At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 213 Confirmation and Definite Departure

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!If she fell from a high altitude, even if Xia Erlan was lucky, she would break a few ribs and die in pain.

Xia Erlan is not afraid of this kind of pain, she is just not reconciled, not reconciled that she still has to be used by Pei Yilin at this time.

The Kang Lu she loved is dead, and her mission is doomed to be unfinished. Why is she still being used by them in the end?

Haha, they expected that Samuel would hate her because Qin Xirong would force her to tell her behind the scenes, but they didn't expect that even if Xia Erlan died, she would not be as they wanted.

Especially when Kang Lu looked at Song Qian's loving eyes before he died, Xia Erlan's heart was firmer.

She wants Song Qian to pay for Kang Lu's death!

After all, Kang Lu got to this point because of Song Qian!

Kang Lu, Kang Lu, in fact, before you died, you suspected that someone had put a micro bomb on your body, but for Song Qian's safety, you completely ignored it, didn't you?

You love Song Qian so much. Even if there are so many Pei's bodyguards, are you still afraid of her being hurt by others?

Thinking of what Kang Lu had done for Song Qian, Xia Erlan's emotions became complicated, with anger, unwillingness, and deep sadness.

At first, she complained about Song Qian, but as time passed, she gradually began to think about the problem from her own side.

She was thinking, if she and Kang Lu were not rivals in this life, could Kang Lu look at her more and love her more instead of using more of her feelings?

Xia Erlan felt that Kang Lu had feelings for him, but this feeling was insignificant compared to his intentional use.

"You smashed me to death, you smashed Qin Xirong's poorest comrade-in-arms, and you will be able to do what you want." The heartbreak turned into gray, and Xia Erlan looked at Samuel with a cold expression.

At this moment, she didn't care about her own life or death, she didn't care about everything, only the possibility that Kang Lu loved her a little bit more.

Even though Kang Lu is no longer alive, she still wants to make an appointment with him for the next life.

Samuel was taken aback when he heard the words, and now Xia Erlan made him feel a little strange.

"Samuel, I only have one request. If I agree to this request, I will tell you who the culprit is." Xia Erlan threw out an olive branch.

"You!" Samuel hated Xia Erlan's bargaining at this time, but facing her life-and-death look, he could only snorted and agreed.

"Find where Kang Lu's body is, and bury me beside him on the day he was buried." Xia Erlan's eyes were calm, with a gentle smile, "If I meet him first in my next life, he The person I love the most is definitely me."

"Samuel, all of these people have an extraordinary relationship with Song Qian. Song Qian knows her identity. And Xi Rong and I are too low in the organization. We only know that she wears a fox mask. Nickname...Silver Fox..."

Before Xia Erlan had finished speaking, he vomited blood and bends over.

A burst of black, rich, desperate black blood sprayed out, and Xia Erlan's body gradually lowered.

Samuel knew that Xia Erlan would not survive, and no longer attacked her, but instead thought about the information she gave.

Song Qian has an extraordinary relationship with that person?

Then, would he only need to catch Song Qian and ask her to know that Xi Rong was given such a dangerous mission?

Xia Erlan watched Samuel meditating next to her, a faint smile hung on the corner of her mouth, her eyes blurred and her gaze lost, she watched the phantom gradually approaching her and stretched out her hand.

"Kang Lu, have you come to pick me up? In the next life, we will go together, okay?" Her voice was sad, with a gentleness that Samuel could hardly see.

Samuel turned his head and looked at her when he heard the words. In the empty room, he only saw her slowly falling down.

Breathing became more rapid, but the expression in her eyes became brighter and brighter: "Kang Lu, in the next life, we...must be together..."

The voice gradually became low, Xia Erlan's hands gradually dropped, and her beautiful eyes closed.

Samuel approached and felt her sniff, only to realize that she had passed away.

Before she died, Xia Erlan still hoped that she would be with Kang Lu for the rest of her life.

She had already thought about it, this time she must first meet Kang Lu, Song Qian first, stay in Kang Lu's heart, and never come out again.

Qin Xirong is dead, Xia Erlan is also dead, and the people who killed Peipei with Samuel are all dead.

Except Samuel and the subordinates who were dismissed by him.

At this moment, standing in Qin Xirong's room, looking at Xia Erlan who had closed his eyes, Samuel was inexplicably sad.

He felt a strong anger and sadness. This feeling of suddenly losing his lover and comrade-in-arms almost drove him crazy, making him reluctant to worry about anything, and just wanted to use his strength to destroy the world.

"Song Qian, I can't spare you!" Samuel's eyes widened, and he spoke fiercely, his teeth clenching loudly, as if trying to chew Song Qian's bones to pieces, and swallow them into his stomach. .

