At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 158 Let You Do The Most Disgusting Things

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Song Qian, long time no see. During this time, what's the training place?" In the secret base of the Star Alliance, Jia Yuan Yin still wore a fox mask, looking at Song Qian condescendingly.

Song Qian knelt on the ground, although she was still wearing a medical suit, but her determined look made people dare not ignore her potential danger.

"I'm fine." Song Qian replied lightly, "I'm fine."

"Huh? Is it good?" Jia Yuan Yin's voice was slightly provoked, and she slowly got off her seat and stood still a few meters in front of Song Qian.

"Well, you are really good. It's just that you seem to forget to give me what I want." Kahara Silver's voice was very cold and cold.

"I didn't get the family crest." Song Qian knew what Kawara Silver was talking about. She frowned slightly and continued to explain, "I have indeed been to the room where the letter was sealed, but I haven't been in contact with the family crest. It seems that someone took the family crest earlier, but blamed it on me."

"Fucking the blame? Is it?" Kayuan Yin seemed to be a little disbelief, and his voice suddenly dropped a few times, "Song Qian, I remember, you were willing to do things because of your daughter's affairs. You are like this now, yes. Don't you want to know your daughter's safety?"

"How is my daughter?" Song Qian stood up abruptly when he heard the words, staring anxiously at Jia Yuan Yin.

Song Qian's eyes were very beautiful, and he was full of worries at the moment, and it made Kawara Silver want to find out.

However, this was not enough to make Kayuan Yin ignore the unhappy being offended by Song Qian.

"Come here, throw her out!" Kawara Silver turned around coldly.

Song Qian realized that she broke the rules of Jiayuan Yin once again because of Qian Mengmeng's affairs and annoyed Jiayuan Yin.

"I'm sorry." Song Qian took a step back and was about to kneel on the ground.

"Throw it out!" But Jiayuan Yin did not give Song Qian any opportunity to apologize.

Kahara silver reprimanded again in a very cold voice, saying, "Song Qian, although I admire you very much, I will not use an unruly person. Come, throw her out for me."

No one would dare not listen to the orders of Yuan Yin.

When Kahara Yin said it for the first time, two men in black had already arrived in front of Song Qian.

When Kahara Yin said it the third time, the two immediately lifted Song Qian and led her out of the hall.

Jia Yuanyin watched Song Qian leave the hall, then turned around and gave a command to the dark place. He ordered him to monitor Song Qian and take the opportunity to find out if Song Qian had taken the family crest.

"Yes. I will definitely not let the Lord down." The corner of the ghost king's mouth made a slight smile.

"I don't like someone making an opinion the second time." Kahara silver snorted coldly, turned around and returned to his seat to sit down.

The King of Ghosts knew that she was referring to the last time he let go of the constitution without authorization, his eyes dimmed, but he didn't react much.

Song Qian was thrown out of the hall because of offending Kayuan Yin.

At this moment, Song Qian knelt on the stairs outside the hall, stubbornly looking at the door of the hall.

On Song Qian's head, the violent wind screamed, messing up her hair, scorching the sun, and burning her pretty face.

Her whole body was a little hot, and her body couldn't hold it after she recovered.

But in order to get news of Qian Mengmeng, Song Qian still held on, holding on not to fall.

"Give her a basin of water!" Jia Yuanyin saw Song Qian's support through the surveillance, and the corners of his mouth evoked a slight arc.

Those who offend her plus the original silver must be punished enough.

Song Qian, do you really think I will let you go just by kneeling?

The King of Ghosts was familiar with Kawara Yin's personality, so he responded softly and ordered someone to bring a basin of ice water to Song Qian.

"Is the Lord willing to see me?" Song Qian's voice was a little anxious.

"No." The man said coldly, without hesitation, pouring a basin of ice water onto Song Qian's head.

The icy current was fierce, and Song Qian's thin body couldn't help but shrank, but she was still strongly supported by her, kneeling firmly on the ground.

Song Qian raised her head, with determination in her eyes, and asked, "Did Miss Kawara say when she would like to see me?" As if she hadn't lost any body.

She is so strong and so composed, which makes people feel distressed.

"No." The man snorted coldly, took the basin and left.

As soon as the man left, Song Qian sneezed.

The cold water seeped into the clothes, and her body, which was not too hot, felt a deep chill at this moment.

When the wind blows, she is like a leaf in the wind, staying thin and pitiful at the entrance of the hall.

Such Song Qian inexplicably reminded the ghost king of his childhood scenes.

At that time, in order to survive, the challenge they accepted seemed to be more dangerous than this, and a bit less human.

It’s just that they were in good physical condition at the time, and now Song Qian, she’s probably...

"What? Do you feel distressed?" Jiayuan Yin seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and the extremely subtle expression of the ghost king was also caught by her.

"No." The ghost king replied faintly, facing the screen, "Master, that Song Qian has offended the master again and again, and the subordinate thinks that the punishment for her now seems to be a little lighter."

