At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 196 Do you love me or not?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Qin Xirong narrowed her eyes and patrolled around very quickly.

There seemed to be no tools, except for a wooden stick that seemed useless.

"Qin Xirong, you just had a baby and you are in a bad mood, I understand you." Seeing Qin Xirong crying with pear blossoms and rain, Samuel's heart instantly started.

He thought she was hurt, and he immediately reached out to her, trying to put her in his arms.

But Qin Xirong glanced at him angrily, then took a step back: "My waist hurts."

"I'm sorry, Xirong, I thought you were going to kill me..." Samlton regretted seeing Qin Xirong not eagerly approaching him, and then he took a step towards Qin Xirong, "I'm sorry. You just bitten It really hurts too much."

"Well, it's my fault. But I really didn't want to kill you." Qin Xirong trembled when she heard the words, and barely pulled out an arc of a smile.

In fact, she just wanted to kill him!

She brought him here just to show Song Qian good-looking, but because of his indecision, she failed. How could she not hate him?

In addition, Samuel's unrestrained demand from Qin Xirong a few days ago caused her body to be greatly injured, and she still suffers from pain.

Samuel was reluctant to part with Qin Xirong's injury. Seeing her pitifully at this moment, he seemed to recognize his mistake and treated him softly.

He immediately forgot how painful the bite mark she gave him, and walked towards Qin Xirong very quickly.

The cage was not big, only a few steps away, Samuel walked up to Qin Xirong as soon as he took two steps.

Qin Xirong sat on the ground and slowly touched the wooden stick not far away.

"Xirong, get up." Samuel looked at Qin Xirong caringly.

"Ah!" When Samuel reached out to grab Qin Xirong, Qin Xirong quickly picked up the wooden stick and hit Samuel's injured shoulder fiercely.

Samuel didn't check it for a while and was beaten upright by her.

A sharp pain came from his shoulder, and Samuel saw Qin Xirong's sulky side.

Her eyes were sharp, the corners of her mouth tightened, and a cold snort overflowed from the tip of her nose.

"Samuel, you are the price you provoke me." Qin Xirong held the wooden stick in her hand and slammed into her bite Samuel's wound.

"Xirong?!" Samuel snorted in his heart, as if the precious object that had been maintained for a long time was shattered at this moment.

"Don't call me, why do you call me!" Qin Xirong hated Samuel, and looked at him with red eyes, "Samuel, you are such a useless thing that harmed me! If you didn't Hesitate, Song Qian is dead now, she has lost to me, do you know?"

"Xirong, listen to me..." Samuel's argument was coldly interrupted by Qin Xirong.

Qin Xirong pushed the stick in Samuel's wound again, and continued to roar: "I don't want to hear anything! Samuel, I hate you the most. I hate you to death. If it's not you, I would never I won’t be dismissed by Yilin, I would never fall into such a situation. Without you, I should live the life of a happy wife and love the person I want to love, instead of staying here like you Waste together."

Samuel's heart sank because of Qin Xirong's reprimand. At this moment, when she called her least favorite title, he was immediately annoyed: "That's how you look at me?"

He loves Qin Xirong from the bottom of his heart, but he cares about his position in her heart.

Because he loved Qin Xirong, Samuel thought he had done a lot of things he wouldn't do before.

He takes her hobbies as the first rule of his actions. He changes his personality, changes his hobbies, and changes everything about himself. He just hopes that Qin Xirong can see his good and stay with him willingly.

Therefore, even after Qin Xirong had a miscarriage and was disfigured, Samuel still did not abandon her, but instead paid a lot of money to rescue her.

He thought that as long as he worked hard enough, Qin Xirong would be impressed.

In the following few days, Qin Xirong really looked at him with admiration, acting as if he fell in love with his changes.

It's just that all of this is fake, and Qin Xirong's falsehood.

At this moment, Samuel looked at Qin Xirong's distorted face because of his anger, and a strong sour odor appeared in his heart.

He felt a knife in his heart. He didn't know that he was in pain, and he continued to poke in...

"Otherwise, how great do you think you are?" Qin Xirong raised her eyebrows and watched Samuel's shoulders dripping with blood, and her mouth turned into a pleasant arc.

Not only did she not regret her actions, but instead felt that this was something she should have done long ago.

She should have gotten Samuel the first time, and then dealt with Song Qian.

In that case, Song Qian would not have time to escape, and would not harm her again.

"Okay, okay, okay." Samuel said three "okay" in a row, each louder than one, and for the first time a touch of sadness was stained in his always cruel eyes, "Qin Xirong, I will give you one more time. Opportunity. As long as you say that you love me and everything you do to me, I can ignore it."

Samuel clenched his fists, and the piercing pain in his shoulder seemed to relieve the potion's effects, and he felt that his gradual loss of physical strength was returning.

