At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 167: Family has a plan for raising a wife

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!With the help of Uncle Quan, Song Qian's pressure was much less.

The time she was attacked was directly reduced from the first seven or eight hours to one hour, and she hadn't come forward to solve the enemy for a long time, so someone helped her handle it.

Song Qian was very grateful for this matter, but he didn't know who helped.

She once called Xiao Honglian and Kayuan Yin, and both answered in denial.

Song Qian thought of Pei Yilin in an instant, but thinking of the hatred between the two, she shook her head.

Pei Yilin believed that she killed Peipei. How could he help her?

Song Qian suspected all possible people again, and finally set the target on Yuchi Haolan.

At this time, only Yuchi Haolan could help her and protect her so recklessly.

Song Qian was very grateful to Yuchi Haolan from the bottom of her heart, but she didn't want to tell Yuchi Haolan in her own heart.

After all, before she uncovered the paper, she and Yu Chi Haolan could still get along in harmony.

Once she revealed it, it meant that she had to face Yu Chi Haolan's feelings and accept him.

Song Qian's heart is dead now, she doesn't want to talk about feelings anymore, let alone hurt Yuchi Haolan.

Therefore, even if she guessed that the person who protected her secretly was Yu Chi Haolan, she still did not move anything, doing her own thing calmly.

All this, Yuchi Haolan saw in his eyes, and was delighted in his heart.

He knows Song Qian Congying, and even knows to give her time, she must be able to guess that he is secretly protecting her.

And Song Qian is such a stubborn person. If she refuses his protection, he really doesn't know what to do.

Thinking about this, Yuchi Haolan sighed quietly.

Yu Chi Haolan stared at the sky with heavy eyes, only feeling that the stars in the dark sky were so reassuring.

He didn't want Song Qian to repay him, all he wanted was to help Song Qian take care of Qian Mengmeng, and by the way, send someone to guard Song Qian and the child in her stomach.

Yuchi Haolan was doing all this secretly, until one day he saw Qian Mengmeng and was exposed.

"Big brother, why are you being so good to my mommy? Do you like my mommy too?" Qian Mengmeng was lying on the bed with a pale face, his breath a little unstable.

Looking at Qian Mengmeng like this, Yu Chi Haolan frowned slightly and called Uncle Quan.

"Master, you want to ask Ms. Mengmeng." Uncle Quan is a personal spirit. He glanced at the lying Qian Mengmeng and understood Yuchi Haolan's thoughts.

"Yeah." Yuchi Haolan nodded, turned and smiled at Qian Mengmeng, "I have something to go out and come back to play with you later, okay?"

"Okay." Qian Mengmeng smiled warmly, and a sly color flashed across his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Yu Chi Haolan took Uncle Quan and left Qian Mengmeng's room, her expression immediately cooled down, "Then Joseph said, can Mengmeng recover after three months? Why Mengmeng? Meng's face is getting worse and worse?"

"Master..." Uncle Quan looked at Yuchi Haolan's rare anger, and sighed quietly.

"This matter was handled incorrectly by A Quan, and Mr. Joseph is not to be blamed." Uncle Quan lowered his head. "Doctor Joseph had something to leave the other day. A Quan thought that Miss Mengmeng's condition was stable, so he decided to let him. I left. I don't want Miss Mengmeng to fall ill just after he left."

Yuchi Haolan's expression became colder again, and Uncle Quan was extremely guilty.

"Why don't you call Doctor Joseph back?" Yu Chi Haolan asked coldly.

"I can't call back." Uncle Quan's voice was very low and low. "Doctor Joseph was assassinated when he returned. Now his body has been sent to cremation by his family."

"What!" Yuchi Haolan was stunned, and his cold eyes locked Uncle Quan, the sweat on Uncle Quan's forehead slid down, wet his clothes.

"Young Master, A Quan, I'm sorry, Young Master." Uncle Quan said, he was about to kneel on the ground.

Yuchi Haolan stopped Uncle Quan, frowning, but his voice was gentle, "Uncle Quan, go down." He sighed, turned and walked quickly toward Qian Mengmeng's room.

Yuchi Haolan's footsteps gradually approached, and Qian Mengmeng, who came to investigate the reality, knew that she would be spotted if she didn't go back. Yu Guang glanced around, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Mengmeng, I'm back." When Yuchi Haolan's voice sounded, Qian Mengmeng hadn't been lying in bed for long.

"Big brother, you haven't answered the question just now, Mengmeng! Why are you so good to my mommy?" Mengmeng has her big beautiful eyes and seems to be still struggling with that question.

After hearing Qian Mengmeng's words, Yuchi Haolan smiled faintly, bent over to stroke Qian Mengmeng's white face, and said, "Am I good to your mommy? I don't think so."

Qian Mengmeng evaded unconsciously, but the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Big brother, I don't think I'm worse than my mom. Why don't you consider me? My mom only needs to have my daddy treat her well. Other men, for my mom, can only be a burden "Qian Mengmeng said.

Obviously, Qian Mengmeng didn't like Yuchi Haolan as her stepdad, and she didn't want anyone to replace Pei Yilin in Song Qian's heart.

Yuchi Haolan knew what Qian Mengmeng was thinking in his heart, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, bending over to touch Qian Mengmeng's soft hair.

