At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Three Are you asking her to die or to live?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Xirong..." Samuel looked at her hesitantly.

In her heart, is it more important to seize Song Qian than her life?

However, even though she was willing to sacrifice her life, he was reluctant!

He finally made her follow him willingly. How could he be willing to die?

His eyes dimmed, Samuel hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke coldly, seeming to agree to Song Qian's request.

Qin Xirong curled her neck back while glaring at Samuel: "If you dare to let Song Qian go, I won't forgive you in this life."

Qin Xirong seemed to want to fight her own life and put Song Qian to death.

Song Qian listened, and a faint arc formed at the corner of his mouth, and the hand holding the golden needle pointed towards Qin Xirong again.

Seeing that the tip of the golden needle had touched Qin Xirong's white skin, and was about to pierce her skin very quickly, Qin Xirong's legs softened in shock.

"Xirong, I can't let you do something!" Samuel screamed, hanging his heart.

Looking at Song Qian, he said coldly: "I let you go. You can't hurt her a bit, otherwise..."

"Long-winded!" Song Qian interrupted Samuel, and slowly put away the golden needle.

"Go!" Song Qian squeezed Qin Xirong's throat and walked forward against her.

Why, she lost to Song Qian again?

Qin Xirong was not reconciled.

At this moment, Qin Xirong almost wanted to fight for her own life, and also wanted to keep Song Qian here to accept the cruel punishment.

Qin Xirong thought, her face had been ruined anyway, even if he returned to Pei Yilin again, he wouldn't look at her again. Why should she continue to stay in this world?

Killing Song Qian was her strongest wish at the moment, but Samuel, a fool, even wanted to let Song Qian go.

She thought Song Qian was someone, even if she was finally caught, it would be so difficult to get it. After letting her go, would it be so easy to catch?

Thinking of this, Qin Xirong's eyes grew colder.

No way!

She can't let Song Qian escape!

Even if she had to pay a painful price, she had to leave Song Qian here.

But do you really want to take your own life?

Qin Xirong was a little frightened. She moved forward and stared at Samuel with wide eyes: "If you don't want to force me to death, kill Song Qian now!"

It seems that she has a desperate stubbornness.

But Song Qian, who is familiar with Qin Xirong's personality, knows that people like Qin Xirong, even if they are alive, would not choose to die in pain!

"Song Qian, Samuel will definitely kill you." Qin Xirong gritted her teeth.

"Really?" Song Qian raised her eyebrows, and leisurely took out the gold needle again, and she was about to pierce Qin Xirong's neck.

Samuel screamed in surprise, his face turned pale.

"Song Qian, you are too much!" Qin Xirong saw that Song Qian's needle did not continue to prick at herself, and immediately glared at Samuel.

She meant to say, don’t you hurry up!

Samuel hesitated, looked at Qin Xirong and then at Song Qian.

There was a faint smile at the corner of Song Qian's mouth, and her dazzling black glaze eyes were shining.

She looked straight at Samuel: "Samuel, it's better for you to decide quickly. I am impatient anymore. If I accidentally cut Qin Xirong's skin, the next result will be... "

With that, Song Qian didn't look at Qin Xirong deeply.

Samuel was anxious at the time and yelled at Qin Xirong: "Don't talk anymore! I can't let you die."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Song Qian again, his fist under his sleeve tightened and tight, as if he was suppressing the raging anger.

"Song Qian, your words count? If I let you go, you let Xirong go?" Samuel asked.

"Of course it counts." Song Qian stared at Samuel's eyes.

"Okay, I promise you. Get out of the way." Samuel said to the two guarding the door, turned and walked forward, leaving Song Qian with his back.

Qin Xirong was not moved at all when he saw him disregarding her own safety, but her heart became more angry.

She looked at Samuel's eyes as if fired, and wanted to burn a hole in his clothes.

"Xirong, I know that you are worried about Song Qian killing our child, but now, your life is more important." Regardless of Qin Xirong's sharp gaze, Samuel has already stepped up the steps and arrived. Before Wu Qing's two hands, "Leave aside and let Song Qian out!"

His voice was cold, with a strong anger.

The sly in his eyes flashed across, and he gestured to the two bodyguards, as if planning to attack Song Qian from behind when she left.

Qin Xirong didn't know that Samuel had planned this way. She only saw that he wanted to let Song Qian leave.

For a while, she was annoyed.

"Samuel, if you dare to let Song Qian leave, even if I'm saved, I won't forgive you." Qin Xirong roared, "I told you, she didn't dare to move me, why did you not listen so my words!"

"Xirong..." Samuel turned to look at Qin Xirong, wanting to say something to her, but facing Song Qian's cold eyes, he instantly became cold.

"Needless to say. I said I would save you, I will definitely save you. I can't let you make any mistakes." After speaking, Samuel moved his eyes to Song Qian.