On Qin Xirong's side, she felt that her eyelids were heavy, as if she had been sleepy for a long time and wanted to sleep eagerly.

No, it can't be like this!

Qin Xirong calmed her expression, looking at Samuel with a colder expression.

"Should I say I love you? Can't do it!" Qin Xirong sneered, and continued to poke the stick into Samuel's wound.

Qin Xirong thought that she would be able to fight Samuel.

Samuel met her cold gaze, his mouth was slightly bitter, and he grabbed the wooden stick in Qin Xirong's hand and broke it severely.

The sawdust flew, the wooden stick fell to the ground, Samuel, like a demon from hell, walked slowly towards Qin Xirong.

Qin Xirong hurriedly picked up the broken wooden stick to fight back, but was hit in the face by him, messing up her hair.

After Samuel knocked Qin Xirong down, he immediately grabbed Qin Xirong's chin and pushed her against the bars.

"Say you love me!" Samuel's eyes were full of crazy colors.

Even if his wound was bleeding at this moment, he couldn't resist his urge to make Qin Xirong say love her.

Qin Xirong didn't like Samuel at first, so she subconsciously snorted when she heard him.

She was about to say something, but found that Samuel seemed to be much stronger than before.

Is it possible that the damage she gave him restored his strength?

Qin Xirong's face turned pale, but then a trace of joy flashed in her eyes.

"Samuel, are you not poisoned?" Qin Xirong softened her expression, and looked at Samuel again with "gentleness", "I just felt a little weak and dizzy, so I want to help you. Look, now you I was injured, but it was all right. Samuel, look, can you trick those two guards over, we..."

Qin Xirong beckoned Samuel to approach, Samuel looked very cold, and the hand gripping her chin was tight and tight.

She was almost suffocated by him, and her heart was irritated, but the smile on her face became brighter and brighter.

The body also drew on Samuel in coordination, especially her crisp chest, which provocatively stroked Samuel's sensitive chest, causing his whole body to tremble.

Qin Xirong is very skillful in this aspect, plus her body is really uneven and charming.

Therefore, even though Samuel knew that she was lying to herself at all, he still couldn't stand her teasing, and soon broke her work.

His big palm is still pinching her neck, but the force is much smaller, and the panting is getting heavier.

Qin Xirong saw that Samuel's breath was unstable, and she knew that her seduction plan had worked.

The smile on the corner of her mouth grew thicker, and she pressed Samuel’s ear to tell her plan.

Samuel nodded when he heard the words. One big hand confined her between the bars and himself, and the other big hand reached Qin Xirong's trousers ambiguously, quite a bit of the impulse to ask Qin Xirong here.

"Samuel..." Qin Xirong was ashamed and annoyed, "Now is not the right time, we'd better go out first."

Qin Xirong felt that her body seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. If she did not detoxify in time, she was really afraid that she would die here.

Therefore, although she saw Samuel's anxious look and knew she had to satisfy him, she still tried her best to persuade him.

With long narrow eyes full of deep affection, she whispered in Samuel's ear: "When we go out, what do you want, I will accompany you. You don't mean you want it there most. Well……"

Qin Xirong's voice was delicate and soft, and it came to Samuel's heart, and Samuel's eyes lit up and he cleared up his turbulent desires.

He squeezed Qin Xirong's neck again and shouted loudly: "You stinky bitch, I will kill you today!"

Samuel shouted loudly, but his movements were extremely gentle.

Therefore, when the two guards came upstairs to check, they only saw Samuel trying to kill Qin Xirong with a look of resentment, but did not see the heavy calculations in his eyes.

"Mr. Samuel, please stop." Although the two of them listened to Yin Baoer's orders, they were still from Wuqing.

They knew it was useful for Wu Qing to leave these two men behind, so they hurriedly walked to the iron cage to persuade them.

Samuel seemed even more angry when he saw the two coming over.

While throwing Qin Xirong aside, he beat her fiercely, while grabbing one of the necks and twisting it fiercely when the two of them came up to fight.

One of them died suddenly, and the other paled with fright.

"Hand over the keys." Samuel snorted coldly, hooking the man's neck.

"Here... to you." The man was frightened by Samuel's violence and immediately handed over the keys.

Samuel got the key and hurriedly asked Qin Xirong to open the door, but he still confined the man.

With a cautious look, the corner of the ghost king's mouth smiled in the dark.

A gunshot sounded, and after the man in Samuel's hand fell to the ground, Samuel saw the ghost king who was as cold as the hell's Yama.

"This scene is really exciting!" The Ghost King raised his eyebrows and threw a mobile phone in front of Samuel.

"What is this?!" Samuel looked at the ghost king suspiciously.

"Guess." The Ghost King replied, "I think it's a good thing."

He finally stole this thing from Pei Yilin's study, so why isn't it a good thing?

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