At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 198 This is what you deserve

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Qin Xirong wanted to destroy the video before Samuel saw it.

The ghost king sat bored in the monitoring room, looking at Qin Xirong's eager appearance, frowning.

Qin Xirong, Song Qian planned and arranged this play for me. How can I let it develop according to your plan?

"This Samuel...Tsk, it seems I still have to help him."

When the ghost king watched the video, Qin Xirong was about to move Samuel in a few words. He didn't watch any good shows immediately, and he couldn't help but aroused some thoughts about making trouble.

"Parrot, you continue to monitor, I'll go over and take a look first." Ghost King got up and walked out quickly.

"Take care of yourself." Yin Bao'er exhorted the ghost king, "Song Qian asked me to come back with you, not watching you being calculated by Samuel and Qin Xirong."

"I know. But, Parrot, are you worried about me?" The ghost king who was supposed to be outside suddenly broke in, and a pair of narrow eyes flashed with tension.

"No, you think too much." Yin Baoer said coldly, "If Song Qian insisted on letting me come back with you, I wouldn't have time to worry about you."

Yin Baoer still seemed to be upset.

"Parrot, you are merciless." The ghost king curled his lips, his tone was sad, but his expression was happy.

"Go ahead." Yin Baoer couldn't help frowning as she looked at the rare charm of Ghost King.

Perhaps, she really shouldn't listen to Song Qian, and she shouldn't be watching the "abnormal" of the ghost king here.

"Well, I'm leaving." Seeing Yin Bao'er put on an annoying look, the ghost king's eyes flashed with a gloomy look, and he left quickly.

This time he left, he did not wait outside the door, and waited for Yin Bao'er to mutter to himself.

Yin Baoer watched the ghost king leave, sighed long, then turned to look at the computer in front of him.

They are not far away from the place where Qin Xirong and Samuel are closed. She can clearly see everything outside the house, and can even see if anyone is walking towards the house where the ghost king sneaked in.

Soon after the King of Ghosts entered, Yin Baoer found a stalker lurking outside.

There are not many people, but they are all masters, and they still have guns in their hands. They seem to be looking for the entrance to that secret room.

"Ghost King, the situation is critical. After the problem is solved, come out from the back door immediately." Yin Bao'er frowned slightly and immediately contacted the Ghost King.

When the Ghost King received her message, he was already standing in front of Qin Xirong and Samuel.

Samuel was hurt by Qin Xirong and was angry, but facing Qin Xirong's misty eyes, he was still a little bit cruel.

And her non-stop tears made him even more entangled.

The ghost king raised his eyebrows and watched Samuel become weak under Qin Xirong’s crying, walked out of the dark slowly, and gently clapped his hands: “Good show, great show. Xirong, if it weren’t for this place is not too tall On, I almost thought you were acting in an idol drama. The acting and the tears are so good."

"Ghost King!" Qin Xirong saw that she was about to succeed, and her face immediately became cold when she was interrupted by the ghost king.

Samuel, who was staying next to him, was reminded by him that he suddenly understood that Qin Xirong had been tricked.

His eyes widened, and he looked at Qin Xirong's extremely tight fist without annoyance.

I'm afraid, Qin Xirong was so cruel to him because of that MP4, right?

Thinking of this, Samuel's eyes were filled with a vicious look, like an agile cheetah, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Qin Xirong's chin.

Qin Xirong turned pale with fright, her fist holding the MP4 was tight and tight.

The King of Ghosts was watching, his eyes narrowed slightly, he picked up a small stone and threw it at Qin Xirong quickly.

The ghost king moved very fast, and when Qin Xirong noticed her, her hand was already open numbly.

Samuel was grabbing the MP4 in her hand and opened it very quickly.

This time the MP4 is not muted, and there is only one video inside.

Samuel tremblingly opened the video and heard Qin Xirong's sharp voice inside.

She was mocking Song Qian and framed Song Qian, but she was also unabashedly expressing her dislike for their children and dislike for him.

Samuel looked at Qin Xirong's performance in the video, and the slightest unpleasantness that had arisen at the beginning was finally surging.

He frowned, and took the MP4 in his hand to Qin Xirong for her to watch.

"Now that the evidence is there, what else do you want to say?" Samuel blushed and his neck was thick, and the pain seemed to be worse there.

He hated his weakness very much, and hated Qin Xirong's viciousness even more.

If he didn't believe in Qin Xirong, how could he get hurt by her?

But now, his pain is terrible, if he is not treated in time, I don't know if he can have any more children.

"Samuel, the doctor is not far away. As long as you come out from here, I'll let him heal you." The King of Ghosts was amused by watching him, and immediately added, "I heard that that thing is very fragile. If the diagnosis and treatment are not timely, you may not be able to raise it in this life. Hey, poor first richest man Mr. Joe, so much fortune, the son can inherit, but there is no grandson...

"Shut up!" Samuel was moved by the ghost king's words, as if the fragile place was hurting again.