"Song Qian, let Xirong go, I will let you go." Samuel showed a vicious look in his eyes, "But if you dare to hurt her, I will definitely not spare you. Even if you chase her to the ends of the world, I will. I want to break your body into thousands of pieces, making you hard to die."

"Really?" Song Qian smiled, and no one understood Samuel's thoughts at the moment better than her.

I'm afraid, he wants to restrain himself after he releases Qin Xirong, right?

Oh, how is it possible?

Song Qian narrowed her eyes, released the hand against Qin Xirong's throat, hid the golden needle in a safe place, and slowly leaned towards her waist.

There, the emergency powder Yin Baoer left for her, interacting with the poisonous needle, can completely make everyone here fall into a deep coma.

Song Qian's eyes dimmed, and while holding Qin Xirong close to Samuel, he quietly scattered the powder.

The powder is very fine and very fine, and as soon as it enters the air, it disperses extremely quickly.

"Samuel, don't you hurry to kill her!" Qin Xirong slammed Song Qian's abdomen with her elbow while Song Qian was moving.

Song Qian's mouth was slightly hooked, released the hand that was holding her throat, and hid behind, Qin Xirong quickly ran to Samuel and yelled coldly.

Samuel got Qin Xirong's order, first glanced at her roughly to make sure she was fine, and then attacked Song Qian.

"Song Qian, your time to die is here." Samuel violently attacked Song Qian like a tiger.

Song Qian sneered at the corner of his mouth, took out a gold needle from his waist, and threw it at Qin Xirong.

Qin Xirong subconsciously wanted to hide, but was suddenly strangled by someone's wrist and received a sting.

Her face suddenly paled.

That's a poisonous needle, can she still survive?

"Samuel, kill Song Qian!" Qin Xirong roared in despair, and then turned to look at the person holding her.

Without seeing who that person was, Qin Xirong slapped and exhaled, full of anger.

She could have avoided it, how could she be caught?

There was a crisp "pop", and Qin Xirong covered her injured cheek in shock.

"Do you dare to hit me?" She looked at the visitor in disbelief, and then she could see clearly that how many times she wanted to dig out the eyes under those masks.

Yin Baoer, Yin Baoer!

Why is it her again?

"Yin Bao'er, why are you here?" Qin Xirong paled.

She is now restrained by Yin Baoer, completely unable to move, and she has no ability to resist what Yin Baoer wants to do with her.

And Yin Baoer is good at making poison...

"My poison will not be used on people who are not worthy." Yin Baoer looked at Qin Xirong lightly.

The disdainful attitude between the words almost exploded Qin Xirong's lungs.

damn it!

How dare Yin Bao'er treat her this way?

"Samuel--" Qin Xirong looked to the side for help, and saw that Samuel was fighting with Song Qian.

Next to him, the ghost king wearing a Zorro mask was looking at Samuel with a smile.

"Qin Xirong, don't expect your lover to help you. I'm afraid he won't be able to protect himself!" The ghost king smiled and looked at Qin Xirong, but his whole body was exuding a chill of murder. Life and death. So, please ask yourself more!"

"Oh, Song Qian, your fight is too gentle." After talking to Qin Xirong, the ghost king mixed up the fight between Song Qian and Samuel.

The King of Ghosts continued chattering endlessly: "Look, you should hit the most vulnerable part of him first. Man, I'm most afraid of breaking off his children and grandchildren. If he hits like that, he will definitely protect him, and you take the opportunity..."

"Shut up!" Samuel's expression turned pale.

Had it not been for Ghost King and Yin Bao'er just now, he would have given Song Qian the result!

"Oh, I dared to scold me. It seems that I'm too good at talking. Hey, Song Qian, you first step back and let me go up and play a game with him." The ghost king came to grab Song Qian as he said.

Song Qian glared at him: "I will solve my own problems. I am not the useless person."

"Uh, kindly treat it as a donkey liver and lungs! Song Qian, you really don't know how to lift up." The ghost king snorted coldly and turned around to leave.

But the whirring sound from behind made him look back.

I saw that Song Qian, who had the upper hand, seemed to be weak, but Samuel found a space. He raised his foot and kicked Song Qian's bottom plate, but the two hands above attacked Song Qian from different directions. His stomach and face were attacked.

With such a violent method, the King of Ghosts frowned. He couldn't help taking out his gun and wanted to shoot Samuel.

But before he could move, Song Qian reacted very quickly, and she flew a kick towards Samuel and hit Samuel's lower body directly.

Samuel retreated quickly, but moved very quickly with both hands, grabbing Song Qian's clothes, and tore it.

His strength was so great that even Song Qian thought that the quality of his clothes was not bad, but his white shoulders were still exposed, as well as the scars on his shoulders that were faint but still exist.

The moment the scar appeared, the ghost king's movements also stopped.

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