At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 226 Don't hurt her!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Subordinates don't know." The King of Ghosts shook his head, "Lord, the subordinates need to explain to you about that matter. The subordinates didn't immediately let Qian Mengmeng poison us for two reasons. The first one It’s for Song Qian. Although Song Qian’s current strength is not as good as before, her battle experience is also very rich. If she is here, we will train and guide our new subordinates, and our combat effectiveness will soon surpass. The Empire of Darkness."

"Go on." Kawara Silver's self-talking was interrupted by the ghost king, she was annoyed, and then she listened to the ghost king's instructions with a calm expression, and even when the ghost king stopped halfway, she did not forget to remind him , "Another reason, who does it have to do with? Is it Qian Mengmeng, or is it a constitution that you like?"

Speaking of becoming a constitution, Kahara silver touched his earlobe.

Although there was no bleeding from the thin wound there, the scarred area still made Jiayuan Yin very upset.

Kawara Silver has always boasted that he is flawless and has no scars all over his body, but now that he was hurt by Cheng Xian's hairy boy to the sexiest earlobe of a woman, how could she not be annoyed?

"No! The second one is because of President Pei." Ghost King continued to analyze, "Since President Pei dared to see the Lord alone, he naturally believes that he can safely take his family away without being hindered by the Lord. I want to obstruct, why didn’t President Pei prepare anything in advance? Just now his subordinates found a suspicious figure in the surveillance, and the subordinates suspected that this person sneaked into our Star Trail Alliance with President Pei. What if we make Qian Mengmeng? In this way, he will tell President Pei the first time, and then attack our organization."

"He? I still look down on it." Jia Yuan Yin coldly snorted.

She has watched this person several times in the video. Although his skill seems to be good, he is not cautious enough, but he is destined to fall into their trap.

"Yes." The ghost king replied, and continued, "When I came down just now, I just ran into President Pei and the others. President Pei seemed to have a good attitude towards the Lord."

"Really?" Kawara Silver's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes fell on Ghost King, "Why didn't I think? Ghost King, if you want to deceive me for your wrong explanation, you should know what is waiting for you. "

"The subordinate knows." The ghost king knelt down. "The subordinate did not deceive the Lord. When Mr. Pei was leaving, he did stay at the gate of the hall for a long, long time before leaving. If it wasn't for the Lord to say anything to him, Mr. I don’t think he should stay that long."

"You guessed wrong!" Kawara Silver interrupted the Ghost King coldly, but didn't entangle the mistake the Ghost King had just made, and waved him to leave.

The ghost king nodded, turned and left the hall.

In the hall, another Kawara silver was left, she took off her fox mask, and she took out a mirror from the side and looked at it carefully.

As the ghost king said, is Pei Yilin waiting for herself at the door?

how can that be possible?

He didn't say anything to himself in the temple, so how could he wait for himself outside? I'm afraid he was waiting for a constitution, right?

Kawara's silver eyes dimmed, and suddenly, she remembered everything that happened today.

She was happily preparing to meet him, but he...

"Lord, Feng Xiaoxiao and Huawen's two subordinates were rescued. Feng Xiaoxiao was sent to the doctor for treatment because the injuries were too serious. Huawen only suffered some minor injuries, and she agreed to marry her subordinates. , Please give me... it's so beautiful!" A person suddenly broke in outside the door. As soon as the person entered the hall, he knelt down and said a bunch of words. Seeing that Jiayuan Yin did not respond, he immediately raised his head.

As soon as he looked up, he was shocked by the amazing beauty. He always knew that the Lord was beautiful, but he never thought that the Lord was so beautiful, like Chang'e in the moon, far more beautiful than the world's first beauty. .

Kawara Yin frowned and watched the man's performance. Her expression was cold and cold. With a cold snort, she suddenly put the mask on her face, and then Yiyiran walked to the man and shot him in the chest.

The people waiting outside were about to go in and stop, but heard him exclaimed, and then a sound of heavy objects fell, followed by Kahara Yin's cold scolding.

"One by one, are they all dead? Don't hurry in and take this corpse away!" Jia Yuan Yin put on a mask and looked at Tian Xiao with a cold expression. Tian Xiao was only slightly injured. It is very likely to be cured and re-used for adding original silver.

But Kahara Gin's eyes looked at him as if he was looking at a piece of waste, and he didn't intend to use him again.

"Lord, please, forgive your subordinates." Tian Xiao was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, big beads of sweat on his forehead slid down his cheeks to his neck, sticky and uncomfortable, he But I dare not move.

And in the chest, the pain of a broken rib made him almost want to exhale in pain, but looking at Kawara Silver’s frosty expression, he did not dare to react, so he could only kneel on the ground and keep giving it. The original silver kowtow.

Now Tian Xiao particularly regretted his sudden glance just now. If he hadn't seen the amazing face of the Lord, he would naturally not lose his temper and would not violate the Lord's taboo.

