirong, if you are in poor health, you should stay in the bedroom well. Why go to the bitch to find bad luck?" Pei Yilin said.

"Lin, how can you say that?" Qin Xirong knew clearly that Pei Yilin was acting in front of Song Qian, but she refused to reveal it. Taking advantage of his kindness to her, she pretended to be bored and took out her mobile phone to watch the short video.

"Why not? She is just a worthless second-hand item!" Pei Yilin said fiercely.

He deliberately ignored Song Qian's angry eyes, as if worried that he would not bear to push her away as long as he looked, and could not bear to let her live alone with hatred.

Maybe... Even if Qian Mengmeng died, Song Qian would be willing to survive if he had him, and he could still give her a child.

However, now is not the time, Pei Yilin has too many murderous opportunities around him, and sending Song Qian away from him is the best destination.

"Oh, Lin, you guys really hate you. When you like it, it's treasure, when you don't like it, it turns into grass. It's really unfeeling!" Qin Xirong glanced at Song Qian triumphantly, and then pretended to look panicked. He turned to his cell phone, "Ah, how could this be? Song Bodyguard, how can you be so cruel?"

"Xirong, what's the matter?" Pei Yilin's hands tightened upon hearing this.

"Peipe...What is Peipei's guilt that he was treated this way by Song Qian?" Qin Xirong's body trembled with the tremendous strength, and then she looked at Song Qian with a painful look, "Song Qian, you are not enough to kill Peipei. , You still want to put the video of insulting her on the Internet, what are you thinking about?"

Pei Yilin's black eyes closed, and when she looked at the video on the Internet, Pei Peipei's voice screamed and begged for mercy was thunderous, giving him the urge to crush Qin Xirong.

Pei Yilin clenched his fists, his bones rattled, and his face was obviously furious, like a reincarnation of Satan, trying to swallow the person in front of him.

"Song Qian, what else do you want to say!" Pei Yilin stared at Song Qian bitterly, temporarily showing all hatred of Qin Xirong to Song Qian.

Song Qian didn't see the video, but she heard the sound. Those pictures didn't need to be seen, which made her angry. Pei Peipei died because of her, but after Pei Peipei died, she still had to pass on as a laughingstock for everyone. .

"Qin Xirong, you are looking for death!" Song Qian roared, and quickly rushed towards Qin Xirong.

Song Qian's speed is fast, but Pei Yilin's speed is even faster.

Before Song Qian met Qin Xirong, Pei Yilin grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up.

"The damn person is you!" Pei Yilin's scarlet eyes showed undisguised disgust, and there was no trace of emotion.

Pei Yilin's strength is so great that even when Song Qian is in excellent condition, she may not be able to beat him, and now the video of Pei Peipei being insulted has stimulated him even more, causing him to furious.

"You let me go!" Song Qian paused, heartbroken.

Song Qian, who only wanted revenge, tried his best, first with his left hand, and then quickly with his right hand, giving Pei Yilin a heavy blow.

When Pei Yilin was in pain, Song Qian rolled around on the spot, and then quickly took off. Like a leopard, he threw Pei Yilin to the ground and tried to pinch his neck. However, how easy is Pei Yilin to deal with? As soon as he hid to the side, Song Qian jumped into the air.

Without a single blow, Song Qian quickly organized a second wave of offense.

Song Qian's probing hand attacked Pei Yilin's throat, and when his eyes were slightly narrowed to hide, she quickly raised her leg and swept towards his bottom plate.

Song Qian's actions were exactly the same as when she defended Pei Yilin's infringement, but her expression did not have the shame at the time, instead she was angry.

She is not cute like this.

Pei Yilin sighed in his heart, but the action was very fast, quickly clamping Song Qian's leg, he slammed his palm out and attacked her ribs.

Pei Yilin moves fast and makes heavy shots, and the surrounding air is surging, carrying a touch of killing.

It seemed that as long as he hit Song Qian with a palm, Song Qian's internal organs would be completely displaced, and Song Qian would definitely die.

Song Qian faced Pei Yilin's mortal blow. She smiled coldly. As a killer's agility, she escaped his attack and was able to attack Pei Yilin again.

This time, her strength increased a little bit, and her movements were a little faster.

In Song Qian's eyes, Pei Yilin was determined to put her to death, so she would not be merciful.

But Qin Xirong, who was standing by, could see from Pei Yilin's movements that he was pampering Song Qian.

Pei Yilin is a man who takes the enemy cruelly. He always pursues one move to kill him.

But this time, he retained the strength of Song Qian.

Obviously, Song Qian has an incomparable position in his heart. Even after seeing her put Pepei's video on the Internet, he still reluctant to kill her.

And if she was herself, I'm afraid Pei Yilin would gnaw her bones, leaving her dead without a place to bury her.

Qin Xirong felt very uncomfortable. Pei Yilin's deep love for Song Qian made her heart seem to be bitten by ten thousand poisonous snakes, and a strong venom was surging.

Qin Xirong clenched her fists, she must take Song Qian with one blow, and she could not let Song Qian break her plan again.