Qian Mengmeng is now a reduced version of Song Qian, but compared to Song Qian's indifference, Qian Mengmeng is a little more cunning than her.

It's just that Qian Mengmeng is so cute and cunning, but Yu Chi Haolan doesn't know how long he can protect her...

Qian Mengmeng had been observing Yuchi Haolan's expression, and seeing a sense of loss in his eyes, her heart shook.

After all, although Qian Mengmeng knew that she would die in the end, she still didn't want too many people to be sad for her.

These people, including her dad and mommy whom she values ​​most, and Yuchi Haolan, who has done her best to treat her illness these days.

"Big brother, do you want to marry Mengmeng and have been thinking about it for a long time?" Qian Mengmeng pouted, and winked towards Yuchi Haolan.

"Girls' hair is very precious and should be touched by future husbands. Brother, do you think Mengmeng is very beautiful? Now I want to make Mengmeng, and come to a loli development plan." Qian Mengmeng sees Yuchi Haolan was stunned, and immediately added another sentence: "Actually, I like Big Brother. If Big Brother is willing to play this game, I will be cute..."

Yu Chi Haolan looked helplessly at Qian Mengmeng's sudden blush, gave her a light look, and interrupted her messy talk.

She is really different from Song Qian.

"I didn't mean that." Yu Chi Haolan smiled embarrassedly, but Qian Mengmeng's frustration in his heart was so much lost.

"Big brother, don't hesitate. I know what you mean, you look good, and when my illness is cured, I will promise you..." Qian Mengmeng blinked and continued to sell to Yuchi Haolan treasure.

However, Qian Mengmeng stooped and coughed violently as soon as he was halfway talking.

The coughing sounded like golden needles sticking in Yuchi Haolan's heart, making him bloody.

Yuchi Haolan hugged Qian Mengmeng and shouted coldly, "Come here!"

"Big brother, I'm fine." Qian Mengmeng coughed out of breath, but still did not forget to comfort Yuchi Haolan.

Yuchi Haolan looked at Qian Mengmeng's forced smile, but she felt even more guilty.

Why didn't he take good care of Qian Mengmeng?If he is by Qian Mengmeng's side, it is impossible for Joseph to leave, and it is impossible for Mengmeng's condition to be uncontrollable.

"Mengmeng, don't talk. Big Brother will definitely heal you." Yu Chi Haolan looked firm.

"I believe Big Brother has this ability." Qian Mengmeng giggled, but a trace of loneliness appeared in his eyes.

Suddenly, Qian Mengmeng seemed to think of something, and there was a touch of tears in Yuchi Haolan's eyes.

"Big brother, if I leave someday, can you please help me with something?" Qian Mengmeng's eyes are watery, her small mouth is slightly pursed, and her tears are about to fall down from the eyes. .

Yuchi Haolan helped Qian Mengmeng wipe his tears while asking, "What's the matter?"

"I beg you..." Qian Mengmeng coughed violently before finishing her words.

Yuchi Haolan looked at Qian Mengmeng's thin body, her eyes were red, and her heart became more entangled, wondering if she wanted to tell Song Qian about Qian Mengmeng.

"Mengmeng, if you want me not to interfere with your daddy and mommy's affairs, I promise you." Yuchi Haolan was like a stone in his heart, and he took a deep breath, trying to make his tone lighter, "Just, You have to promise me one condition."

"What conditions? Could it be that Mengmeng should be your little maid now?" Qian Mengmeng opened his mouth wide, looking frightened.

However, the coughing just now gradually disappeared.

Seeing Qian Mengmeng's deliberately pretending to be surprised, Yu Chi Haolan's mouth was filled with a petting smile.

Maybe only people like Song Qian and Pei Yilin can give birth to such a strange and strange Qian Mengmeng, right?

"No." Yuchi Haolan said lightly and lightly, "I want you to work hard to cure your disease and show up in front of your mommy as soon as possible. Don't make her worry anymore."

"Of course I want to take good care of my mommy, but when I appear in front of her now, it will only worry her." Qian Mengmeng's eyes were dim. "Big brother, how is my mommy now? Did she meet her? What's the problem?"

"No. She is okay now." Yuchi Haolan did not tell Qian Mengmeng of Song Qian's true situation, but lied. "It's just that she has a little trouble recently. Although it can be solved with my help, With your help and support, she should be more able to stick to the past."

"Is it my daddy again?" Qian Mengmeng helplessly raised her forehead. "My daddy is such a smart person, why can't manage business but not my mommy? My mommy is obviously so second and so easy to subdue. good or not?"

"Uh... it's okay." Seeing Qian Mengmeng's appearance of the little adult made Yu Chi Haolan a faint smile.

Perhaps, the shrewd Song Qian would appear second only when facing Qian Mengmeng, and he seemed to be subdued, right?

"Hey, maybe it’s difficult for you, big brother, to subdue my mommy. But in front of my daddy, she is very harmless. Pity my savvy daddy became when he encountered a relationship Big idiot, I often provoke my mommy to run away." Qian Mengmeng said vigorously, but suddenly did not hear Yuchi Haolan's voice.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw Yu Chi Haolan turning her head melancholy.

He really likes Mommy too!

Perhaps, if her daddy is not Pei Yilin, she will match Mommy with her elder brother.

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