But, Lord, I am truly sincere to you, and I have no two minds!

"Pull it down." Kawara Silver said coldly, looking at Tian Xiao as if looking at a corpse.

After Jiayuan Yin's order, the man in black who was waiting outside immediately walked in, dragged Tian Xiao and walked out.

Tian Xiao cried with tears, and repeatedly pleaded guilty to Jia Yuan Yin, but Jia Yuan Yin let out a cold snort, and a trace of his narrow eyebrows slashed fiercely, "Knock out his eyes, and then smash him into pieces. And that. Huawen, since he likes it, let him watch it for a while before he died!"

"Yes, Lord." The people in black on both sides were sweating on their foreheads. Now they are very thankful that they did not rush in just now.

Otherwise, it would be the two of them who were smashed.

"By the way, you two are temporarily responsible for the guard work on Fang Zikuang's side. If there is something wrong with him, you know the result." Jia Yuan Yin called to the two of them, as they were sweating. , She continued to order, "Invite Yin Baoer to the execution site, and let her see with her own eyes the evil consequences she has caused."

With an order from Kawara Silver, Yin Baoer and Huawen were invited to the dungeon at the same time to watch the man in black execute Tian Xiao.

As soon as the slender and flimsy lancet was placed on Tian Xiao's eye socket, Huawen bit her lip and couldn't bear to look again.

But Yin Baoer looked at the movements of the man in black lightly.Since they were ordered by Kahara Gin to invite her to watch the execution, they definitely wouldn't let themselves escape.

Since she couldn't escape, Yin Baoer naturally disdain to escape.

Even though, after watching the execution, she would have no food for three days and sleepless for five days, so what?

With the punishment given by Yuan Yin, she would naturally accept it after joining the Star Trail Alliance.

Yin Baoer is very clear that adding Yuan Yin is a very principled person. Some time ago, she did a lot of things that did not meet the meaning of adding Yuan Yin, which must have annoyed Jia Yuan Yin.

But those things were not enough for Kawara Silver to punish herself, so she couldn't bear it all the time.

But today, since Kawara Yin asked Yin Bao'er to watch Tian Xiao's eye gouged and dismembered, he naturally wanted to give Yin Bao'er a warning so that she must not go against her wishes again.

Yin Bao'er knew the idea of ​​adding Yuan Yin, so even if she didn't want to look at it anymore, she still endured her inner discomfort and read the entire punishment.

After the punishment, Tian Xiao was immediately taken away, but Huawen stood in a daze, stunned.

Yin Bao'er walked by her, she seemed to have recovered, and she took Yin Bao'er's arm all of a sudden, and then raised her other hand, and slapped Yin Bao'er's cheek abruptly.

"It's all you, it's all you vixen. If you were not jealous and punished me and Feng Xiaoxiao to go to the Chain Bridge to accept punishment, Tian Xiao would not take the initiative to ask Ying to intercede with the Lord, and naturally it would not fall to this point. "Her slap with ten percent strength, because it was full of anger, hit Yin Bao'er's face, it would definitely make Yin Bao'er's face red and swollen.

Yin Bao'er was able to dodge, but she didn't do it. Instead, she looked straight at Huawen with a faint smile on her lips, as sweet as jasmine.

What Huawen hates most is Yin Baoer's smile. She is a member of the alliance who may be a traitor. Why does she have such a pure smile?

The more Huawen thought, the more angry she slapped towards Yin Bao'er, but Yin Bao'er didn't take any action, just stared at her lightly.

Seeing that her slap was about to burn five red marks on Yin Bao'er's face, Huawen's mouth was filled with a cheerful smile.

However, with a "pop", she received a palm first, and then, after she was stunned, a wind-like man took Yin Bao'er with his arms and kicked her again. Kick her to the ground.

"Why do you move her?!" Fang Zi shouted furiously.

If it weren't for his anxiety, breaking through the chains of the dungeon, and quickly escaping and following the crowd to come here, he still didn't know that his always poor sister had been bullied by others again here.

"Crazy?" Huawen climbed up from the ground and looked at Fang Zikuang in disbelief, "You escaped from prison? It's good, good!"

"Yes, it's great." Fang Zikuang ignored the joy that flashed through Huawen's eyes, and walked up to her very quickly, and in front of Yin Baoer, a big slap was slammed on her face. Up, almost throwing her out.

Huawen seemed to realize at this moment that the one who beat her just now and the one who beat her now is the same.

That person was a madman who made her turbulent but cared for Yin Baoer.

Isn't he a prisoner captured by her?

Why do you treat her like that?

"You are not allowed to move her in the future. If I find you hurt her hair again, I will definitely strip your clothes and put you to death." Fang Zi shouted madly and quickly walked to Yin Bao'er.

He looked like an old hen who loves little chickens. He looked at Yin Baoer's whole body and made sure that she was fine, so he bent over and wanted to pick her up.

But before he could move, a cold gun hit his temple.

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