At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 19 Very embarrassing and ambiguous

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian held the wine bottle and watched around, wondering if he could find a breakthrough to sneak away.

Anyway, she didn't meet Pei Yilin just now, and he didn't have real proof that she stole the wine, so she can deny it after she escapes!

Seeing Pei Yilin pressed a button, Song Qian had been hiding in the toy bowl, and suddenly started.

Song Qian ran out quickly, and Pei Yilin subconsciously was chasing. The two men had just stepped into the lift range. Qian Mengmeng pressed the button and the lift went up, then cut off the power and got stuck at the highest point.

Things went smoother than she thought. Qian Mengmeng made a yeah gesture to herself, walked back to the bedroom, and continued to have her dreams.

The lights of the huge playground suddenly turned off, leaving only a few emergency lights, which was still far from Song Qian.

Facing the dark night, Song Qian instinctively wanted to send herself to a safe environment.

The door of the elevator was closed tightly and couldn't be knocked open. Song Qian blurted out and asked, "What, what's going on!"

Pei Yilin, who was on the side, had a cold face, and now she hasn't figured out anything, she can still hold the bottle of wine firmly!

He was vigilant around him, and did not find the enemy, could it be that this was just an accident?

Suddenly, Pei Yilin stared at Song Qian's face and asked: "Did you deliberately?"

Song Qian dumbly opened his mouth, leaning back against the wall of the elevator, "Why should I deliberately?"

"I want to attract my attention." Hearing Pei Yilin's tone, he almost confirmed his guess.

Song Qian rolled his eyes, "Who do you think of me?"

Pei Yilin's face became even darker, and the person in front of him was obviously suspected of wanting to get caught!

Song Qian didn't have the time to explain that he didn't catch a cold at all for Pei Yilin, a narcissist. Right now, he wanted to find a way to leave here!

"Help! Come on! We are trapped...oooo-" Song Qian didn't finish her words, and a generous palm covered her mouth.

She twisted her body to move left and right, but the force she forced was even heavier, "Shut up!" Pei Yilin shouted directly.

Song Qian blinked, her long eyelashes flickered along with her, her breath lightly fell on the corners of Pei Yilin's lips, with her deodorant.

Pei Yilin's Adam's apple moved up and down, feeling uncomfortable all over his body. He suddenly let go of Song Qian, and stepped back a few steps, "No noise!" The tone was rough.

Song Qian felt that he couldn't guess Pei Yilin's thinking even if he had ten more brains, and asked, "Why?"

Pei Yilin was obviously annoyed, "Obey the order!"

Song Qian continued to be perplexed, "But if no one comes to rescue us, we have to stay here all night!"

Seeing the obvious resistance on Song Qian's face, Pei Yilin's heart flashed a different kind of emotion, very maliciously trying to dispel her attempt to leave, "Isn't this what you expected?"

If the moonlight is stronger, Song Qian will definitely see the unnatural expression of Pei Yilin.

"Me?" Song Qian grumbled, "Who didn't allow me to call someone? What a thief calling to catch a thief!"

Unable to hear Pei Yilin's reply, Song Qian wanted to continue knocking on the door and calling people. Pei Yilin was anxious and strangled Song Qian's wrist, but when Song Qian was dodging, the two fell to the ground at the same time.

Subconsciously, Pei Yilin grabbed Song Qian and fell to the ground as a mat for her.

"Puff everything--"

"My wine!" Song Qian narrowed his eyes, and with the help of moonlight, fumbled around for the red wine bottle that was rolled down.

Pei Yilin's face was blue and purple, he was suppressed by her, she was worried about the wine?

Feeling a strong anger directed at him, Song Qian had to stop the action of looking for wine and asked, "You didn't fall anywhere, right?"

Pei Yilin opened Song Qian angrily, sat up, still indifferent and mighty.

Song Qian didn't know what she was doing right now. She couldn't call people to come and she couldn't descend, especially in situations where she was not very clear, she would become vulnerable.

"President Pei." Song Qian tentatively said, "Then you, do you have to think of something?"

As if not answering, Song Qian would continue to cause trouble.

Pei Yilin said coldly: "Go to bed. As soon as the power is restored tomorrow morning, leave quickly before others can check here."

What Pei Yilin means...

Song Qian suddenly realized that Pei Yilin is a gold medal president. Now he is trapped in this small space of less than five square meters and can only wait for his subordinates to rescue him. This is a shame, his pride is at work!

Noting a nice smile on Song Qian's lips, Pei Yilin knew that he should be angry, but his heart softened.

The moonlight entered the elevator, enough for Pei Yilin to see everything clearly, the red wine bottle that fell not far from Song Qian was shining with attractive red light, attracting people to drink it in one breath.

Pei Yilin picked up the red wine bottle and looked at Song Qian again. Her performance just now made him sure that she has night blindness.

"Just for this bottle of wine?" Pei Yilin felt absurd and ridiculous.

Song Qian's eyes lit up, "President Pei, can you give me this bottle of Kang Di, can I get my salary?"

"Arrived?" Pei Yilin sneered, "How much do I have to deduct you for what you caused me tonight?"

What's wrong with her?

Obviously she didn't know where she was offended, so she wanted to spend the night alone with Pei Yilin!

In this case, why are girls at a disadvantage than boys?

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