At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Whose Owns Your Child?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!When Pei Yilin's people started to inquire about the whereabouts of Qian Mengmeng, Cheng Xian, and Song Qian, Qin Xirong and Xia Erlan were also taking action.

While continuing to investigate the family crest in Pei's house, they quickly got in touch with the organization.

"What? Song Qian also became a member of the organization?" Xia Erlan immediately contacted Qin Xirong after receiving news from the organization.

When Qin Xirong learned that Song Qian had also become a member of the Star Trails Alliance, she was shocked.

Qin Xirong's eyes dimmed faintly, thinking about Song Qian, and then thinking about the written letter that wanted to escape, she suddenly had an idea.

"Xia Erlan, you continue to hide in Pei's house looking for the family crest. I need to go abroad." Qin Xirong said.

"Huh?" Xia Erlan frowned slightly, "Do you know about arrangements like this?"

Obviously, Xia Erlan did not agree with Qin Xirong's decision.

"The organization does not need to know. I will personally report this matter to the organization." Qin Xirong seemed unhappy with Xia Erlan's intervention, and said coldly, "You just need to continue to maintain an affair with Kang Lu. My business, I Have an idea."

"You!" Xia Erlan was irritated by Qin Xirong, "You better make sure you are not going to be bad. Otherwise, I will only listen to the organization's instructions when the time comes."

"I see." Qin Xirong interrupted Xia Erlan impatiently, "Go on."

"Yes." Xia Erlan nodded, turned around and left quickly.

As soon as Xia Erlan left, Qin Xirong sent Pei Yilin a message saying "Lin, I'm a little bored, let Wu Qing take me out for a walk". After he agreed, she went straight to the airport and flew to Song Qian's place. city ​​of.

As soon as she arrived in the city where Song Qian was located, Qin Xirong found her location first, and then took a taxi and rushed over.

At that time, Song Qian had been training in Manchester for a period of time. With the rich medical resources of the Star Trail Alliance, her weak body was treated.

But Song Qian's mollusc phobia caused by picking up earthworms is getting worse.

Even if Song Qian saw only a promotional video about molluscs, she would rush to the bathroom and vomit violently.

This situation continued until Song Qian received the news of "returning to China to handle the task" given by Jiayuan Yin, and it did not get any better.

After receiving the news from Kawara Silver, Song Qian rushed back to China by plane that day.

The time when her plane took off was not far from the time when Qin Xirong's plane landed. Qin Xirong didn't have time to find Song Qian, and naturally did not have the opportunity to visit Song Qian.

At this moment, Qin Xirong stood outside Song Qian's door and knocked gently.

There was no sound inside, until Qin Xirong knocked impatiently a third time before the tenant in the next room told her that Song Qian had left by plane.

"En. I know." Qin Xirong's eyes flashed unpleasantly. Thinking of something, she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Samuel's number.

Samuel was very excited when he received Qin Xirong's call, and quickly said, "Baby, where are you? I miss you so much."

"I need you to help me find someone who is very similar to Song Qian." Qin Xirong frowned, seemingly unhappy with Samuel's name.

"This is easy to find." Samuel agreed heartily, and then said hungrily, "But baby, where are you now? I miss you so much, I think you can't sleep all night."

Qin Xirong frowned and said, "I'm not in City Z, I'm in Manchester."

If it weren't for Qin Xirong who has nothing to rely on now, she would not be willing to ask Samuel, who is anxious, to help.

"Really? You are in Manchester too? Tell me the address. I will go to you now." Samuel said.

"Well, you can come. But my body is not suitable for strenuous exercise right now." Qin Xirong warned.

Samuel paused when he heard the words, but then he still smiled contentedly: "That's totally fine. For our baby, I will let me bear it for as long as I want."

"Yeah." Qin Xirong responded indifferently, and then told Samuel her exact location, and Samuel rushed over immediately.

After the two kissed me and touched Xiangxiang for a while, Samuel immediately took out a photo and gave it to Qin Xirong.

Qin Xirong took a closer look and found that the person in the photo looked almost exactly the same as Song Qian.

"Can you take her away for me? I need her urgently." Qin Xirong's eyes lit up.

"Of course." Samuel was full of food and drink, naturally in a very good mood.

Samuel ordered someone to bring that person, and personally sent Qin Xirong and Nina, who looked like Song Qian, on the plane.

Qin Xirong took Nina back to City Z, and did not rush back to Pei's house, but found Nina a secret place to live in.

She made sure that Nina could not communicate in Chinese, so she arranged for her and turned and left.


Qin Xirong drove straight back to Pei's house. As soon as she entered Pei's house, she smelled an unusually dangerous breath.

That kind of breath made Qin Xirong want to leave subconsciously, but she touched the child in her belly, but still smiled faintly and walked in calmly.

After all, no matter what, Pei Yilin would not hurt her child.

Of course, he will not harm the child's mother, which is her!

"Lin, I've been walking for a few days, do you want me?" Thinking about this, Qin Xirong smiled and stepped into the Pei family hall.

In the hall of the Pei family, the atmosphere was very solemn, and the bodyguards of the Pei family's maid had been dismissed. At this moment, only Pei family's maid, Xia Erlan, was standing with her arms folded.

