At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 239 Actually, it's good to live like this

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!As soon as he entered the basement, Wu Qing immediately separated Wang Gui and Hua Wen, and then called Pei Yilin to inform him of everything.

Pei Yilin agreed with his decision, and after asking him to interrogate the two, he hung up the phone and walked into Song Qian's bedroom very quickly.

In the bedroom, Qian Mengmeng had already gone with Cheng Xian to do errands, only Song Qian was pacing worriedly, seemingly annoyed.

"Qian'er, what's wrong? Is something wrong?" Pei Yilin went straight to Song Qian, held her waist, and was about to take her to the bed to sit down.

"I'm not tired." Song Qian refused coldly, and paused for a while before saying, "Pei Yilin, Yuchi Haolan has something wrong. Ye Xin called me just now, and I want to see her."

"You can't go." Pei Yilin looked cold.

"Why?" Song Qian frowned, "I don't care how you think about it, but Yuchi Haolan is a good friend of mine once. If something happens to him, I must help him. Xiang Jia's family crest is now in yours. In your hand, if you want the Ye Family's family crest, you don't have to make Yuchi Haolan die."

Song Qian seemed to believe that it was Pei Yilin who deliberately put Yuchi Haolan in danger for the Ye Family's family crest.

"Qian'er, although I hate Yuchi Haolan very much, I never thought of letting him die." Pei Yilin frowned, and he was very upset that Song Qian could receive a call from Ye Xin.

Ye Xin, the only daughter of the Ye family, was able to independently manage a company when Yuchi Haolan was a child. How could her ability be weak?

Although he did use a little trick to create difficulties for Jiayuan Yin, Yu Chi Haolan was in a difficult position.

But Ye Xin wanted to save Yuchi Haolan, but it was not impossible.

Knowing that her son was in danger, Ye Xin didn't want to save it by herself. Instead, she called Song Qian. No one understood her better than Pei Yilin.

Ye Xin didn’t have a good impression on Song Qian, but now waiting for Yu Chi Haolan’s accident to call Song Qian, she didn’t want Song Qian to help, but wanted to hold Song Qian, and then threatened herself to hand over Xiang’s family crest and Pei's family crest.

Her intentions are really vicious.

"Really?" Song Qian raised her eyebrows as if she didn't believe Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin was angry. He wanted to run away, but seeing Song Qian's eyes as clear as spring water, he could only suppress his temper and continue to persuade her.

"Qian'er, you should know that Ye Xin is not as simple as you think. Moreover, even for our children and babies, you shouldn't have any actions at this time." Pei Yilin's face became cold, and she struggled with Song Qian. In his expression, he promised, "If you don't worry, I will send someone from the Dark Night Empire to rescue him, and I will shoot you a video of his safe salvation."

"You...whatever!" Song Qian knew that she was inconvenient. Even if she didn't want Yu Chi Haolan to be injured, she had no choice but to give in. At present, Pei Yilin's proposal was considered a more reasonable one.

"Okay. If it's okay, go and rest for a while." Pei Yilin helped Song Qian and walked to the bed. He tidied the bed carefully, then helped her sit down and squatted to take off her shoes. Up.

"Pei Yilin, don't need you--" Song Qian blushed badly, she said, trying to solve it by herself, but her too large abdomen made her unable to bend down, and her feet were so swollen that she wanted her own slippers. , But found it impossible.

"Qian'er, let me come." Ignoring Song Qian's refusal, Pei Yilin bent down and grabbed Song Qian's ankle with a big palm, gently, as if holding his most precious gift, only after he was restrained, he slowly He took back Song Qian's shoes and socks.

I don’t know if it’s due to nutritional deficiencies or what, Song Qian’s feet are very swollen, like a big steamed bun, which makes Pei Yilin feel distressed.

"Qian'er, thank you for your hard work." Pei Yilin's eyes were full of affection as she probed her hand, gently grasped her foot, and massaged her.

Song Qian had been walking for so long, and her feet were still a little uncomfortable. When Pei Yilin pressed it like this, she felt sore at first, but after the soreness, she felt a strong sense of comfort.

That kind of feeling made her very obsessed with her. She was originally rejected by her mouth, but finally she was reluctant to export it.

Pei Yilin first rubbed Song Qian's toes, then helped her massage the soles of her feet and shave the backs of her feet. He did every movement very carefully and carefully.

It took him half an hour to massage Song Qian.

At this time, Song Qian was already lying on the bed, breathing evenly, and seemed to be asleep.

"Qian'er, you've worked hard." Pei Yilin put Song Qian away, covered her with a quilt, and then turned and left.

"Pei Yilin, you--" Just as Pei Yilin turned around, Song Qian opened her eyes, her bright eyes stared at the back of Pei Yilin's departure, and she sighed quietly.

Why are you so good to me?

If Pei Yilin turned back immediately, he would definitely be able to see the gleam of light in Song Qian's eyes, and he was pleasantly surprised.

