At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 185 I will never let go of you!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!The two cobras kept staring at Song Qian, smelling that the smell on her body seemed to have changed. They split into two groups and rushed over very quickly.

Although this result was expected by Song Qian, the intense nausea still used her throat, making her face pale and white.

Thinking of the plan she persisted for so long, she still resisted the nausea.

But this kind of forbearance still made her body tremble, and her face turned pale.

"Qian'er!" Pei Yilin frowned and watched Song Qian step back.

She has reached the edge of the stone, and if she takes a step back, she will fall to the ground.

"Don't move." Pei Yilin wanted to say something, but heard a rustling voice behind him.

Pei Yilin was familiar with that voice. He turned around coldly and saw two poisonous snakes attacking Song Qian.

Pei Yilin narrowed his eyes and pulled Song Qian back from the edge, quickly attacking the two poisonous snakes.

Although their offensive directions are inconsistent, it is difficult for ordinary people to catch them all.

But Pei Yilin was not an ordinary person. Even though his body was scarred, he still caught two poisonous snakes, and even crushed the snake's gall with both hands, and threw the two snakes to the ground.

After throwing away the two poisonous snakes, Pei Yilin paused, frowning and looking at the two extra black bloody holes on his wrist. He pulled his clothes to cover it, and then walked towards Song Qian. .

Song Qian kept looking at the two snakes. Seeing Pei Yilin killed the snake and threw it on the ground, it was particularly bloody, Song Qian's face was pale.

"Oh—" Song Qian bent over and vomited violently.

She threw up so badly that her body was bowed into cooked prawns.

Pei Yilin looked distressed, and took a step forward, holding Song Qian into his arms, trying to take her away.

"Pei Yilin, you let me go." Although Song Qian was unwell, she still didn't want to just leave with Pei Yilin.

She probed and shot without hesitation, trying to inflict a heavy blow on Pei Yilin.

However, as soon as she took the shot, she felt a strong sense of exhaustion coming.

It seems that it was the reason why the blood flow was not smooth because she was tied up for a long time. She felt that her body was soft, and her physical strength was not even one-tenth of the previous one.

"I won't let go." Pei Yilin grabbed Song Qian's arm and said stubbornly.

"You..." Song Qian snorted coldly. "Why don't you let it go? Isn't the person you care about the most? Isn't Qin Xirong? It's to avenge her, so you have to take me back!"

Song Qian looked like he didn't irritate, but actually wanted Pei Yilin to let her go.

"Yes." Hearing Song Qian's questioning, Pei Yilin's voice became cold, "You run away without permission, I must catch you back."

"Hey, what are you doing?" After speaking, Song Qian only felt a dizziness coming. She had been carried by Pei Yilin on her shoulders and walked forward with her back facing the corpse of the cobra.

"Pei Yilin, don't go too far." Song Qian hated the lack of energy at the moment.

"Excessive?" Pei Yilin snorted coldly, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and patted Song Qian's buttocks lightly, "Be obedient, I won't do anything more excessive."

In the voice, there is an indescribable petting.

It seems that they don't have any grudges yet, and they are still in Song Qian's best time to be a bodyguard for Pei Yilin.

"I don't want to listen to you." A faint blush appeared on Song Qian's face, but then she struggled even harder.

Damn Pei Yilin, he dared to touch him, he would never spare him!

Song Qian was full of anger, probed his hand, and took out a golden needle in his pocket without hesitation, and wanted to pierce the big hole behind Pei Yilin.

Song Qian is familiar with which big acupuncture point to put a golden needle on, which will make Pei Yilin lose his resistance forever.

She thought about what Pei Yilin had done to herself, and had made up her mind.

However, when she finally touched the acupuncture point, Song Qian paused for a moment.

Not for anything else, just because of the three 50-centimeter-long bone wounds behind Pei Yilin.

Although this wound showed signs of scab, it was still dripping blood.

The blood was thick and glowing with a hint of black.

It seems that Pei Yilin was not injured lightly by the vulture, and he was surrounded by layers of vultures only for her.

Song Qian's heart softened a little, and her hand holding the silver needle trembled slightly. After all, she couldn't get it off.

However, if she gives up now, it means that her plan has failed, and she will most likely not receive news of Qian Mengmeng.

Song Qian frowned, she was unwilling to give up at this moment, and even less willing to bear the negative consequences that might come after giving up.

She was afraid that Jia Yuan Yin would no longer believe her, and would not give her any information about Qian Mengmeng.

Song Qian needs to get information about Qian Mengmeng from Jiayuan Yin, so the hand that originally wanted to stick to Pei Yilin's important acupuncture point was biased, and he slammed to another acupuncture point that was not very important but still made Pei Yilin temporarily weak. .

Although Song Qian's movements were quick and light, Pei Yilin still felt it.

The pace of his advancement paused, and a faint wry smile hung over his mouth.

In fact, Song Qian didn't need to take the needle to make him weak. He had already consumed some physical strength in the fierce battle with the vulture, and now he was bitten by a poisonous snake.