When Xia Erlan saw Qin Xirong coming in, she winked at her and motioned her to talk less and observe more.

Qin Xirong received Xia Erlan's message, and her doubts deepened in her heart, but on the surface she was still extremely calm.

Qin Xirong walked quickly to Pei Yilin, smiled at him, and was about to sit down on the sofa next to him.

"Standing! Where did you go?" Pei Yilin stopped Qin Xirong in a very cold voice, seeming to be angry.

"Lin, what's the matter?" Qin Xirong thought to herself that Pei Yilin was upset because of what she had discovered, but on the surface she was still very calm.

"Didn't you let Wu Qing accompany you out?" Pei Yilin said coldly, "Why did you run out by yourself?"

Qin Xirong squatted down slowly, looking at Pei Yilin softly, and said: "Lin, I'm in a bad mood and I'm going out on vacation. With Wu Qing by my side, I feel that I have no freedom at all. Don't be so rigid. Is your face good? I still have your baby in my belly, and he will be infected by my father's bad emotions."

"Lin, don't be angry, okay?" Qin Xirong continued to act like a baby.

Pei Yilin's eyes became cold, "Where did you go?"

Qin Xirong knew what Pei Yilin was asking, and glanced at Xia Erlan with a faint look. Seeing that she didn't dare to look at him, she confirmed her thoughts.

Qin Xirong was annoyed at Xia Erlan's betrayal in her heart, but on the surface she still pretended to be excellent.

She deliberately confronted Pei Yilin with an innocent attitude, and she refused to say that she went to England this time to find Song Qian.

Qin Xirong smiled slightly and said, "Lin, I really just walked outside casually."

Pei Yilin's face was cold, Qin Xirong was stubborn in his expectation, but he was outside of his expectations.

"I have come back for relaxation, so take a good rest at home. Recently, the outside is very turbulent, especially in Europe and the United States. If there is nothing to do, just stay at home." Pei Yilin stood up, his fists clenched, and said, "During your pregnancy, Charlan will take good care of you. Without my permission, you can't be willful anymore."

Pei Yilin was under house arrest in disguised form, and Qin Xirong felt it right away.

Qin Xirong looked at Pei Yilin faintly, with a sad expression, and said: "Lin, I just see you are in a bad mood recently, so I don't want to disturb you, so I went out for a walk. Where did I go? What does it matter where to stay for a few days?"

Qin Xirong said very pitifully: "Lin, the book says that pregnant women need to go for more walks so that the children in their stomachs will be healthier."

Hearing the child, Pei Yilin's expression slowed down.

After all, in Pei Yilin's consciousness, as long as Qian Mengmeng has not received bad news, he should keep her hope of life and let Qin Xirong keep the child in his stomach.

"En. It's time to walk more." Pei Yilin was relieved.

Qin Xirong checked Pei Yilin's face as he spoke. Seeing that he seemed to loosen up after hearing her words, she continued to speak: "Furthermore, Lin, I can get to know more people when I go out often. Maybe I can help you find Song Qian and get back the written text. What about the missing family crest?"

Qin Xirong's words are full of temptation.

Pei Yilin's face that had improved because of Qin Xirong's words suddenly became cold.

He looked at Qin Xirong with cold eyes, seeming to have a strong humiliation: "Stay well at home, you are not allowed to go out without my permission."

With an order, Pei Yilin announced Qin Xirong's subsequent suffering...

Qin Xirong was imprisoned in Pei's house, because Pei Yilin was busy with the affairs of the Dark Night Empire and the Muhua Group, so he rarely stayed at Pei's house.

Even if he comes back occasionally, he doesn't talk to Qin Xirong.

Such days are long and boring. When Qin Xirong thought she was about to be suffocated, Xia Erlan told her that Song Qian might be back.

"What's the matter?" Qin Xirong was drinking scented tea. When she heard Xia Erlan's words, her hand shook, and a stream of hot water was poured directly on her white fingers.

The pain came from Qin Xirong's fingertips, but she was still in no mood to take care of it.

"I'm not sure about this. However, Kang Lu had inadvertently revealed that President Pei was very busy lately and always ran outside. Moreover, Fang Zikang recently resigned from the company. Going to the dark, I specially helped Mr. Pei find someone." Xia Erlan glanced at the red spot on her hand, and hurriedly handed over gauze and ointment.

"Yeah. I see. Have you taken care of the person I brought back?" Qin Xirong pushed away the gauze ointment that Xia Erlan had handed over in an uncomfortable tone, "If she is discovered by the master, Your results will not be much better than mine."

"I know." Xia Erlan replied indifferently, and after thinking about it, she said, "Qin Xirong, your belly is getting bigger and bigger. As long as the master finds out, she won't spare you easily. Are you sure, you really want to give birth to this child?" In the words, there seemed to be some gloat.

"I don't have to worry about you." Qin Xirong scolded coldly.

Xia Erlan's question seemed to wake Qin Xirong from a needle stick.

Now only Samuel, Xia Erlan, Song Qian and herself know who the child in Qin Xirong's belly is.

But if he was born, Pei Yilin tested his DNA, and everyone would know immediately.

As for the period when Pei Yilin knows the result, she may not be able to bear it.

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