At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 217 Why are you willing to leave me?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Tell them that they can treat their master well. Only by keeping him alive, they will have the hope of surviving." After telling Samuel the cruel fact, Pei Yilin disdain to turn his attention to Sam On your body.

At this moment, even though Samuel stared at Pei Yilin's back harshly, he still looked far away with heavy eyes.

Not far away, the little maid of the Pei family was easily restrained by the ghost king and thrown aside. His bodyguard quickly surrounded her and grabbed her arm.

"Take her to the dungeon, I want to interrogate it myself." Frowning watching the little maid struggling in an orderly manner, Pei Yilin frowned very tightly, he called them, and quickly walked towards Song Qian.

"Yes." Hearing the words, the bodyguard of the Pei family agreed with kindness.

They took out a needle filled with anesthetic and hit the maid, and quickly walked underground with him in a coma.

"President, let's take Samuel down right now." The two bodyguards beside Pei Yilin grabbed Samuel quickly and took him down, while the remaining few followed Pei Yilin closely, looking at him. He looked at Song Qian's direction gravely.

A huge car was placed on this lawn, but they didn't notice it, they seemed to be negligent.

"President, we are willing to be punished." Several people looked at each other and said in unison.

Pei Yilin frowned when he heard the words, and then said lightly: "After I go back, go to the training ground to practice for five more hours, and I cannot stop without my permission."

"Yes." Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Although these five hours make people physically tired, it is much easier than accepting the challenge of a crocodile.

"Qianer..." When Pei Yilin walked to Song Qian, Song Qian was already sitting in Brady's driver's seat, and in the passenger seat next to him, the ghost king wore a Zorro mask and smiled stubbornly at Pei Yilin. .

"Song Qian, if you want to stay here and ask Mr. Pei to drive me there, I don't mind." Ghost King laughed.

He originally thought that Pei Yilin would roar when he came over and let Song Qian go back with him domineeringly, but now looking at his gentle expression, it seems that things will not develop like that!

The King of Ghosts breathed a sigh of relief. Although he still has some strength now, he felt that he was overwhelmed by such a big wave of Pei Family bodyguards and an unfathomable Pei Yilin.

"Shut up." Song Qian glared at the King of Ghosts viciously, "I'm injured, don't you know how to save your energy?"

"Oh. Without your reminder, I really forgot that I was injured." The ghost king pretended to cry out in pain, then raised his eyebrows to look at Pei Yilin, "Mr. Pei, I can be considered injured here, why? Is it a work injury? You have to compensate me for medical expenses, lost work expenses, mental losses, youth losses... Ha!"

A series of inexplicable expenses made the Pei family bodyguards frown-why is this ghost king so cheeky?Obviously injured so many of their Pei family bodyguards, so I am ashamed to ask the president for those expenses?

Moreover, what is the youth loss fee?

Has their president ever occupied his youth?

The bodyguards of the Pei family stared at the King of Ghosts angrily, but Pei Yilin smiled lightly when he heard these words.

He just looked at Song Qian with a deep gaze, and his heart was very warm when he looked at the curvature of her mouth because of the ghost king's words.

Qianer, his Qianer, as long as she is happy.

"Qian'er, go home with me. I will let you meet Mengmeng." Pei Yilin promised.

"I..." Song Qian heard the words, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

But she was soon suppressed by her, looking at Pei Yilin with a heavy gaze, Song Qian asked directly: "Yes? When will President Pei say? Will I be able to see Mengmeng until I am very old?"

Song Qian's words were provocative, and Pei Yilin heard it, and immediately felt even more guilty.

He was regretting that if he could tell Song Qian these things as soon as possible, Song Qian would not encounter so many difficulties, and would not make her own body worse...

"Qian'er, I didn't mean that..." Pei Yilin was about to explain, but a sudden ringing interrupted him.

He frowned and looked at the source of the sound, only to see Song Qian take out the phone from his pocket, and walked to the side to pick up the sound.

The bodyguards of Pei's house nearby wittily made way for her, and then came to the ghost king and surrounded the ghost king.

There is quite a way, as long as they win the ghost king, they are not afraid of Song Qian not coming back.

"Tsk tusk..." This is not the first time that the ghost king enjoys the feeling of "all stars holding the moon". He has been chased by Song Qian and others many times, which makes him affectionate and calm. Even though the arm is bleeding, he has brows. He didn't wrinkle, but looked deeply in Song Qian's direction.

She should have followed Pei Yilin to see her daughter now.

A mother, who has suffered so much and done so many things, joined the Star Trails Alliance only for her daughter Qian Mengmeng.

Now that Qian Mengmeng has come out, how can Song Qian not go to see her?

But, will the Lord not notice Song Qian's whereabouts?She will let Song Qian go to see Qian Mengmeng, right?

The King of Ghosts knew the answer was no, so watching Song Qian frowned when he answered the phone, he knew that things were going in a bad direction.