Damn, he can't ruin his happiness for an ugly woman.

Looking at the two scars on Qin Xirong's face with heavy eyes, Samuel squeezed Qin Xirong's hand tightly again.

Samuel’s strength was already great. At this time, it took twelve minutes of strength. Qin Xirong quickly blushed. She wanted to explain something, but her throat was so dry that she said nothing. come out.

For a time, Qin Xirong could only raise her leg again and attacked Samuel's fragility.

"Oh, Samuel, she really wants you to cut off your children and grandchildren. Tsk tsk, that one cut off your grandchildren and grandchildren kicked, really good practice."

The ghost king threw the key over again.

Qin Xirong lowered her head and saw that the key was familiar to her, and her attack on Samuel became more fierce.

At the same time, her slender fingers also grabbed Samuel's clothes fiercely, and touched the wound on the shoulder.

"Damn it!" Samuel was already on guard. Seeing Qin Xirong's heartbroken at this moment, he slapped her in the face and pushed again.

Qin Xirong was staggered by Samuel, she immediately slammed into the iron window, frowning with pain, and her face pale.

Samuel approached Qin Xirong, squeezed her neck, and slammed hard.

His strength was great, even though Qin Xirong desperately grabbed his wound and tried to force him to let go, but he still didn't shake him at all.

Instead, it was herself, with dry pain in her throat, and she was almost choking.

"Samuel, don't be misled by him. I'm not the kind of person he said..."

Qin Xirong knew at this time that she was not Samuel's opponent at all, and it was completely easy for Samuel to pinch her to death.

Although Qin Xirong didn't like Samuel very much, at this time, in order to survive, she still quickly pulled out a smile at Samuel, and then moved forward and rubbed Samuel.

Samuel was so polished by her that she pressed Qin Xirong to the ground in front of the ghost king, and touched her clothes with her hands.

" are too passionate." The King of Ghosts rose up watching from the side, and teased in a hurry.

Hearing this, Samuel's voice suddenly became cold, and he roared: "Get out!"

The King of Ghosts smiled coldly, shrugged his shoulders weirdly, got up to leave.

But before leaving, he gave Samuel a deep look and said coldly: "Samuel, Xirong is very delicate, don't hurt her. And, do something like that. , At least you have to loosen her neck. Otherwise, if you strangle someone halfway, it would be a corpse..."

The ghost king's words seemed to be saving Qin Xirong, but Qin Xirong looked cold and cold after hearing it.

She raised her head, looked into Samuel's eyes full of desire, and her body shook suddenly.

Subconsciously, she released the hand that was holding his shoulder and pressed it against his chest.

"What do you want to do? No." Qin Xirong muttered to herself, with despair in her eyes.

Even the cold-faced ghost king could not help but sigh, but Samuel at this time seemed to have been drugged, ignoring Qin Xirong’s cry for help, and pressing her on the ground, like an insult to the lowest prostitute. Her body.

The original tenderness no longer, at this moment, he has transformed into the most ferocious wolf.

He grabbed her neck and let go, and when she was able to breathe, he tore her to pieces severely, and without any hesitation, without a trace of pity.

Pain, overwhelming pain came.

Qin Xirong's face turned pale and white, her lips were bitten tightly, and the bright red blood flowed down, with a touch of sadness and regret.

She was thinking, if Song Qian weren't there, she would still be the woman Pei Yilin cared for in her arms.

He will embrace her affectionately, look at her pamperingly, and love her carefully.

Instead of now, she was pushed to the ground like a prostitute, forcibly invaded, regardless of her physical discomfort and desperate eyes.

Qin Xirong was tired and pained.

The man on her body is like a beast, piercing through her battered heart.

Suddenly, she felt so tired, so tired, all the hatred finally reached the top at this moment.

She got up and bit Samuel's shoulder fiercely with her last strength.

Samuel was in pain and threw it on her face. She was knocked to the ground, but her body was still violated by him without any mercy.

"Yilin, Yilin, help me..."

Qin Xirong murmured, struggling to get up, vaguely she seemed to see Pei Yilin's figure.

"Yilin, you finally came to take me away." She probed her hand, trying to grab the hem of his clothes, but was pressed to the ground.

"Qin Xirong, you stinky bitch. You still think of him? You don't love me at all, do you?" Samuel's crazy voice came from above his head, Qin Xirong smiled coldly.

"How can I love a beast? Pei Yilin has always been my love!" The last three words were not yet complete, and a burst of pain swept through her again.

Samuel ignored her feelings and demanded her fiercely, over and over again, forever...

During his storm-like violations, Qin Xirong's eyes gradually widened, and her eyes became distracted.

Her hands were raised high, trying to catch the favorite person in the fantasy, but before touching the corner of his clothes, she fell helplessly, and the body that was struggling did not move.

The body temperature gradually cooled down, and Samuel's raging anger also came to an end at this moment.

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