At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 205: It's great, you are so amazing!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Pei Yilin looked at the sly in Song Qian's eyes, and his heart softened for a while. The original action of leaning over paused, and he said loudly: "Qian'er, you should be laughing more..."

"Humph!" Before he finished speaking, Song Qian suddenly took action. She hurriedly hit Pei Yilin's nose with a fist. When he subconsciously backed away, she struck his neck with her elbow again.

Song Qian's body is very flexible, but his strength is not enough.

Although Pei Yilin's body was not fully recovered after being treated by Dr. Hao, it was more than enough to deal with Song Qian now.

But, she finally smiled in front of him, how could he be willing to hurt her?

Moreover, he really wants to be with Song Qian now and tell her everything about Qian Mengmeng.

Pei Yilin has found the world's top obstetricians and gynecologists, and discussed with them an excellent plan to help Song Qian adjust his body so as to welcome their another child at any time.

These days, although Pei Yilin is not by Song Qian's side, he is still not paying attention to Song Qian all the time.

Especially after Qin Xirong had an abortion in the hospital, he almost misunderstood Song Qian, he sent people to watch Song Qian tighter.

Just because he stared at Song Qian closely, Pei Yilin also knew that Song Qian's vomiting frequency seemed too high recently.

Many times, she vomited when she smelled some very light oily smell...

And this reaction, confirmed by Kang Lu and a professional gynecologist, is a sign of pregnancy.

Therefore, Pei Yilin hurriedly called all the gynecologists to a meeting to force them to work out the best plan as soon as possible.

Through the efforts of the doctors, the most suitable plan was finally worked out. Pei Yilin personally saw it and confirmed that there was no problem. At that time, I felt much more relaxed.

He thought, one day, when he brings Song Qian back again, he will let her give birth to a child for himself without any risk of life, and save his loveliest daughter.

But now, Song Qian is close in front of her eyes, her alluring scent is on the tip of her nose, Pei Yilin's mouth has a faint smile, and she wants to tell Song Qian about Qian Mengmeng.

He is crazy!

They actually have another child!

"Qianer..." Pei Yilin called out, moving her big hand very quickly, holding Song Qian's ankle once, and then moving very quickly, turning her from the princess's hug position to the sack-like sack on her shoulders. .

A feeling of dizziness struck Song Qian, and Song Qian realized that she had been carried by Pei Yilin again.

Although he didn't restrain her very tightly, his arm was tightly against her thigh.

The scorching, powerful, and strong masculine breath spread into Song Qian's nose, and Song Qian's face suddenly turned red.

By the way, when she was secretly annoyed, Pei Yilin actually stretched out her hand and patted her butt hard.

"Pei Yilin!" Song Qian was exasperated.

Does this damn man know where it is?

There, no man can touch it, okay?

"Qian'er, stop making trouble. You are very weak now. I will take you down to rest first, and when you rest, I want to tell you a good news." Pei Yilin carried Song Qian to the bed and bent over to put her on her Waiting for her to lie down on the bed, he pulled the quilt on one side and covered her body.

Song Qian frowned very tightly, and Pei Yilin's domineering made her very upset.

She stood up and immediately lifted the quilt and walked down.

But her hand was held tightly, and Pei Yilin's big, unhappy face appeared in front of her.

"If you insist on going to the ground, then I don't mind kissing you now." Pei Yilin said coldly.

When Song Qian heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the probing hand shook towards Pei Yilin's face.

Pei Yilin seemed to have expected Song Qian to make this move. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed her wrist, but the other hand quickly hit her waist and hugged her in his arms.

"Pei Yilin, you let me go." Song Qian struggled violently.

An ominous premonition surrounded her.

The current Pei Yilin is very different from the cold feeling before, which makes Song Qian a little scared.

"Vision." Pei Yilin restrained Song Qian's fierce movements, gently put her on the bed, and hugged her close to her body.

Her faint fragrance rushed into his nose, and his body tightened, and a long-lost sense of tightness was uploaded from his always suitable suit pants.

Pei Yilin couldn't help but his eyes dimmed, and a strong feeling surged into his heart, making him immediately want to press Song Qian under him and deal with her untamedness.

However, Pei Yilin knew that he could not.

Nothing else, just for Song Qian's weak body and the baby in her belly.

She was already having a hard time pregnant with a baby, and she had to deal with the persecution from the outside world. How could he be willing to hurt her again?

"Pei" Song Qian had already felt the change in Pei Yilin's body, and a blush appeared on her face, and she was going to reprimand.

But before he finished speaking, Pei Yilin maliciously posted to Song Qian.

A slight shudder rose from Song Qian's back and rushed straight into Song Qian's mind. For a moment she thought of everything that had happened between the two of them.

At this moment, Song Qian's face was red, and the pink color was like a fruit that was tempting to taste. Pei Yilin almost couldn't restrain herself and rectified her on the spot.