His heart was full of anger, the pain on his body seemed to weaken, his eyes were slightly narrowed, he quickly took out the hidden medicine and swallowed it, and suddenly his physical strength exploded, and he slammed towards several Pei family bodyguards in the dark. Attacked.

Although the Pei family's bodyguards counterattacked in time, they were ultimately no match for the miniature AK pistol that Samuel had hidden long ago and his suddenly agile figure, which was quickly cleaned up.

Suddenly, Qin Xirong's room was full of corpses. Samuel took a deep look at the horrible scene he had created, and a bloodthirsty sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth. Someone who was calling in the hallway walked.

The person who was reporting to Pei Yilin outside was still reporting to Pei Yilin. After describing the details, he continued: "Chairman, Xia Erlan was dying by Samuel and will soon die. If what she said is false ...How did you come out?"

The subordinate stopped talking after half a sentence, looking at Samuel approaching and the miniature pistol in his hand in amazement.

Shouldn't he be locked up?

Besides, wasn't his gun confiscated long ago?

Why now, he still has one in his hand?

Is it possible that there is a rape in them?

The man's heart was startled, and layers of sweat climbed up his back.

"How did you escape, my brothers?" the subordinate asked with a frown, quickly pressed the on-hook button of the phone and hid behind him, and then quickly touched his gun, trying to shoot Samuel. shot.

Samuel seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago. With a cold snort, he raised the gun suddenly and pulled the trigger. Before the man pulled the trigger, he first hit the bodyguard's arm.

Samuel's marksmanship was very accurate, only a "bang" was heard. The gun in the bodyguard's hand had fallen to the ground. He covered his bloody arm and frowned at Samuel.

"Samuel, you won't have a good result!"

"is it?"

Samuel met his angry eyes, approaching, approaching, and then approaching.

He wants to subdue him as soon as possible and let him take himself to find Song Qian...

Thinking about this, Samuel walked toward the bodyguard quickly, planning to take him down as quickly as possible, and find Song Qian as soon as possible, and after asking the person behind Qin Xirong, he killed her!

Pei Yilin is very clear about the reporting style of his subordinates, and there is no accident. They never cut off the phone calls to himself.

Could it be that what happened?

Pei Yilin frowned, thinking of the exclamation on the phone just now, he immediately ordered the bodyguard to go up and check Qin Xirong's room, and he quickly ran towards Song Qian's study.

Samuel hated Song Qian, once he escaped the control of the Pei family bodyguards, the first thing he had to do was to find Song Qian!

Qian'er, Qian'er, you must have nothing to do!

While Pei Yilin hurried to Song Qian's study, the ghost king who had come with Yin Baoer quietly touched it, and before Pei Yilin arrived, he saw Song Qian first.

"Song Qian, do you want me to take you away?" The ghost king looked at Song Qian locally.

Although Song Qian was kept in the study by the Pei family's bodyguard, he still enjoyed the highest level of treatment. Except that there was no maid nearby, Song Qian's treatment was about the same as that of the queen!

Hey, it seems that Pei Yilin still loves Song Qian!

The King of Ghosts exclaimed in his heart, if it weren't for Song Qian's strong request, and Yin Baoer had repeatedly told his face, he would really be ashamed to take Song Qian away!

After all, disassembling such a pair of awkward little lovers will make him feel uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?" Song Qian asked back, with a little playfulness.

She felt that the King of Ghosts had treated her a lot better recently.

Although she doesn't know why, this situation is not a bad thing for Song Qian.

Therefore, even though Song Qian was naturally cautious, he still showed some harmless little habits in front of the ghost king.

With these habits, the ghost king's eyes widened, and he could hardly believe that this was Song Qian, who turned out to be Song Qian with a calm nature!

Her little habits, such as eating lollipops, are nothing like a little girl who grew up!

"Are you Song Qian?" The Ghost King looked at Song Qian incredulously.

"Do you have an opinion?" Song Qian raised her eyebrows, she was used to being careless in front of him, and she didn't know what was wrong.

Song Qian always felt that looking at the ghost king now was as comfortable as looking at his relatives.

"Uh..." The Ghost King was a little surprised at Song Qian's change, and then a touch of pampering appeared in his eyes.

He thought that Song Qian had gone through so much and was destined to never have such a warm side.

But watching her so cheerful at the moment, the ghost king is relieved.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the King of Ghosts said stubbornly: "I see, you don't need to leave. Tsk, tusk, with such a good condition, I am a bit..."

"Ghost King..." Song Qian looked cold, and pulled the ghost king back to the subject, "My body is no better than before, and I can't do many things now. For example, jumping out of this window."

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