"Haha!" Kawara Silver didn't seem to believe what the King of Ghosts said at all, but didn't expose him. Instead, he continued, "I heard that the famous Shishengwan is most afraid of mollusks. There seem to be a lot of earthworms in this garden. Who should I go? Clean them up?"

"Yes, the subordinates know it." The ghost king is very clear about the intention of Jiayuan Yin.

The ghost king responded and immediately ordered his men to take Song Qian to the garden that had been turned over.

In the garden, the King of Ghosts ordered someone to put a bag of earthworms in it.

At this moment, although the earthworms worked hard to burrow into the soil, their surging body still made Song Qian's face pale.

Suddenly, she remembered the terrible experience in the crocodile pool some time ago, and remembered her experience as a child.

No, no, she doesn't want it!

Song Qian shouted from the bottom of her heart, but when facing the pile of earthworms, she did not show any expression.

Song Qian was very indifferent. Even Kahara Yin, who was good at observing people's hearts from subtle expressions, could not tell what Song Qian was thinking through the video.

However, this does not prevent Kahara Silver from continuing her brutal punishment.

"Let her catch all the earthworms in her pockets with her bare hands. If you lose one, you will be severely punished for one day." Jiayuan Yin ordered.

The person supervising Song Qian accepted Kayuan Yin's order and immediately scolded Song Qian with a cold face.

"What are you still inking? Before it gets dark, catch all these earthworms!" the man said harshly.

Song Qian did not answer, and took a step forward, but a puff of acid water appeared in his stomach.

"Hmm--" Song Qian covered her lips, flashed to the side, and vomited.

Song Qian seems to resist this mollusk from the inside. Even if she thinks she vomits all the food she ate in the morning, she still feels that it is not enough.

It seems that she can resist this kind of inner resistance only by emptying her body.

Kawara Silver watched Song Qian's performance triumphantly, and hummed happily, "It won't be done before dark, and the punishment will remain the same."

"Yes." At the order of Kayuan Yin, the two men in black next to him never gave Song Qian any time to rest.

They quickly pushed Song Qian into the flower garden, and they supervised Song Qian without stopping.

Even though Song Qian vomited because of nausea many times, they still did not give her any chance to rest, instead they urged her to work more frequently.

From morning to noon, from noon to afternoon, the wind remained strong and the sun was scorching.

Song Qian was picking up earthworms in the garden against the big sun. Her body was trembling because of the ice water. Even though she got better under the scorching sun, she still couldn't dispel the chill in her body.

Finally, when Song Qian felt that her work was about to be completed, her whole body suddenly became sore and weak, and a strong sense of exhaustion enveloped her.

She was finally exhausted and caught a cold.

She really wants to sleep, she really wants to lie on the ground and can't sleep...

Song Qian felt dizzy in front of her eyes, and her movements were a little slow.

"What is the ink?! Haven't seen it for only an hour?" The man in black next to him was a conscientious supervisor. When they noticed that Song Qian was slack, they immediately took out the whip and slammed it.

Their whips were fast, and Song Qian's body became a little dull because of the fever.

All of a sudden, Song Qian had time to hide, and a hot sensation came from her arm.

Although this hot feeling was a bit painful, it seemed to dispel Song Qian's fatigue.

Song Qian bit her lip, bent over slowly, and continued to pick up the tiny earthworms that were squirming.

The earthworms were scattered very scattered, and even if Song Qian was fast enough, he could only pick up two-thirds of it in the next half an hour.

Another third of the earthworms burrowed into the soil and needed her to dig to catch them.

Song Qian dug up a few pieces of soil, and the earthworm rushed into the ground to burrow into the soil. She stretched out her hand to catch, and instantly caught the earthworm into two sections.


There was a strong nausea in her stomach again.

This was already the 102nd episode. Song Qian frowned slightly, suppressing the resistance in his heart, and quickly grabbed the few earthworms and put them in the bag.

Song Qian's actions were repeated again and again; Song Qian's face was pale and pale.

Finally, when the night was about to fall, she finally finished catching the earthworms, and walked out of the garden with her strong support.

Once out of the garden, Song Qian vomited violently.

She vomited so badly that she seemed to be willing to vomit out all her internal organs.

The ghost king knows this feeling.

The inhuman training he encountered once made him feel this way towards a certain creature. Even if he tried to overcome some of it now, he would still subconsciously feel sick when seeing that creature.

"Lord, now Song Qian is the weakest body and the weakest will. We can test her." The ghost king said lightly, seeming to be pleading for Song Qian.

Kahara silver sensed this, but she did not stop it either.

Because Kawara Silver knew that Song Qian's body was already in a critical state, and if she put pressure on Song Qian, it would destroy Song Qian.

At that time, she would like to learn something from Song Qian, it will no longer be possible!

"Yeah. Change her clothes and prepare for the test." Kahara Silver said.


With Kawara Silver's order, the man in black standing next to him immediately took Song Qian to wash up, changed her clothes, and took her to another secret room.

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