Fortunately, he thought in time that Song Qian's body was not very good, so he suppressed his turbulent desire and hugged Song Qian tighter.

"Wu Qing's matter is that he is good at advocating. I have punished him, but I think it is more appropriate for you to punish him. You can do whatever you want with him." Pei Yilin leaned into Song Qian's abdomen, wanting to touch it. Touch.

"You can do anything?" Song Qian's face went dark.

Why didn't she know that Pei Yilin was so shameless?

Want to touch her belly without her permission?

Song Qian was annoyed. For a while, she forgot what she meant, and turned her head to give Pei Yilin a look.

Immediately afterwards, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "What if I want to kill him now?"

In fact, Song Qian looked at Wu Qing for protecting Pei Yilin and admired a loyal person like Wu Qing. Although he used the means to harm her, she could not care too much.

However, since Pei Yilin actually gave Wu Qing to her, how could she object?

Frowning slightly, Song Qian pretended to provoke dissatisfiedly: "If you really want to hand Wu Qing in front of me, I will naturally entertain him well and let him die in pain.

Hearing this, Pei Yilin frowned slightly, and was about to say something, but when he met Song Qian's smiling eyes, he did not hesitate to agree.

"Qian'er, then do you personally deal with him now? Your health is not good and you are not suitable for seeing blood. It's better to kill him for you." Then, in Song Qian's cold expression, Pei Yilin said an invitation "However, if you really want to do it yourself, I will stay with you by your side."

"Pei Yilin, are you really willing?" Song Qian was inexplicably angry.

Damn Pei Yilin, no matter how unwell Wu Qing is, the reason for her killing him is sufficient, he shouldn't give Wu Qing to her just to please her.

Although she really wanted Wu Qing to be punished, Song Qian was not in the mood to kill him.

After all, Song Qian is pregnant with a baby now, and if it is not necessary, she does not want to get blood on her hands.

"Of" Pei Yilin didn't know where he angered Song Qian, so he could only hug her tightly and whisper to her ear, "It's just that no one can let you be wronged, even that person. It is my dearest person, the person I value most."

"It's not someone else who makes me wronged, it's you." Song Qian whispered in her heart, but on the surface, she was cold.

"Qian'er, I'm sorry." Pei Yilin seems to be able to read Song Qian's thoughts. The arms he hugged Song Qian tightened, but that arm was wrapped around Song Qian's waist, and he did not dare to touch her slightly raised. "Qian'er, if you want to see Mengmeng, I will arrange it for you immediately. However, there is something trivial in Mengmeng, I have to deal with it first. When I take care of it, I will bring her to see you immediately. Okay?"

Pei Yilin pleased Song Qian with a cautious look, but when she heard that he didn't let herself see Qian Mengmeng immediately, she was annoyed.

"No need." Song Qian said coldly, pulling away his arms as hard as she could, and she quickly swept toward the window.

Pei Yilin was originally afraid of hurting her, so she broke free of her arms.

Seeing that she actually wanted to go to the window at this moment, as if she wanted to jump from a height, Pei Yilin's face suddenly became dark.

Annoyed that she didn't know how to take care of herself, Pei Yilin quickly stepped forward, grabbed Song Qian's arm, and was about to take her to the bed.

"President, something has happened." At this time, Kang Lu's anxious voice came from outside the door.

Song Qian frowned when he heard the words, frowned and looked at Pei Yilin next to him. He frowned deeper, but the arm that grabbed her didn't let go.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin said coldly, "If it is not important, you make the decision yourself! I have important things to do!"

"President..." Kang Lu gave a wry smile.

No one understands Pei Yilin's implication better than Kang Lu.

I am afraid that it is precisely because Pei Yilin's beloved person is in the house that he is reluctant to come out, right?

That person, Kang Lu didn't need to guess, he knew she would only be Song Qian.

Because only Song Qian can make Pei Yilin's mood fluctuate; and only Song Qian can make Pei Yilin give up the desperate way of working and be willing to stay in this study for such a long time.

Kang Lu thought about these days, Pei Yilin wanted to find everything Song Qian had done, thinking that he was injured to save Song Qian, thinking about his complicated expression when he learned that Song Qian was pregnant, thinking that he personally urged the gynecologists Sen's eyes were cold when he worked out a suitable treatment plan, and the corners of his mouth gradually became bitter.

Really, no one can love Song Qian more than the president...

If possible, Kang Lu prefers to walk away with his feet up instead of staying outside, watching the two finally reunite.

Although this kind of reunion made Kang Lu's heart seem to be pierced by a needle, aching and tearing, Kang Lu was reluctant to bear it.

Kang Lu didn't want Song Qian to encounter any accidents, and he didn't want her to miss the happiness at his fingertips.

But this happiness can only be realized after dealing with Samuel outside.

Therefore, the corner of his mouth evokes a faint arc, and Kang Lu still knocked on the door stubbornly.

Although the knock on the door sounds so harsh to Pei Yilin and so annoyed, he has no intention to stop...

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