I'm afraid that Jia Yuan Yin already knew what he and Song Qian were doing here, and threatened Song Qian with something so that Song Qian had to go back now.

"President Pei, it seems that Song Qian in my family didn't have the opportunity to go with you to see her daughter. Take good care of my little niece. I have to come back and take her away when I have time." The ghost king stepped forward. Patting Pei Yilin on the shoulder, the Pei family bodyguard next to him glared. When he acted, he quickly attacked the ghost king.

"Get out!" Pei Yilin frowned and stopped Pei's bodyguard, looking at the ghost king with a heavy gaze, "Ghost King, everything about you is under investigation. If you let me discover that you are delusional to do something bad to Song Qian , You should know your results."

Pei Yilin threatened, but his expression was very pale.

Even though Song Qian looked here while calling, he only found that the two seemed to be at odds, but he did not take any excessive behavior.

"Well, investigate. I hope that the results of the investigation will make you like it. The prospective brother-in-law who has a long way to go..." The ghost king raised his eyebrows and looked at Pei Yilin. The probing hand slapped Pei Yilin's shoulder fiercely, and then pretended to speak in panic. , "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. You are such a big person, you shouldn't blame me?"

Pei Yilin had a black line when he heard that, although he really didn't like others to touch him, but the ghost king called himself a prospective brother-in-law?

Is it possible that he is really Song Qian's long-lost brother, and he has also admitted his identity?

Pei Yilin thought about the news he had recently found, and a faint smile evoked at the corner of his mouth, and without hesitation, he gave the Ghost King a palm.

Although it seems that the two brothers are good and have a good relationship, in the eyes of Song Qian, who was unhappy after the call, it became Pei Yilin's intentional bullying of the ghost king.

"Pei Yilin, do you want my friend to die with you?" Song Qian said coldly, feeling very irritable.

The call just now was from Jia Yuan Yin. Although she did not say any real problems, nor did she ask Song Qian why she has not obtained her family crest yet, but the mention of Qian Mengmeng intentionally or unintentionally in the words made Song Qian feel extremely disturbed.

Recalling that in the last sentence of Jia Yuan Yin, it seemed that Cheng Xian had mentioned that he wanted Cheng Xian to bring Qian Mengmeng to Jia Yuan Yin, and let her take a look, Song Qian's heart hung up.

"Qian'er, in your heart, am I such a person?" Pei Yilin heard the words, a pain flashed through his eyes, but he was quickly pressed down.

He frowned and looked at Song Qian's eyes that had become anxious because of the phone call just now, and his heart suddenly became clear.

"If necessary, I will take you to see Mengmeng now and let you ensure her safety." Pei Yilin suggested.

"Don't bother Mr. Pei, I want to see Mengmeng, when and where, it's not a problem." Song Qian said, "Hey", and wanted to do what he said, but thought that Jiayuan Yin mentioned However, she changed her mind. She decided to find Qian Mengmeng with Cheng Xian after she saved Cheng Xian.

At that time, regardless of whether Qian Mengmeng is imprisoned by Pei Yilin or not, Song Qian will take her away, take her with her, and never let her leave again.

"Qian'er?" Pei Yilin sighed. He knew he couldn't stop Song Qian, so he could only say: "When do you want to see Mengmeng, call me in advance and I will take her to your favorite Place, wait for you."

"President Pei, you are being polite." Song Qian interrupted Pei Yilin's words and turned to look to the side. Only the blood from the ghost king's wound was still dripping, and his face became paler.

The injury of the ghost king is not light, she can't be delayed here, she must send the ghost king away as soon as possible, let him receive treatment.

Although Pei Yilin also has an outstanding doctor here, dealing with this injury is not a problem, but Song Qian thought of the identity of the ghost king.

Once the current ghost king accepts the help of Pei's doctor and stays in Pei's house for a while, his loyalty will be doubted by Kawara Silver.And once Kahara Yin started to doubt a person, no matter what that person did later, she would not believe it.

Song Qian didn't want to put the ghost king in danger.

Therefore, frowning slightly, she looked at Pei Yilin coldly: "Pei Yilin, let me leave."

"Qian'er?" Although Pei Yilin expected this result, he felt a little bit unwilling in his heart.

Qian'er, Qian'er, his Qian'er, why is he willing to leave her?

"Pei Yilin, I am very impatient." Song Qian coldly interrupted Pei Yilin's words, and then touched the golden needle on his waist.

She moved quickly, but Pei Yilin could still see her clearly.

His eyes darkened, he spoke lightly, with a touch of bitterness hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Get out, let them go... leave."

"President Pei?" The Pei family bodyguard looked at Pei Yilin incredulously.

They managed to trap the Ghost King of the Star Trail Alliance and Mr. Pei's favorite woman. Mr. Pei didn't want to imprison them, but chose to let her go, which is really unreasonable.

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