Qin Xirong looked at Song Qian angrily. She pretended to be surprised and shouted: "Ah, Bodyguard Song, what are you holding in your hand? Was it the order from Yuchi Haolan?"

Qin Xirong knew what was written on the note in Song Qian's hand, but she knew that Pei Yilin did not know.

When Pei Yilin faced Song Qian, he had the biggest problem.

That is, he couldn't listen to her mentioning Yu Chi Haolan.

It's Yuchi Haolan again!

Pei Yilin's anger accumulated in her heart.

Pei Yilin knew that Song Qian was in distress and would definitely seek help everywhere.

However, Pei Yilin didn't want that person to be Yuchi Haolan.

Anxious, angry, and embarrassed, Pei Yilin's actions against Song Qian also aggravated a bit.

Song Qian in the fight was interrupted by Qin Xirong's words, and his movements were a bit slow, almost hurting his left shoulder by Pei Yilin.

Song Qian quickly adjusted her state. Her right hand sprinkled a handful of white powder, and Pei Yilin subconsciously stepped back. Song Qian's left hand was already holding the gun and pointed at his chest again, "Pei Yilin, give me the cute body!"

With each word, Song Qian's heart broke into pieces.

She doesn't believe that Qian Mengmeng will die, so she must see Qian Mengmeng's body.

Pei Yilin knew what Song Qian was thinking about, but since he synthesized the video, it is absolutely impossible for her to see Qian Mengmeng's body, let alone the news that Qian Mengmeng is not dead yet.

"Song Qian, do you think you can survive after you put Pepe's video online?" Pei Yilin, whose eyes were bloodthirsty, is now the devil of hell.

Every word he uttered was a poisoned knife, trying to tear Song Qian's heart to pieces.

Pei Yilin went on to say: "Peipei is my most important person. You killed her and ruined her after death. How could I let your daughter keep the whole body? I have sent someone to dispose of her body. ."

"Processed?" Song Qian widened her eyes sharply, her pupils shrank slightly, and she looked at the opened note without a trace.

A few words were scribbled on the note, which made her heart tight and tight-if you want to get Qian Mengmeng's whole body, admit that you killed Peipei.

Taking advantage of Song Qian's anger, Pei Yilin grabbed Song Qian's gun and took Qin Xirong into his arms, pretending to be relaxed, but observing Song Qian's expression nervously.

He said indifferently, "If you go to the crocodile pool now, maybe you can find Qian Mengmeng's bone fragments."

Song Qian was very angry. Pei Yilin's words made her whole body clamor, and she vowed to kill him.

But now, Song Qian wants to know if Qian Mengmeng is really dead. Although she saw the short video, she has not verified the authenticity, and she still has a hint of hope.

What's more, even if Qian Mengmeng is really dead, where is her body?

Song Qian looked tentatively at Qin Xirong, who was tightly embraced by Pei Yilin. She took a deep breath and said coldly: "Pei Yilin, I don't believe you can be so vicious. Mengmeng is just a child, you wouldn't treat her that way."

Pei Yilin knew that Song Qian had extravagant hopes in her heart, but now he couldn't make her suspect that Qian Mengmeng was still alive.

"Oh? Isn't Peipei also a child?" Pei Yilin hugged Qin Xirong's arms tightly, "You are cruel to her, aren't you? I'm just a tooth for a tooth, a pay for a pay!"

Song Qian's eyes widened suddenly, and she still refused to believe this.

Song Qian locked his eyes on Pei Yilin, and tentatively said: "Pei Yilin, you don't give me the cute body, it's just because she's all right!"

Hearing Song Qian's words, Pei Yilin's eyes narrowed slightly. Song Qian's keen sixth sense made him hardly know how to lie.

After a moment of thought, Pei Yilin's lips curled up with an evil smile, "When did Bodyguard Song learn to deceive yourself? It's no good for you. Kang Lu, come in and let Bodyguard Song look at the video again."

After hearing the sound, Kang Lu walked in, hesitated for a moment with the DV player, and finally did not muster the courage to hand it to Song Qian.

"Give it to her!" Pei Yilin yelled coldly, like a demon from hell, "Kang Lu, do you know what happened against me?"

Kang Lu had no choice but to help someone in front of Pei Yilin. In fact, it was not helping that person, but it would be counterproductive.

In the DV, Qian Mengmeng’s cry for help was louder than that, and the picture of her being shot in Song Qian's mind became clearer and clearer.


There was a slight noise, and Song Qian knew that his heartstrings were about to break.

But the note Qin Xirong gave to Song Qian made her try again. She took a deep breath and stood tall and looked at Pei Yilin.

"Pei Yilin, I am now willing to admit that I killed Pepe. Can you show me the cute corpse?"

Kang Lu is lost, Song Bodyguard does not have Pepe, why should she take responsibility for others?

Qin Xirong was happy. Qian Mengmeng's position in Song Qian's heart was probably more important than she thought. She had to make good use of it to get rid of this thorny eye as soon as possible.

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