The toxin ran very quickly, even if Song Qian couldn't get the needle, he would not be too threatening to her.

Pei Yilin knew that Song Qian would know her physical condition, and originally believed that under such circumstances, she would abandon her hatred and stop hurting him.

But now, Pei Yilin felt the rapid passing of his physical strength, and a deep bitterness was in his heart.

After all, he was wrong, right?

Pei Yilin guessed that if it were not for him to deceive Qian Mengmeng to make Song Qian not suffering, Song Qian would not retaliate against herself in this way, and would not trap him in danger.

Pei Yilin thought of the smell he smelled when he hugged Song Qian for the first time.

The smell was very cool, but it was not the faint body scent of Song Qian, but a faint sulphur smell that could stop the poisonous snake.

At that time, Pei Yilin was fortunate that Song Qian knew to protect herself, but when he bent over to help Song Qian untie the rope, the smell disappeared.

It was at that time that the cobra, who had been staring at him, suddenly attacked Song Qian.

Only then did Pei Yilin know that Song Qian was in charge of all this, and that she had set up this game and wanted to trap herself in it.

He was stunned, unbelief, worried, and painful, and finally turned into a deep guilt and distress.

How deeply did he hurt Song Qian so that someone who was so afraid of snakes would take a personal risk and set him up at the risk of being bitten by a cobra?

Pei Yilin was indifferent, because he was distressed by Song Qian, he could have retired all over he chose to stay and stay with Song Qian.

Even if her intention to hurt him will never change.

Pei Yilin knew that no matter how Song Qian designed him, no matter what happened to him, he would not let her go.

Just because she is Song Qian, Mengmeng's mother, and even more so, the woman he is thinking of.

He loves her, he is worried about her, and he wants to take her home.

"You are not behaved again!" An unfamiliar feeling of powerlessness ran through the body, and Pei Yilin knew that the needle Song Qian put on him had worked.

He snorted and put Song Qian off his shoulder.

Song Qian was free and immediately attacked Pei Yilin's chest.

Although her current physical strength has only recovered by half, it is still enough to deal with the weakened Pei Yilin.

"I know you want to kill me, go on!" Pei Yilin smiled, as if he didn't mean to hide.

He spoke with an arrogant attitude, but Song Qian read a bit of pain in his eyes, as if the pain was for her.

Will Pei Yilin suffer for her?

Song Qian gave a "chuckle" in his heart and waved away the emotion that shouldn't be there.

She shot again and hit Pei Yilin without hesitation.

In the whirring wind, Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian's eyes with strong murderousness, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually became thicker.

Or, he should pay for everything he has done wrong...

He should apologize deeply to Song Qian for his drunken relationship with Qin Xirong, even if it might be at the cost of serious injuries.

There was a loud "pop"...

In Song Qian's shocked eyes, Pei Yilin's stalwart body fell down.

Fang Zi Kuang, who was hiding in the dark, came to him very quickly to support him, and then frowned at Song Qian.

"Song Qian, how can you be so cruel, do you know what Lin did for you?" Fang Zikang was anxious and angry.

"I don't need to know." Song Qian said in a cold voice, but frowned.

In addition to what she saw, what did Pei Yilin do for her?

Fangzi was furious with that cold-blooded appearance. He snorted coldly and ordered the people of the Dark Night Empire to take Pei Yilin away. He grabbed Song Qian's wrist and pulled her back to the big tree.

Under the big tree, two poisonous snakes were still lying on the ground, and one of the poisonous snake's fangs was stained with bright red blood.

"Look, this is what Lin did for you." Fang Zikuang only discovered his secret secret just when he caught Pei Yilin. "In order to prevent you from getting hurt, he caught two poisonous snakes for you. Even if he was bitten by a cobra, he didn't say a word to you."

"Is he poisoned?" Song Qian's eyes dimmed, remembering Pei Yilin's pause just now.

At that time, he already knew he was poisoned, but still wanted to hug her and leave?

"What do you think? If it weren't for poisoning, how could he be easily hurt by you?" Fangzi was furious. "Song Qian, although I have always liked you, I think you are a very good person. But today, you It's too much."

"I..." Song Qian frowned, "Fang Zi Kuang, you go. I don't want to kill you."

Fang Zikuang looked at Song Qian with a cold expression, and said, "The way you are now, it is really not convincing. Let's go, leave with me, and have a good talk with Lin. Maybe you will get news you didn't expect. ."

With that said, Fangzi was about to pull Song Qian out of his hands. Song Qian was unwell, and she took her sleeves a bit slower.

However, as soon as his hand touched Song Qian's, a poison nail flew over very quickly.

Immediately afterwards, in Fang Zi's madly stunned eyes, Yin Baoer walked out of the dark in a sumptuous manner.

"Song Qian is our traitor and no one can take it away." Yin Baoer's voice was cold, but there was concern for Song Qian in his eyes.

"Boer?!" Fang Zikuang saw Yin Baoer and immediately wanted to rush over.

But when he turned around, he looked at Song Qian, but still immediately found someone to come over and take her away, and then ran towards Yin Bao'er who had come.

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