In fact, he didn't have time to see it, because at this moment he was instructing Dr. Hao to prepare a medicinal bath suitable for pregnant women to soak their feet to relieve swelling of their feet.

Although Dr. Hao told him many times that this is something that many pregnant women will experience and that it will be relieved after the child is born, Pei Yilin still takes this matter very seriously, and even finally gave a death order. If Dr. Hao does not take it within three days Find or develop a safe medicated bath for treating edema, and immediately let him go home and eat himself.

"Okay." Doctor Hao was helpless.

This President Pei, how does he know how to pet his wife?

It seemed that after he developed the medicine, he had to use it for his wife.

After all, the wife has been with him for so many years, no credit or hard work, right?

When Pei Yilin got Doctor Hao's side, his phone was called. It was the Pei family bodyguard who called him and told him that Samuel was crazy in the dungeon and asked Pei Yilin how to deal with him.

Pei Yilin frowned upon hearing this, and immediately came to the dungeon. Seeing Samuel in the dungeon holding a railing and kissing fieryly, he frowned.

The bodyguard next to him immediately came up to explain: "Mr. Pei, since he was detained, he has been depressed, chanting Miss Qin Xirong’s name. And this morning, he rushed to the railing and kept kissing the railing. Say sorry while kissing himself. Up to the present position, he has already said 52,100 sorry."

"Are you bored?" Pei Yilin glared at the bodyguard. The bodyguard got a hold of expression and continued, "We once asked a few psychologists to give him an appraisal, and I was pretty sure he was overwhelmed by the pressure. His madness is now completely abolished."

"Yeah." Pei Yilin nodded, and the person immediately put the appraisal report into Pei Yilin's hands.

Pei Yilin looked carefully and confirmed that the results were correct, and then contacted Dimon to ask him to pick up his crazy brother.

"Pei Yilin, do you miss me? I will fight with you now." Dimon was excited when he received the call.

Hearing this, Pei Yilin frowned, and said coldly: "Samuel is crazy, do you decide to pick him up or let him die here?"

Dimon thought for a moment, and finally decided to take Samuel away.

Soon, Dimon brought people to the Pei’s villa. He first ordered two of his subordinates to clean up Samuel, tied him with a bracelet and anklet, and then came to Pei Yilin’s side and handed something to Pei Yilin. .

"What is this?" Pei Yilin frowned.

"The family crest of the Ye family." Di Meng said lightly, "The people who added the original silver besieged Yuchi Haolan that day. After Yuchi Haolan miscalculated, I took it into my hand. I think this thing is only for you three. It works, but I don’t like it myself, so I’ll give it to you."

"Do you want it or not? No, and you can't escape the fate of a fight with me." After Dimon finished explaining, he spoke in disgust.

Pei Yilin frowned slightly when he heard the words, and looked at the jade pendant quietly for a long time, and then he took the jade pendant in his hand.

"Okay, I will send my crazy brother back first, and then explain it to my old father. When I am free, I will come back when Song Meiren leaves you a baby boy." Dai Meng breathed a sigh of relief, slapped Pei Yilin on the shoulder, but he easily avoided it.

It seems that his strength is still a bit weak.

Dimon tried several more times, but they all ended in failure.

Knowing that he couldn't take advantage of Pei Yilin today, Di Meng smiled scornfully, gave a few orders, then turned and left.

But before leaving, he still didn't forget to molest Pei Yilin: "I heard someone say that you have been good at cooking recently. When I come to drink your son's full moon wine, you have to cook and show me your hand."

"Vision." Pei Yilin snorted lightly, and there was only one person who asked him to wash his hands and make soup, and that person was Song Qian.

Except Song Qian, Pei Yilin will not cook for anyone, even if that person is his mother, daughter or son.

"Um...Would you like to be so shameless? I'm also going to give your son a Shoppingmall in New York as a full moon gift!" Dimon shouted.

Tsk tsk, this Pei Yilin is really obsessed with the color, if it weren't for someone to say, it tastes good, he wouldn't ask him!

"No one invites you to eat and drink soup." Seems to hear Dimon's bellyache, Pei Yilin, who had turned and left, stopped suddenly and said flatly, "However, I will accept the gift of full moon wine for my son first. . Coupled with a small casino in Las Vegas as a gift for my daughter, your trip will be a complete success."

"Huh? We only have one casino in Las Vegas..." Dimon was embarrassed.

That gambling casino is getting money every day. It covers an area of ​​35,000 square meters, which can be regarded as a small resort. Why is Pei Yilin embarrassed to say it is small?

"Then, you can't bear it?" Pei Yilin's tone was high, and before he could say anything, Dimon immediately spoke readily, "Is there anything I can't bear to bear outside of my body. Moreover, it is an engagement gift for my future wife, this, little CASE!"

After the words, Dimon quickly took Samuel to leave, only Pei Yilin turned around and looked at the back of him leaving, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"What? That family crest is in Pei Yilin's hands?" Pei Yilin received the family crest on his front foot, and received the message from the back foot plus the original silver.

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